You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 259:

    Yuan Yuanyuan recalled the South Park she had seen before, there was a little boy named Little Butter.

    In one episode, Little Butter became the spiritual leader of the Mexicans, so his every move would cause the Mexicans to exclaim.

    Later Butter had a super power, when he raised an arm, Mexicans all over the world would make an "oh-" sound, no matter when and where.

    But there is a string in Little Butter's head, this kid is a bit silly.

    Yuan Yuanyuan sat on the chair and felt that she had become a little butter... It wasn't her blowing, she felt that now she raised an arm, and there would be cheers from below, no matter when where.

    This made Yuan Yuanyuan feel a little surprised.

    She sat on the top, looked at the monsters below, and listened to the monster next to her talking to her for a long time, she suddenly realized that the monsters in front of her should all be watching the new one It came after the publication of Yaoji.

    Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized the same problem as Qiu Ling at this time, she was also shocked for a while, and she said in her heart, she actually did not want the mask organization to grow like this, grow It doesn't do her any good to get up, and after all, she still has an identity as the boss of an anti-war organization.

    But now on other people's territory, Yuan Yuanyuan can't say this. Looking at the monsters in front of her, she felt that this world was really mysterious.

    It was obvious that she was still calling her a traitor before, but a new issue was published, and a group of people came to join her as a traitor...Are all the monsters like this?

    Yuan Yuanyuan was sitting there, looking at the people below, she vaguely felt that something was wrong, when she turned her head, she found a few people who belonged to the real boss, they looked at Yuan Yuanyuan , The eyes are a little weird, and there seems to be some strange emotion in it.

    In fact, they don't need to say, Yuan Yuanyuan also feels a little strange, after all, she is the boss in name, and suddenly there will be monsters calling her name in the camp... whatever you think Kind of weird, right?

    Yuan Yuanyuan lowered her head and thought for a long time, then suddenly she shrugged, **** it, what does it have to do with her.

    She stood up, walked into her room with her head held high, closed the door again, and blocked all sounds from outside.

    That night Yuan Yuanyuan went to the tavern in Yuan's vest and told the proprietress what happened during the day.

    "A lot of people came today." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "They all came after reading the last comic?"

    "After so many years, you are still so good." The proprietress looked at Yuan Yuanyuan on her stomach and said, "No wonder they crossed out all of your names back then, it was indeed the right thing to do. ."

    Yuan Yuanyuan silently stayed away from the proprietress, let's talk about it, don't spread a strange atmosphere.

    She thought for a moment, then added, "I actually don't think it's a good many monsters have gone to the mask organization, or for me, it sounds a little weird, my And it's not about getting them to join the mask organization."

    "Then what are you going to do?" asked the lady boss.

    "I think..." Yuan Yuanyuan turned to look at the proprietress, the words "exposing identity" were in her mouth, but she didn't say it.

    But the proprietress has already guessed it, she thought about it, and finally said to Yuan Yuanyuan, "I know what you are thinking, but I don't recommend you do it now."

    "Why?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "It's not time yet." The lady boss said.

    Yuan Yuanyuan also relaxes, when will it be time... There is no order in Jiqiu over there, so she does not dare to act rashly, for fear that something big will happen accidentally.

    "The days are really like before." The proprietress said suddenly, "Don't you think so?"

    "Ah? Like before?" Yuan Yuanyuan was taken aback, "When?"

    "At that time you were still in front of your lieutenant general." The proprietress said in a nostalgic tone, "But then you became more and more famous in the army, and you had to show it off every time. It was because of this incident that the King of Hundred Demons was staring at him."

    "...Not this time." Yuan Yuanyuan was silent for a long time before answering this sentence.

    It was only at this time that she suddenly realized... It turns out that her current situation is the same as that of 17.

    It was also at this time that she suddenly realized why the group of people looked at her with those strange eyes... Because in their eyes, Yuan's posture was to go the old way .

      The event happened...

    Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to work hard in this direction for a moment, but after thinking about it, she died before she was successful in the first seven years, so she was a little cowardly. Yuan still doesn't know what's going on inside. If she knows, she will understand that the death of Yiqi that year was actually more related to his unpreparedness.

    Afterwards, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't ask any more questions, she still went to the mask organization on time, but this time, she clearly showed her mind to give in and didn't make herself too outstanding.

    She doesn't know how the real boss thinks of her, anyway, she thinks that she is very hateful, and the comics have been adding fuel to the fire.

    As Qiu Ling said, Tang Shihao was particularly broken, and the next issue will broadcast the reactions of the monsters in full...

    And now, even humans already know that all the trick books used by monsters so far were written by Yuan.

    For humans, this concept is still hazy, but in the next series of reactions of the monsters in Yaoji, they finally realized - this is probably equivalent to the one among the monsters founder of a discipline.

    It is equivalent to shouting "Newton's coffin board can't hold it!" when a human is playing memes, and monsters can shout "Yuan's coffin board can't hold it!" Same thing.

    In a short period of time, the Internet is surging, and there are all kinds of things.

    [Such a character design...why not just die! If he is dead, he will become an absolute white moonlight. What are you pulling him out for? 】


    【I quite like this look, but I want to ask... How did you come up with the character of Yuan? How did you come up with the idea of ​​drawing such a person? 】


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't pay much attention to the comments on the Internet. She has recently gradually learned what "not in time" means. There are various reasons to explain this.

    One of the points is the disposal of the monsters in the mask organization. The proprietress discussed with Yuan Yuanyuan later. If Yuan Yuanyuan's identity is suddenly exposed at this time, then these have already defected to the mask organization. What about the monsters? Even if Yuan Yuanyuan said it was nothing, there would definitely be chaos for a while, because the number is too large, it is better to hide it at this time, wait until the final outcome is determined, and then suddenly burst out.

    Besides...the lady boss revealed another thought of hers - now that real boss has begun to guard against Yuan Yuanyuan, if Yuan Yuanyuan can, it is better to kill this real boss directly, to At that time, she can directly control the whole situation.

    After Yuan Yuanyuan heard it, she suddenly felt that the second possibility was very tempting. This one would hardly cost a single soldier, and there would be no large-scale war.

    She doesn't like war at all, but in this case, it seems that war is inevitable. If there is any possibility of not fighting, Yuan Yuanyuan has to work hard.

    Recently, the anti-war organization on the human side began to come and have a second contact with the monster side. They sent a bunch of materials, which are very useful for the monster side.

    The human side is really rich, Yuan Yuanyuan feels that there may even be government support behind this, and it is definitely not something that simple human beings can achieve.

    Standing in front of the pile of things, Yuan Yuanyuan hugged her shoulders, and suddenly felt smug...

    A person suddenly came out behind her and said to her, "Excuse me, are you satisfied with this?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan nodded, and the man behind him continued, "I heard that the recent situation is really bad... Yuan's reputation has grown again, and more monsters will go Joined the mask group."

    He looked at Yuan Yuanyuan and didn't answer, and continued, "This monster Yuan... once organized a spy battalion back then, and now it looks like a war is really going to start. After the war, if Humanity loses, so what will happen?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it, first of all, it may be that the bloodline theory will suddenly rise... It is estimated that it will be difficult for a little monster like her to rent a house, not to mention that she has the identity of a half-demon .

    After that, it is the human side. If the human loses, the previous agreements will not count. The monsters can break into the human home at will like in ancient times. Her former classmates, friends, Teachers, colleagues, etc. may suffer...

    "Actually, we have always had a guess." The humane said, "Yuan is the commander of the Blood Jade Demon Army, and he will definitely fight the Blood Jade Demon Army. We are afraid that he wants to revive the Blood Jade Demon Army again... If the Blood Jade Demon Jue is popularized, then...human beings may suffer."

    He looked at the red-clothed Yuan in front of him and kept looking at the front quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

    After a while, she suddenly said, "Don't worry, no, I won't let that happen."

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