You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 262:

    A big event happened in the monster world recently, which shocked all the monsters who heard it.

    —Yuan actually disappeared in a battle, completely missing his whereabouts.

      The impact of this is huge.


    According to people, the situation at the time was that Yuan was confronting others. When the two were facing each other, Yuan suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell below;

    Some people said that Shiyuan had been confronting that person for a long time, and then he was suddenly hit and fell down;


    After all, the people present at the time were basically silent, only the monsters and Taoists who heard the voice and saw the news spread the news. They were far away, so what they saw Things are not too clear.

      Anxious, Yuan fell into the river, and then disappeared.

    In the past few days, some river demons and fish demons have been salvaged in that river, and no one dared to disturb too many people, but there has been no news for several days, let alone The monster found the trace of Yuan, and Yuan seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and suddenly disappeared.

      Although the river was very fast, it was nothing to Yuan, but he didn't see him come up again after he went down. According to the situation of Yuan at that time, it was very likely that the situation was worse.

    In fact, the people present at the time didn't necessarily know what happened to Yuan, and everyone saw that Yuan suddenly fell like a kite with a broken string, and then no trace was found.

    Then the anti-war group rushed forward like crazy. Obviously, Yuan's sudden fall brought them great morale.

    Everything is a fog, everyone is noisy, and there is no conclusion yet.

    In the chaos, Yuan Yuanyuan hid in her house, holding a cup of milk tea, watching TV comfortably, her whole body exuding a feeling of happiness.

    "Don't go." She dragged the fat cat back, "It's no use going."

    "Ah! I don't believe it!" The fat cat went crazy, "I don't believe it! How could something happen to Yuan?"

    "I don't believe it either." Yuan Yuanyuan said, "So look at how calm I am..."

    She has been eating and drinking every day recently, and she has nothing to worry about. She has gained ten pounds.

    "No, I still have to watch it." The fat cat didn't persuade him to stop, Yuan Yuanyuan sighed, it was quite comfortable to hold the cat and watch TV, but now the fat cat is actually She couldn't persuade her to leave, after all, there was no way to tell him these things.

    The one who has gone crazy recently is Gao Ling. She heard about it from Tang Shi. She remembered the uneasy things she had a few days ago, and her whole body felt uncomfortable. , anxiously waiting for the appearance of the next comic.

    Wait until this Sunday, she sat on the bed in a daze until twelve o'clock, and clicked it immediately after the comic came out, watching the plot in the comic.

    In the comics issue, it really drew the recent uproar. It was the first time that Gao Ling learned about the background in the comics. It turned out that Yuan was wearing a mask to organize The person came to **** the weapon, but the other party came to stop it.

    This plot reminded Gao Ling of the previous plot, the monsters and the anti-war organizations on the human side gathered together to discuss how to destroy the mask organization. Those words at that time It was cut off halfway through, and the readers didn't quite know what they were talking about. It seems that this should be the case now.

    This made Gao Ling feel a little relieved, because she remembered that in the last discussion, Yuan was there, sitting behind the curtain, he knew about it from beginning to end Yes, does this mean that nothing happened to Yuan? Is something going wrong out there?

    With such an uneasy mood, Gao Ling continued to read.

    On the cartoon, I saw Yuan holding a dagger in his hand, looking at the people in the grass. This perspective is from a human point of view. He looked at Yuan who was looking at him. I couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

    ["Hello." A person next to him pushed him, "Could it be that Yuan really found you?"]

    ["Probably... not." The man muttered, and several people next to him told him not to speak, and Yuan was already walking towards him. 】

      Everyone who saw it shuddered. 】



    There are large groups behind him. If he makes a sound at this time, it is very likely that the large group behind him will be exposed.

    Gao Ling thought no way... Yuan probably wouldn't kill her subordinates... But before she finished thinking about it, she saw the next page.

    The Yuan suddenly appeared next to the human, left a long wound on the other's body with his dagger, and then licked the blood. And a poignant beauty. Gao Ling only felt shocked when he saw it.

    No! Why would Yuan do such a thing?

    Although Gao Ling knew that Yuan was practicing a very strange sorcery that required human blood, he had never exposed it in front of others. This was the first time, a complete , to show the blood-sucking picture.


      The perception of him over there is very bad. When this issue is released, his reputation will definitely decline again.

    Compared with the three-dimensional, the two-dimensional is of course nothing.

    Although Gao Ling saw this unpleasant scene, she was not too worried about Yuan at this time, because at this time she still believed that as long as Yuan did not want to, then no one would kill him , but after seeing the back, she finally understood what the rumors outside were all about.


    Yuan in the comics doesn't seem to be any different, but Gao Ling suddenly remembered that at the beginning of the comics, Yuan said to a man wearing a fox face mask, "I'm a little uncomfortable. "

    At this time, Gao Ling had a faint hunch in her heart. After all, Gao Ling, who is also a cartoonist, also drew original drawings, and once drew similar things, but she still thought about waiting Really seal it. Sure enough, the further back, everything seemed to be pushing towards that ending. Countless people watched Yuan kill all the way to the very center. In the center was the team led by Faning. Looking at the pile of weapons, everyone There was a faint excitement in his eyes.

    It was not until Yuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone that the excitement in everyone's eyes subsided. People looked at the man in front of them and knew that he was not easy to mess with, and it was difficult to take advantage of him .

    Fanning's heart also sank, he said to the humane next to him, ["If the situation goes wrong for a while, destroy the weapon first and leave me alone."]

    [He is currently the leader of these people. In order to delay the time, he chatted with Yuan for a few days. Fanning actually wanted to test the purpose of Yuan’s writing of this Taoist formula. What, I just took this opportunity to ask, by the way, to test Yuan's attitude. 】

    【The abyss in front of him appeared to be watertight. 】

    ["I've written too much before, I kind of forgot." He replied. 】


    [What's wrong? What is this man hiding? Faning happened to turn sideways to look at Yuan, but suddenly saw that Yuan's brows were slightly wrinkled. 】

    [Has he noticed anything bad? Fanning thought, he always felt that Yuan looked a little strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange. 】


    [This makes him even more strange. 】

    [Fanning hasn't figured out why Yuan's strength is so different from his impression, but he has fought against Yuan a few times in the past, and Yuan was forced to retreat by him. It was the first time for Faning When facing Yuan, he had the upper hand, and when the fight was getting better and better, the Yuan opposite him suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, which stained his clothes, but frightened Faning. 】

    【What, what happened? Is this what he did? Fanning couldn't help but be startled, but intuitively, he didn't think it was his fight, there was a very subtle sense of disobedience. 】


    [The people around and the monsters are dumbfounded. Looking at the scene in front of them, they can't react. The most dumbfounded is Faning. What to do. 】

    Gao Ling closed the book with an unprecedented dignified expression.

    This is...During the fight, did you have an emergency?

    She finally understood why Yuan suddenly fell into the river... Now it seems that there is only one way - to see if the woman in red will appear in the next issue.

    The comments of this journal were discussed below.

    Everyone is wondering why Yuan suddenly loses so much strength, and they are all speculating about Yuan's current whereabouts.

    Yuan...Is he really dead?

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