You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 258:

      It doesn't mean he really forgot about it.

      one night.


    He saw one or seven in his dream.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the one-seven on the comics, at this time, the one-seven looked inexplicably young, obviously the monsters were all the same, but the current one-seven looks like very young.

    She pondered how this happened, and later found out that it was the hairstyle...


    Yuan above the picture is sitting on a chair, with dense words written on the pages in front of him, Yuan Yuanyuan glanced at it casually and found that the content on it was not important. That is, the paragraph above the most frequently used trick textbooks. Yuan Yuanyuan had seen it in Tang poetry books before, so she could recognize it.

    Ordinary human readers may not recognize it, but it doesn't matter, this comic has already given a voiceover prompt.

    Yiqi sat in front of the desk and carefully checked whether there were any mistakes in what he had written, and then made the final revision. After the revision, he turned to the last page and wrote on it several Arabic numerals.

    【1890.9.  17】

    Is this the earliest written on 17? Yuan Yuanyuan looked at this date and thought, it turns out that in the 19th century, 17 had already started to write books on witchcraft... Now it seems that it is like reading some famous story.

    For Yuan Yuanyuan, of course, it was known a long time ago. Maybe for some little monsters, this is the first time. Yuan Yuanyuan does not know if it has refreshed their three views a feeling of.

    The fat cat had been watching the cartoon beside him, and suddenly he said, "I've been to this place before."

    "Huh? Have you been there? When did you go?" Yuan Yuanyuan was surprised.

    "When I came back, I told you that it was definitely not easy." Fat Cat said, "There are actually a lot of things in this comic that are not drawn... There are still many things on the walls of this place. There are quite a few paintings, and there is an old Taoist priest on the painting very similar to Faning."

    Yuan Yuanyuan vaguely remembered that she had indeed heard the fat cat say such a thing, but it was too early, it happened two months ago Now, the fat cat escaped to her because of this.

    She wanted to ask the fat cat what was going on here. The strange thing was that the fat cat, who used to always ask questions, kept his mouth tightly closed this time, and he didn't care about the original round When in doubt, he only said, "It's hard to say." Apart from this, he didn't dare to utter a single word, Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't ask anything even if he wanted to ask.

    This is the situation on the fat cat’s side Going down, Faning was awakened by his sudden dream, because he suddenly remembered one thing. There was also an Arabic numeral "17" behind the Taoist trick he had learned.

    At this time, he also remembered a series of things, such as saying that he had heard of the relationship between Yuan and Ranniang before...

    Fanning wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally deduced all the relationships between the characters in this dream.

    So... 17=Ran Niang=Yuan?

    Thinking about it again, the Taoist formula I learned was written by a monster... I really heard that Yuan came to the Taoist priest to be a spy before, and after this calculation, everything after All went smoothly.

    But even though he told Fanning intellectually that this should be the truth, Fanning couldn't accept it psychologically. It was really difficult for him to accept that the Taoist formula he was learning now was actually written by Yuan... Then this Man, is he equivalent to his teacher in disguise?

    From another point of view, he began to be shocked by why Yuan wrote such a Taoist formula. This Taoist formula is very bizarre, and it can be called half angel and half devil. If this Taoist formula goes out, Faning doesn't know what kind of situation the Taoist priest will become.

    In this tangled and uncomfortable mood, Fanin has been suffering, lying in bed in the middle of the night and tossing and turning.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this kind of thing... In fact, there is no need to be so entangled. The purpose of writing this book in 17 was not simple in her opinion. It is impossible for a monster to write tricks for the benefit of mankind.


    Self-mutilation can make Yuan Yuanyuan think a lot, one of which is blood... It is no exaggeration to say that there was a time when Yuan Yuanyuan even thought that this tactic was written by Yiqi specially The person who created the reserve grain, then I thought about the power of this tactic is too powerful. If it is to create the reserve grain, then this place is a bit unreasonable. The reserve grain should be as weak as possible, so I temporarily gave up on myself. this idea.

