You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 269:

    At the beginning, Gao Ling was interested in drawing fangirls, but gradually he took it as a habit.

      But Gao Ling quite likes the early comics, because there is always a bit of momentum in them.

    Actually speaking... The reason why she drew this manga at the beginning was that she felt disturbed by reading the original book. Created, they may want to continue writing the future, or they may want to fill in the past.

    Some time ago, Gao Ling hadn't paid much attention to the data of her fanboys, but since then, she suddenly found that her fanboy data has been increasing, and the growth rate is very abnormal compared to before , so she took a little heart.

    Opening a fan comic that he drew later, Gao Ling looked at the message below.

    […big guy! 】

      Why can you draw so accurately? Or have a dirty py deal with Jiqiu? 】

    Gao Ling saw black lines all over his head, what is a dirty py transaction...

    In the comics, she did not dare to draw too detailed, most of the things can only be vague hints. For example, when Yuan had been wronged, she used a hazy dialogue to fool her, focusing mainly on the part where Yuan was slapped in the face after his rebirth.

    Why did you draw such a fanfic of Yuan Rebirth in the first place? Gao Ling thought about it... After all, he still wanted to change the original work, and felt unwilling to do so.

    So Yuan in her comics has always been very powerful, very powerful, and almost immune to any grievances.

    Gao Ling sighed, she had no way to paint in more detail, and now she is not in the mood to paint, there has been no news from Yuan, I don’t know if she is dead or alive, which makes her almost lost her love for Yaoji all interests.

    But she doesn't have any way yet, now whether Yuan is dead or alive, she can only wait, quietly waiting for the news, whether it is good or bad.

    A comment below the comic is like this, [So big, I think your thinking is very similar to Jiqiu, but there are many things Jiqiu didn't mention, do you think it will follow Do you think the same? 】

    Gao Ling silently deleted this comment, then turned off the computer, took the key and went out. She wants to go out and relax, at least not to use all her ideas on this.

    Although Gao Ling is not in a good mood, there have been unexpectedly many fans of Yaoji recently, especially the popularity of Yuan fans, and many people are taking advantage of this wind, also into this circle.

    The similarity of these fans is that they will open up some brain holes in the plots of some past comics, and use Yuan's first person to show Yuan's mentality at that time.

    For example, when Faning went to the northwest front and saw Yuan, there were a lot of people thinking about it.


    However, even if the fandom fell into an inexplicable carnival, everyone was still shocked when the real plot was revealed.

    Why the official brain is bigger than the fan?


    Fanning saw a lot of things he cared about from that person's memory last time, so now he suddenly wants to know a little more. This time, he secretly caught another monster and learned something from his memory.

    In fact, during this period of time, the frequent use of this tactic made his conscience a little uneasy. But the desire to know overwhelmed everything.

    Fanning was constantly apologizing in his heart, while testing this person's memory, this time more things appeared in the memory.



    Occasionally, the memory master met Yuan in the hall. He wore a black robe and walked in without saying a word. There was no one around him. Circle, and then go up again. 】

    Yuan in the comics is wearing a black robe that he doesn't usually wear, and his hat is buttoned on his head, which is unexpectedly handsome.

    In this person's memory, Yuan glanced over here, his brows and eyes were cold, and then he quickly turned his head away.

    The owner of the memory only had this impression of Yuan in the early stage, and there was a blank section in the later memory.

    But near the end, an explosive memory suddenly appeared in the comic.


    When he got there, he found out that the leading monster was actually their immediate boss, which made him a little surprised and a little scared.

    In fact, although this monster's strength is not bad, but he rarely shows up, and he was suddenly called up at this time, which made him a little confused about what happened.

    He waited here for a while, and more and more monsters arrived. The number was not too many, but they were all relatively powerful. 】

      Something big happened, but it was completely covered up, so no one knew about it.

    This kind of plot that can reveal some of the backstory is more popular with some readers, just like when Hokage began to reveal the dark history of Konoha, everyone used the memories inside to match the plot of the comics. A comparison can find clues and figure out what happened that year.

    In fact, this incident was not reported at all back then, even the reporters squatting outside had no idea about it.

    So the reporters who were squatting outside at that time are equally excited now. Although logically speaking, they should feel a little uncomfortable being fooled, but in front of such a big news, no one cares about that Yes, performance is more important.

    So many reporters were fooled at that time, which is enough to show how big this matter is, and in the end, everyone realized that the center of such a big matter was actually Yuan.

    The owner of the memory rushed to a hall, he was standing in the back position, he couldn't see very clearly, but he could vaguely hear a person's shout.

    【“You want to use this to beat me? Is this a piece of shit?” The voice of the person who spoke was very angry, I remember the master could hear the uncontrollable anger inside, “Just this?”

    "On this basis, do you want to defeat Yuan?"

    The owner of the memory was taken aback. He had the impression that Liyuan had always been in the hall, and rarely became so hysterical. However, at this time, he was not only angry, but there was even a trace of fear in his tone.

    I remember that the master felt that Yuan Xia was very likely to shoot.

    Sure enough…

    I only heard a loud bang, and the door in front of me suddenly burst open. s face.

    Through the hole that was blasted out of the door, the owner of the memory vaguely saw the injustice inside.

    His eyes were blood red, exuding a crimson light that only big monsters can have.

    The owner of the memory was thinking about what happened in the room, and took a few more glances inside, suddenly completely shocked.

    The house can be said to be crowded with bigwigs…

    A leader of the human side, as well as several famous masters he knows, are all crowded into this room. 】

    In the past, such a thing happened on the Northwest Front, which made readers all express their inconceivable, this was not revealed in the previous comics.



    [But now I know! Damn it, Yuan was actually besieged back then? 】

    Some people speculate that this scene should be drawn by the human side taking a shot at Yuan. The specific reason is unknown, but it must not rely on normal means. In the end, it is Yuan's own superb means to escape successfully.

    At that time, Yuan was still madly scolded by the whole network, scolding traitors and so on. Looking back at this episode now, it feels very different.

    Readers look back at what they said when they scolded Yuan, and then look back at what Yuan did at that time.

    The reversal of the villain has this magical charm. It re-turns everything that was covered up at the time, and then organizes the brand new everything and shows it to everyone.

      See what happened.

    After the spiritual power input, the picture began to become clearer, Faning felt this dizzy feeling, and tried to look into the room.

    He vaguely saw a broken jade on the ground.

    The jade was not completely broken, and the two numbers "17" on it made Faning froze there.

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