You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 261:


    She is wearing a vest, the air conditioner is on, and there is a chilled watermelon in front of her. She has just taken a shower, and there is no discomfort on her body.

    What kind of feeling is this... Gao Ling thought about it again, no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't understand it, this was the first time she had such a feeling, it was very dangling, like an inspiration .

    Even if she had a premonition that something bad might happen, Gao Ling didn't know what was going on. She thought it might be better not to go out recently and stay at home.

    On the screen in front of him was a fan of Yibenyuan, who painted those things of Ranniang. Gao Ling felt that this "Ranniang" was painted like a woman in red, and I don't know why Now everyone doesn't think that way.

    But then again, apart from the official madness, who would have thought it would really be painted like this?

    Gao Ling complained for a while, looking at the various colleagues below, a gust of wind gradually began to rise outside.

    After a while, the dark clouds gathered, and there was a faint beginning of lightning flashing in the clouds.

    Yuan Yuanyuan stood at the tuyere and looked into the distance, she thought it was time to come... The news that she received clearly came now? Why hasn't anyone arrived yet?

    According to some information provided by Yuan Yuanyuan, those people finally roughly judged where the weapon **** was this time, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she was also very tired.

    She can't say it too clearly, because it's too clear, people will doubt how she knows these things, and at the same time, she has to rack her brains to figure out how to face the coming at any time. Anti-war organizations.

    Must be handsome and dashing, and show her true position secretly... Yuan Yuanyuan thought that she was revisiting Hokage and Harry Potter these days, and she saw In one scene, after Professor Snape became the acting headmaster, McGonagall came to provoke him, and he took his wand to fight with others. Disciple... This detail in the movie is quite cute, and it can quite highlight Professor Snape's sullen heart.

    Yuan Yuanyuan is not so sullen in her heart, but she can take this opportunity to backhand the monster of the mask organization, she is still a little ready to move.

    Why? Because the past with her this time is not a small role, in fact, it is quite powerful.

    Because Yuan Yuanyuan was in a daze for a long time, a monster with a fox mask on her face who followed her came over, "What's wrong?"

    "...It's nothing." Yuan Yuanyuan shook her head, "It's just a little uncomfortable all of a sudden."

    The monster in the fox mask didn't say much, nodded, and then left, in his opinion, basically nothing will happen this time, the function of Yuan being called is actually auspicious Things, the atmosphere in the organization is very confusing now, and the real leader is not willing to teach such an important matter to Yuan, but this time most of the trick monsters came, so he had to call Yuan together.

      Her fame was ruined in this lifetime.


    "What?" The fox face next to him suddenly raised his head and said alertly.

    "I'll take a look over there." Yuan Yuanyuan suppressed the excitement in her heart.


    "Then be careful." The fox face behind him said, he was not too worried about Yuan Yuanyuan, because in his opinion, no matter who the other party is, it is estimated that he will not be more than "Yuan" sharp.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked past the grass and gently squeezed a magic trick. In an instant, the grass was blown down by the wind, and the grass was empty.

    As if there was no one here.

    Yuan Yuanyuan took out her dagger, fiddled with it in her hand, and then threw it into the grass, only to hear a "呲" sound, the dagger seemed to be pierced into something.

    "Aren't you coming out yet?" Yuan Yuanyuan said to herself, she thought for a while, then took out another dagger of her own, and the demon power on her body suddenly became extraordinarily powerful. Strong up.

    The grass on the opposite side moved slightly, and after a while, suddenly a person came out in embarrassment.

    The smile at the corners of the original round mouth suddenly grew wider, she blew a long whistle, sending a signal of "enemy attack" to the mask organization in the distance.

    In an instant, the whole scene became tense.

    Yuan Yuanyuan also thought about whether to really kill a few killers to make the play more real, but later found that it was too frustrating, so don't make a fool of yourself, So I stole the spy's list and came here. This time, many of the monsters were sent here.

    If they were all spies of the mask organization, it would be more difficult to do, and it would be easy to reveal their secrets, but what makes people want to cry is that these spies come from all over the world... When Yuan Yuanyuan got the list, I want to cry a little bit, it's not easy.