    Now the truth is revealed to the world, everyone knows that this is 17, which is written by Yuan, I wonder if everyone will work together to reveal the purpose of 17... Yuan Yuanyuan Thinking like this, I forgot one thing—

    In the eyes of ordinary people, it is really a trivial matter who wrote Fanin's Taoist formula... At least in comparison with the current trick textbooks commonly used by monsters... Really... Even if it's a sesame-sized thing...

    The monsters who have learned tricks outside are half crazy...

    The level of madness can't be described by the crowd of demons. At least everyone would scold "this traitor" when they talked about Yuan, but now some people have changed their words to "Lord Yuan".

    "Ah, ah, I don't believe it!" Qiu Ling heard the voice of Tang Shi's voice, "How is it possible! I don't believe it! The trick that has tortured Lao Tzu for so many years... is actually Yuan Written! Ah, ah, I said, why do I look so disgusting! This man is a traitor! He is a big traitor! The monster's enemy!"

    Qiu Ling translated the words of Tang poems, probably because she suddenly realized that from elementary school to high school, all mathematics textbooks were written by one person...even the workbooks...

    Then this person is indeed worth pulling for a meal... No no no, we should not say that, we are good children, mathematics is a great ladder for human progress.

    Qiu Ling asked herself to correct her attitude a little, but she really felt that the monster, Yuan, was very powerful. At least in her opinion, all the textbooks of a subject were written by the same person. It is simply incredible, but monsters are like this, and this textbook has been used for a hundred years.

    "There is no description in the comics that the trick textbooks we use now are all compiled by Yuan..." Tang Shi said, "I think Jiqiu is too unfriendly to human beings, and he is actually in the comics. I didn't mention it! It makes me think that Yuan's strength has been cut in half, you know?"

    "I understand, I understand..." Qiu Ling said, "Do you think Jiqiu has weakened Yuan's strength in the comics, but in fact he is still so good, so this makes the comics Humans seem to be weak, right? It's rare that you care so much for human beings, but I don't think...that's not necessarily true, how much you howl, maybe the next issue of your textbooks is written by Yuan. It's a crazy thing..."

    "...You are so cruel." Tang Shi was silent for a while, and then she said: "You are not a monster, of course you don't understand the impact this incident has on us, really, it's terrible , as soon as the comic came out yesterday, half of my classmates' group of 53 monsters specializing in trickery went crazy, and two seniors simply said in the group that they were going to join the mask organization, and they couldn't stop them."

    "Wait." Qiu Ling suddenly grasped the point, "You mean...someone actually thinks of joining the Mask Organization? Just because Yuan is a textbook writer, it was revealed?"

    "Yes." Tang Shi said.

    Qiu Ling suddenly felt confused at this time.

    Sitting alone on the bed, she suddenly felt goose bumps all over her body.

    It’s not like she’s never seen a monster’s surrender to a powerful person before. It can be said that it’s very morbid. The big monster protects the little monster, and the little monster is responsible for paying tribute and so on... Qiu Ling also complained about it before. Yes, but because of Tang Shi's face, I didn't dare to say too much.

    In her opinion, this is also a kind of thing engraved in the bones of monsters. It has been like this since ancient times. Maybe it is like breathing and eating, it has become their instinct.

    However, until today, Qiu Lingcai suddenly realized how terrible this instinct is...

    According to the comics and Tang poems, Yuan is already equivalent to the ancestor of the trick monster. For those monsters who learn trickery, how attractive is Yuan?

    Qiu Ling couldn't say why, but Yuan Yuanyuan could still say it. The next time she went to the mask organization, she was suddenly frightened.

    The gongs and drums are loud, firecrackers are dancing, the red flag is fluttering, and the crowd is full of people.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned all the way back to her house. She looked at the sudden increase in the number of people behind her, and she didn't understand what was going on.

    Damn, did we suddenly expand the organization? Why I don't know, my boss is too transparent, right?

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan is full of grooves, she is not really the boss after all, so she didn't say much, and was about to turn around and enter the room, just as she pushed the door open, suddenly behind her There was a burst of cheers.

    It was too loud... Yuan Yuanyuan was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground.

    She turned her head to see what was going on, but the moment she turned her head, suddenly there was silence in the field.

    Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head again, and there was a sound like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis behind her. In a series of whistling noises, she pushed the door into the room, and closed the door again.

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