You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 265:


    These words made him feel a bit inexplicable, and he always felt that "he" was too miserable. If someone is going to throw him down a well and tell him that you can stop any war if you go down...he can kick that guy out into the Pacific.

    He actually hoped that the person over there would suddenly jump up and kick the person next to him into the Pacific Ocean, but the person over there obviously didn't do what he wanted, he seemed to be in a bit of a state No, it's soft, and it doesn't look like there's any strength in the body.

      to the wellhead.

    The man hasn't been thrown in yet, so Fanin can stand beside him. The faces of the people who were holding him were still black, and the faces could not be seen clearly, but instead of being black, it was more like a dark hole, or a pure black mask on their faces.

    The people around made Fanning a little flustered. He lowered his head and asked the man who seemed to be in a coma. Did they drop you? Can you react?"

      What are you doing?"


    "I...I want to ask why you throw him in." Fanning said boldly, perhaps because this was his dream, he subconsciously knew that the people next to him would not treat him What to do, so the courage has become a little bigger.

    "The command from above," said a monster.

    "But didn't he just win the war before? Why did he win, and you still throw him in?" Fanin in the dream said something inexplicably, and he also I don't know why I blurted out these words, but that's what I said.

      Some strange things, so Fanning didn't feel too strange for a while.

    The people around didn't speak, but insisted on throwing the man in. At this time, the man seemed to have a little strength and began to struggle.

    Fanning wanted to pull the man out, but he missed, he could only watch the man fall into the dark well, and then suddenly disappeared without a trace trace.

    The horizon suddenly turned blood red, and slowly, everything turned red, covering Fanin's eyes little by little.

    Fining woke up suddenly, he looked up and looked out the window, only to find that it was already bright, and there was a table and a stack of documents in front of him, he actually lay on the table and fell asleep. accommodation.


    In the last memory before going to bed, Fanin remembered that he was looking at some information about the first war. The two wars between humans and monsters are still somewhat related to World War I and World War II in the public sense. At least the start time and end time are the same. Fanin wants to see if there is any deeper connection between the two, so now he incarnates For historians, lingering in the discipline of history.

    What exactly was written on the last page of paper she read before she fell asleep yesterday, Fanning can't recall now, she just remembers staring at the paper. , The paper on the picture seems to have turned into symbols. Although I saw it, I just didn’t know what it meant. It was empty for a while, and then it fell on its back.

    I really hope that I can stay up all day like a monster... Fanning thought a little enviously, and he suddenly recalled the dream last night.

    The situation in the dream is bizarre, and there are many unexplainable things, but after all, it is a dream, so Fanin did not pursue it too much. It's just that in this bizarre dream, there are still many things that make Faning feel strange. The first point is that he doesn't know why he suddenly dreamed of Yuan, and the second point is that he doesn't know how he dreamed of such a dream. Scenes.

    Thinking about that dream from yesterday is actually a bit familiar, I always feel like I have seen it somewhere before. Faning washed his face and brushed his teeth, and sat in front of the table with a carton of milk thinking, but he couldn't remember anything.

    Forget it. Fanin lowered his head to see where he had seen before going to sleep.

    Actually, Fanin knew after flipping through it once, and I am afraid I have to read the second half of the content again, because I don't remember what I watched the first time... But put it on him In front of him was a piece of paper, and some words on it made him a little concerned about this piece of paper.

    Fanning looked at the things on this piece of paper, and suddenly remembered that he had seen the content on it, but he was not impressed at the time, so he forgot about it, It's like someone you don't know, even if you hear more news about him, you won't have much reaction.


    The reason why Fanning saw the piece of paper in front of him was that he suddenly noticed the word "one seven", one seven... Is this Yuan's previous name?

    No wonder I dreamed of Yuan last night...and I was connected all of a sudden. Faning nodded thoughtfully, what was written on the piece of paper in front of him?

    Fanin took out the paper and looked at it.

    If he thought it was a beautiful day before watching it, then after watching it, he suddenly felt as if he was sleeping and never woke up.

    What was written on the paper was related to his dream last night. The blood-red sky and the people wearing black masks suddenly appeared in Faning's mind.

    He suddenly couldn't tell whether it was a real dream or something that happened in reality. 】


    After reading the new issue, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt that it was a bit difficult to clean up the whitewashing method of 17. Why did the protagonist have to dream to clean up the whiteness? Su Shuang.

    She recalled the way of whitewashing characters in other comics with similar situations to her, Uchiha Itachi used a Shaker to play a small movie for his brother before he died, and a wave of touching Uchi came In the legend of Bo Itachi, Snape remembered Harry Potter before he died, and also put on a small movie, from his father bullying him to his secret lover's mother, every detail has not been spared... Both goods can be It's not fair to put on a small movie.

    What makes this kind of whitewashing party really exciting is the details. Now it's not enough details, so there are many exciting parts... Yuan Yuanyuan is sitting on the sofa with a look of dissatisfaction , there is no sense of pleasure in being washed white.

    Although the outside world has actually exploded enough now, ten minutes ago, a new post appeared in Mengman's Yaoji, and the poster of the post said weakly in the post, [A certain The official recently had a slapstick operation...that is, he kept hacking a certain character in the early stage, causing his fans and the black to tear each other, but he has a lot of black spots, so the fans can basically step on it in the past. , Some time ago, this role seemed to be accidentally hung up. Before we started dancing, the official suddenly slapped the face and washed the character... Now we are confused, should we dance in a different way or turn around and tear the official? 】

    Before reaching the tenth floor, someone complained [Why do you use so-and-so instead, we all know... I strongly recommend you to tear up the official, this kind of official is not torn and uncomfortable. 】

    [Ah...I can see what it is when I look at the main building. In fact, I think the official has not said whitewashing, just a prelude to whitewashing. , the enemy advances and I retreat. 】

      This kind of grand occasion is not bad to play as a stalk in the progress of history. 】



    Yuan Yuanyuan has to go to the pub recently. When she is cleaning the cups, she will occasionally take time to play with her mobile phone or something. In fact, she has not read the comment area of ​​Yaoji for a long time, but today she was on a whim looked at it.

    The explosive trend in the comment area surprised her. She casually picked out an issue from a long, long time ago. The events of the past 17 are probably more than half a year ago.

    She flipped through the comments, and the number of comments in the last three days even exceeded the number of all comments half a year ago, Yuan Yuanyuan picked a few at random and looked at them.


     Did the official really give Yuan a bento? I don't think it's possible to just wash the whites without giving Yuan a bento. 】

    【Ah, ah, ah, I now have a particularly bad guess... Could it be that he lied to everyone and is FLAG, right? right? Jiqiu, hurry up and continue painting! Just stuck like that, okay? 】

      Woolen cloth? Maybe all the things he did before were deceiving people? 】

    [No, no, I don't believe...Yuan must still be that terrifying boss, right? Now the officials are all trying to scare us. I want that villain boss, Yuan, come back soon, Yuan. what…】

    【I don’t believe it either, this is very difficult to operate, how did Yuan deceive so many people? I'm very puzzled. Now the official painting is vague and everyone is guessing. Let's wait for the official explanation. Let's struggle. 】

    No matter how you howl, Yuan is a tragic male partner hahaha! Yuan Yuanyuan looks up at the sky and smiles like a villain while looking at the comics...

    But at present, although a lot has been exposed, it is still not enough in Yuan Yuanyuan's heart.

    Do you want to add another fire? Yuan Yuanyuan pondered.

    For example... let's play a loop of "One Seven Biography"?

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