    A few spies here are from this organization, and a few spies over there are from that organization... Everyone doesn't know each other, and they think they are loyal ministers when they meet each other.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought you were too tender, and she actually put her idea on the descendant of the spy chief... Who gave you the courage?

      To clear the spies within the organization, there has been no chance before.

      Faithful, in order not to expose the large army, he can only come out, and now he is directly targeted by Yuan.

    He looked at Yuan Yuanyuan, thinking that he could come to communicate with Yuan secretly for a while... This guy, Yuan, he must not be able to beat him, he might as well reveal his identity as soon as possible.

    The people behind them all crossed the Yuan and ran to the back secretly. He seized the opportunity and was about to whisper a few words to Yuan, but the Yuan in front of him suddenly flashed and rushed. When he got up, he felt a sudden tightness in his chest.

    "Oh, human." He heard the person on the opposite side say with great interest.

    In the last second of the darkening in front of his eyes, he saw Yuan lean down and suddenly licked on his bleeding wound.


    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the person in front of her who had completely fainted, and smacking her lips... Speaking of conscience, the taste is not bad.

    She was actually a little worried that if she wasn't a half-demon, what kind of ghost she would turn into, it is estimated that when she first started cultivating, she arrested someone on the street and was beaten to death, and then gameover.

    Since you’re here to be a villain… just yell a few words, and then say something that idiot villains often say, and then just fall down, it’s a bit too confusing for readers, and it can’t fool others—after all Yiqi is a well-known smart man.

    Yuan Yuanyuan is naturally not a murderous person. According to the general plot, she should start killing now. Back then, itachi deceived her trust and destroyed her entire clan, but Yuan Yuanyuan went down She didn't give up, so she pondered for three days and found that since we can't deter people with bloodthirsty, let's deter people with ... curiosity.

    What could be more curious than drinking human blood?

    There was still some blood on her mouth, she reached out and wiped the blood off, then turned her head to look behind her.

    There is a dense army behind, rushing towards the weapon.

    The two sides soon became entangled, Yuan Yuanyuan walked over without hesitation, and acted like a big boss.

    The original circle knew that there would be casualties this time, so it did not stop what happened behind her. She looked at the dark human beings and found Fanin's figure inside.

    He also came this time...Where is he now? She was defeated by Fanin.

    Countless monsters and humans were fighting in the sky, Yuanyuan round eyes kept searching in the sky, and finally found it.


    The front is a meat grinder, Yuan Yuanyuan also rushed over, looking at a familiar person on the spy list and killing one, and went out on a **** road all the way, looking very handsome.

    Whether it was a human being or a monster next to him, when they saw Yuan Yuanyuan, they were all full of energy. Everyone was afraid that Yuan would rush over. Yuan killed people very fast, almost every time No one who is targeted by him will run away.

    Yuan Yuanyuan finally came to the place where the weapons were stacked, where an illusion was used as a blinding method, and now the illusion was broken, everyone saw the full weapons and took a breath. cool air.

      Although Yuan Yuanyuan was a layman, she pretended to understand.

    She came to Faning. At this time, Faning was covered in blood, and the monsters that followed Yuan Yuanyuan had basically been destroyed. Just a round one.

    Fanning's expression was very cold, he looked at Yuan, and he knew that the monster in front of him might be more difficult to deal with than all the monsters in front of him.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was looking at the blood on Faning's body, thinking that this kid is much better than the last time... Is Yiqi's Taoist art so powerful?

    Hey, by the way, speaking of this tactic... Yuan Yuanyuan instantly played with her upper body, looked at Faning and said, "You... This tactic of cultivation seems very interesting."

    Fining looked at Yuan Yuanyuan and said, "Senior, have you forgotten? This is a Taoist formula you wrote before."

    "The Taoist formula I wrote before? Let me think about it..." Yuan Yuanyuan took out the dagger and played for a while, "I'm sorry, I wrote too many things, I forgot a little."


    Gao Ling had nothing to do, and wanted to open the window to get some air. The rain had just stopped, and in the dark clouds outside, there was a faint sun shining through.

    She walked to the window, just about to open the window, when suddenly, a small thing fell from the air like a fallen leaf.

    Huh? what is that? Gao Ling was stunned for a while.

    The fiery clouds on the horizon spread up, like maple leaves in autumn, covering the sky.

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