You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 264:

    Tang Shi had a very strange feeling in her heart. The readers in front of the comics were actually like her. The direction of the painter in the comics was actually very obvious. Everything can be seen from the plot.

    The subtle change in attitude towards Yuan has already made many readers aware of it, and they were a little unable to adapt for a while, but the sixth sense has vaguely sensed that something big might be going on It's just that the concept has not changed for a while, and I can't think of what this major event is going to happen.

    Simply this issue does not end here, there are still many plots for readers to explore.

      Kind of black and white.

    What does Yuan mean? Has he been mentally prepared for his physical condition?

    This is what makes people feel subtle. Since Yuan knows that something has happened to his body, why hasn't he mentioned it before? And looking at his appearance, all day long, there is no such tendency at all.

    And when I said this, the Yuan didn't look like the usual Yuan, but like a different person. This kind of change made people a little flustered for no reason.

    The first episode was actually just a short segment, and then suddenly the picture jumped from that dark place to the daytime.

    Although the sudden jumping picture is a bit confusing, the bright colors will still make people feel a lot more comfortable, which slightly dilutes the weird feeling just now.

    It all seemed like an episode just now, and the plot soon returned to Faning's side. It was fried, so their pressure was a lot less all of a sudden.


      A strange shadow appeared.

    Fanning felt very strange, he walked over, but the shadow suddenly disappeared, like an illusion.

    Fanning has been restless since he went back. For a Taoist priest, this feeling sometimes symbolizes that something may happen. Faning's hunch is sometimes very good. Yes, it happened several times after that.

    It seems that I was suddenly awakened when I fell asleep, and I felt as if I had dreamed a lot of bad things, but I can't remember such a thing when I think about it carefully. Been through several times.

    Fanning didn't know exactly what was going on, but his intuition might be that something bad was going to happen.

    After Yuan disappeared some time ago, everyone thought that the mask organization would be in chaos for a while, but who knew that they quickly elected a new boss, who also wore a mask, I don’t know what it looks like Appearance, but such a quick rise still surprised many people.

    Because of this new boss, the mask organization has not been too frustrated in the following series of activities, which is a bit unexpected.

    Although Fanning vaguely felt that something bad might happen in his heart, he didn't tell anyone about it, because there were too many things, so there was no solution for the time being, so he could only put it on hold for the time being .

    Some of the recent events caught everyone by surprise, but they seemed to be silent and had no impact at all. Many things started to run according to the original trajectory.

    After reading this issue, Tang Shi felt a little stuffy in her heart, but she couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was, it was a slightly weird stuffiness. This issue doesn't seem to say anything important, but it just gives people a feeling that the mountains and the rain are coming.

    It always feels like...a screw fell off, and then a bunch of things changed.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was looking at the comics on the other side, complained, "Damn, the boss is going straight to the top..."

    She didn't care much about what was in the comics, but she felt very suffocated when she saw the recent situation of the mask organization. It turned out that after Jae-Yuan disappeared, the real boss kicked him directly, so the mask organization is currently There doesn't seem to be much turmoil yet.

    However, before "dying", Yuan Yuanyuan felt that it was worth it to be able to use the mask organization's arsenal, so she happened to clear a wave of spies by the way.

    The fat cat is not here now, Yuan Yuanyuan can do a lot of things in her room that she couldn't do before, the current situation is that Yuan has been temporarily offline, Faning is restless over there, masked On the surface, the organization doesn't seem to have much problems, but in fact, its foundation has been damaged.

    Combining with some information provided to him by Fat Cat before, Yuan Yuanyuan guessed that the real boss of the mask organization may be panicked. The record before 17 was too brilliant, so the boss of the mask organization is very likely I will think too much, so I just jumped out so quickly now.

    But it doesn't matter to Yuan Yuanyuan... She did have the desire to kill this boss before.

    According to Yuan Yuanyuan's many years of experience in reading comics, at this time, Yuan's role can temporarily come to an end, and what will be his whitewash in the next few autumns, it is not something she can control Now, what she needs to manage carefully is the affairs of the woman in red. But she didn't know what this broken comic would look like in the end. She felt very excited about it, and always felt that something unpredictable would happen.

    Gao Ling looked at the comics, but felt even more worried, because she had previously determined that Yuan would not have an accident, and it was on the basis that later Yuan might have more important scenes. Now it seems that Ji Qiu actually meant to clean up Yuan at this critical moment.

    You can whitewash it, don't choose this time! Gao Ling felt that he was about to explode, and the more Jiqiu cleaned up Yuan, the more Gao Ling worried that Yuan was really dead now, because only one dead person would make people feel more moving.

    Because she is very worried about this, Gao Lingshui feels that she has very little time these days. She has been waiting for the update of Monday's issue. There are many people waiting with her. In fact, they only care about one thing - is Yuan dead or not?

    As a result, after the new issue came out on Monday, Gao Ling sat in front of the computer with a pale face, thinking that this was over.

    In her mind, she recalled bits and pieces of the previous time, to be honest, even she didn't really dare to believe that Yuan would suddenly end like this.

    In her opinion, a character like Yuan will definitely survive to the end, but at this time another sentence appeared in her mind - "This is the third dimension, not the second dimension, There are a lot of things that even a cartoonist can't control."

    She remembered the words of Yuan that appeared at the end of the last issue.

    That sentence...she had heard it before.

    In fact, the reason why Gao Ling has been unable to sleep these past few days is because she has been having nightmares. Sometimes when you close your eyes, you will suddenly see a **** face, or a cold corpse or something.

    Later she told her friend, her friend was silent for a while, and said to her: "Yuan fell into the river, even if something really happened, it wouldn't be dripping with blood. Look, don't worry."

    Gao Lingxin cried and laughed in her heart, thinking that she should not tell others next time, otherwise she would not know what answer she would hear.

    However, unlike Gao Ling's reaction, the Internet was caught in another carnival. Everyone seemed to have a new life and sat in front of the computer with a red face.


      The last masterpiece.

    But after this issue, everyone said that Yaoji has been out of the circle, and this plot has reached a level that is well known to every elementary school student.

    The comics first repeated what Faning had been uneasy about in the previous issue. The reason for this matter was not stated in the previous issue, but this issue had some faint hints hint.

    Fanning had been having a bunch of messy dreams before, but he had never seen the details of the dream clearly. This time, when he dreamed again, he always felt that he had vaguely seen it. a person's shadow.

    Gao Ling almost pinched herself to watch this paragraph, she saw Fanning saw an almost pure black background in the dream, with blood-red clouds on the sky, the surrounding was desolate, and in the distance A crow circled and flew by.

    Fining didn't know where the place he dreamed was, but he realized in a trance that he should be dreaming at this time, but it didn't look like a real dream, but The same thing I experienced a long time ago.

      A very familiar scene.

    A few people turned their backs to him and threw a person into the well. Those people couldn't see his face, but the person who was thrown into the well could see clearly.

    He vaguely felt as if he asked the people around him what they were doing, and the people next to him turned their heads and said, "Throw into that well, and then we'll leave."

    "What are you doing in the well?" Fanning asked stupidly in the dream.

    "Throw him into the well, and this war will end." The man next to him who couldn't see his face replied.

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