You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 268:

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan is very upset, Jiqiu is very skinny, he will play this trick.

    So Yuan Yuanyuan successfully saw a bunch of old men in the back...

      Don't talk to anyone."

      Startled, he didn't care at all, swaggeringly pushed the door and walked in.

    "Who?" In the room, Yuan heard the sound and looked up, his eyes just met the eyes of the memory master. From the screen, it was like Yuan was looking straight at the reader. . 】

    Yuan's face is quite powerful, although the lethality of his face is slightly reduced due to the relationship between the characters, but this time Yuan is different from the Yuan in the memory of readers. .

    Usually Yuan is always very energetic, even when he does something bad, he will be very energetic, but now Yuan is unexpectedly quiet, quiet is not like him on weekdays.

    This kind of abyss makes readers very strange, in fact, such abyss is quite unexpected for readers, making people feel inexplicably peeping at something, a kind of alternative stimulation.


    Yuan Yuanyuan began to recall whether there was such a paragraph in her memory... After thinking about it, it seemed that there was, but what did they say at that time?


    Yuan bowed his head and did not speak, and quietly wrapped a bandage around his body, his exposed arms and legs were already wrapped a lot. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the bandages that covered her arms and legs. At that time, she was afraid that she would be exposed, so she deliberately moved her hands and feet on her body, such as placing some on her arms and legs. Hand, and then pretended that the injury would never heal, and dealt with it back and forth.

    At that time, Yuan Yuanyuan was afraid that her uninjured thing would be discovered by others, so she used a lot of bandages, originally just to cover it up, but I haven't seen the effect, but today, it's actually quite scary , like the Bandage Freak.

    She thought that this posture would sell well, thinking that readers would feel that Yuan was seriously injured, and then had a little bit of maternal love for him.

    Yuan Yuanyuan misestimated the readers a little bit. These people didn’t think the poor old man was seriously injured. They directly felt that the old man was dying of old age…

    Afterwards, when Yuan Yuanyuan went to the forum to read the posts, she said she was a little complicated and didn't want to say anything more.

      Oh, you have not promised them, they will most likely not hide you anymore, but give you out, you are useless anyway."

    Yuan didn't answer. In fact, he joined this organization by accident because of his injury. Of course, this organization is not for charity. They saved Yuan, naturally, because he was useful.

    These days, Yuan has been silent. The people above are almost losing their patience, they know that Yuan is actually very difficult to deal with.

    The owner of the memory certainly knows the person Yuan, in fact, even in the mask organization, this person is a legendary figure.

    The current executives of the Mask Organization are monsters who have lived for a long time. They know some things, and every one of these things shocked the monster world. It is also these things that make Yuan become a The man on the altar.

    The owner of the memory actually admitted that he had imagined many images of Yuan before he saw him, but each of them was not as clear as the one in front of him.

    It was as if the person in memory suddenly came alive.

    …No, this person was born again. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan touched her chin after reading it. This person blows a little bit hard... It can be said that he is the most powerful person in the comics.

    Thinking about Fat Cat's attitude towards Yuan, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized that this is not another fanboy, right? It seems that he is still a fan of the closet... Maybe he grew up listening to Yuan's stories since he was a child, so he has such a description.

    Such a description is likely to make readers feel awkward, Yuanyuanyuan is more acceptable, because it has been seen several times in the three-dimensional.

    Although she has always known that Yiqi is very powerful, but after all, it is only what she knows, she has never played it, and no one has helped her play it, or in this case, there is no one I'm talking about those things on 17.

    But does the mask organization actually have one or seven fans? Yuan Yuanyuan thought excitedly.


    But she just said it... Even if someone like Yiqi hates him again, after listening to what he has done, he will involuntarily turn into a fanboy and fangirl.

    This is the most comfortable thing Yuan Yuanyuan has done so far. Although she got a nightmare script, she also got a full-scale tuba. Yuan Yuanyuan always felt that from her and Yiqi In terms of the relationship between her husband and wife, it can perfectly reflect the relationship of "the predecessors plant trees, and the later generations enjoy the shade". Many things Yiqi did at this time saved her life.

    But since this monster knows so much about One Seven... Then of course he should know about One Seven? Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly fell into another kind of question.

    Since he knows Yiqi so well, of course he should know what Yiqi has done before, and what kind of character he is...

    How could he still think that Yiqi would join the mask organization?

    Simple Yuan Yuanyuan actually didn’t know that there was not only one monster who knew Yuanyuan in the mask organization, but many… Each of them knew a lot about Yiqi, even more than Yuan Yuanyuan must be deep.

    But people in the organization don't say it out... This naturally has its own deep meaning.

    The original circle looked back.

    …Sure enough.

    This person didn't think Yuan would join in at all.

    [The owner of the memory really wants to know what Yuan will do. In fact, there are two factions in the organization. One group thinks that Yuan will definitely join their organization, and the other thinks that Yuan will definitely not join them. organization.

    He felt that Yuan would not join the organization.

    In fact, he has been a little bit at a loss when he heard his attitude towards Yuan. If he could have known earlier that the organization wanted to bring this person in, he might have done something in advance.

    Because Yuan is…


    What happened to this person Yuan? You say it! Fanin, who was checking his memory, was about to go crazy.

    Fanning really wanted to know what the owner of the memory was thinking, but at this time, the memory stopped abruptly for a while, and then suddenly began to skip the past like a slideshow.

    In just a few seconds, Fanin looked at dozens of "slides".

    The speed of these slideshows is so fast that Fanin's eyes can't keep up.

    But Faning is different from ordinary people after all. Ordinary people may only feel dizzy, but he vaguely captured a few pictures.

    Black, red, mixed together, he vaguely felt as if he had seen a general’s magnificent life, but he couldn’t understand the following pictures... What do the vague, but uncomfortable symbols mean?

    Fining finished the slideshow and was stunned for a while, and wanted to continue watching, but the slideshow was no longer replayed.

    The owner of the memory continued to recall, the things that were like slideshows just now were like an episode, and they were never released again.

    Fanning saw Yuan sitting on the stone bed again, but this memory was not like the previous one, but another one that happened not long after.

    It can be seen that at this time, the Yuan injury has been much better, and the bandages on the body have also been removed a lot.

    The owner of the memory saw Yuan push the door out and was about to walk over to ask a few words when he suddenly heard him say, "I want to... go see the leader."

    The owner of the memory was taken aback. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan finished reading this memory, and then Faning cut off contact and withdrew from that memory. After withdrawing, Faning still felt a little dazed, he felt I really killed the dog, I can't wait to let the people on the ground live again to show him, but this new soul search has a disadvantage - it will destroy the brain, so it can only be used once, Fanning only dares to do it on the dead now use.

    Holding her phone, she began to ponder.

    It seems that Fanning really wants to know the specific things of Yuan back then... But the soul search is not reliable, and only half of it is found.

      All of them were the biggest things that Big One Seven had done back then, and they would explode if they said it, but now they are being held down, and no one can say anything about it.

    Black and red refer to the battlefield, white...what is white? Yuan Yuanyuan thought for a while, and suddenly thought of a possibility, the court?

    This kind of fanning made Yuan Yuanyuan a little excited, and she always felt that she saw the bitterness of her eyes that were dark...

    Yuan Yuanyuan put down her phone and turned around to go about her own business, but the readers on the Internet were just as confused as Faning.

    Almost every latest post of Yaoji, you will see such a cry, [Ah! What is it! Jiqiu old thief, don't get stuck here! 】

    Under this circumstance, Yaoji's fans began to become inexplicably popular, and some fans who had never been taken seriously before suddenly occupied the position of mainstream attention...

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