You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 271:

    Yuan Yuanyuan herself is not that literary, and she would not have thought of such a powerful adjective as "beauty in the desolation", she just felt cool recently...

      The handyman is ordered, and now he is the boss here, drinking small wine every day, eating small meat, little girl... well, this is not, there is only a charming lady boss.

    Because I still don't know the internal situation of C city, so I don't even need to go back to C city now, in the tavern basically every day is singing and dancing. A group of beautiful girls came over and danced one by one as if they were about to become immortals. They danced in the hall every day.

    Yuan Yuanyuan drank half of it...the eyes never left the girl below. Although the gender is female, she also likes to look at attractive girls. These girls are so beautiful, they don't even know where they came from... Bah, I found them.

    "Excuse me, what are you looking at?" The proprietress quietly came over, then pinched the meat on the original round waist and twisted it around...

    The original round face is expressionless, and there is an idea in my heart.


      I have everything she should have.

    Although her heart is full of grooves, she still can't show a little on the surface.

    She almost never showed up. When she wanted to leave this day, the lady boss behind her suddenly stopped her, "Are you going to look like this?"

    "Huh?" Yuan Yuanyuan didn't understand what she meant.

    "Recently, there has been news that you are dead outside." The lady boss said, "The limelight about you outside has gradually changed, and you don't think about paving for yourself. The way back?"


    "You don't really intend to disappear in everyone's eyes forever." The proprietress stroked her hair, "I don't think you would be such an easy person to be reconciled."

    "So what if it is, so what if it is not?" Yuan Yuanyuan said, "I've already come here anyway... I was scolded so badly before, and no one spoke for me..."

    She waved her hand, turned around and walked out of the liquor pipe, this time the proprietress didn't stop her.

    Yuan Yuanyuan read the last issue of Yaoji, in fact, she always had something she wanted to complain about. Faning searched for the memories of the monsters in the comics, and while searching, she was frightened. For fear of being discovered by others, I have been saying sorry to others in my heart... I'm sorry for the use of shit? And since you were posted on the comics, you will definitely be discovered! Why do you take off your pants and fart?

    Comic and reality are too closely connected, and this will happen. Sometimes things that you think are well hidden will eventually be uncovered completely and exposed to the sun. That is called a public execution... Yuan Yuanyuan knew about this problem a long time ago, so she was more careful. Last time, Sanqingmen suffered a lot of losses, and now the jokes have spread to the monsters.

    Because Yuan Yuanyuan is a relatively big guy, so many things have spread to her ears. She also recently heard about Sanqingmen being ridiculed, and she felt very relieved.


    Yuan Yuanyuan went out to buy some instant noodles, and by the way prepared to welcome the return of the fat cat. The fat cat called back yesterday and said that he really couldn't find any news about Yuan, and was going to return to her for a few days. Yuan Yuanyuan was very happy. Is it supposed to be like this? Why go out to look for it? No, all the news has been blocked, and only she and the proprietress are known.

    The ups and downs outside Xiaoxi don’t know, she just anxiously waits for the new plot, she especially wants to see what happens next, she doesn’t want to eat, her mother thinks she Lost in love again.

    Xiao Xi now uses a brand new vest to chat with people on the Internet. The old vest is useless to her. The only use of this new vest is to discuss Yuan.

    Now she is chatting with others on the Internet, and she feels like a spy connection, every day is a secret rub.

    【Actually, what do you think attracts me the most? ] The person across the Internet who had been chatting with her the most recently said, [It's that sense of vulnerability, ah vulnerability...]

    [Yes! 】Xiaoxi is like finding an organization, 【I actually had an impulse in my heart when I saw him vomit blood before, but his personality is completely different, strong and miserable...Cough, but I didn't feel embarrassed to tell others at the time , In fact, I'm embarrassed to tell others now, but since you said it first, then I sigh with emotion, this feeling is really good...]

    The two of them sighed together [great]...then they sighed together how delicious this battle was, how delicious it was...

    For some people, once they encountered something that was so addicting that they couldn't extricate themselves, but in some respects they were indescribable, even if their inner subconscious had begun to sprout, their reason would Soon who will convince himself to let himself ignore this in the past.


    In the final analysis, it is a fixed impression that is too deep, more than one's own feelings...

    [Actually, I still have a vague idea. 】The man on the opposite called Xiaoxi, 【Actually, Yuan used to be a big boss in women's clothing... It really allowed me to make up 10,000 words in my brain, which made it even more feminine! Who thought of adding this setting to the juvenile manga... Ji Qiu is definitely a rotten guy, I tell you, this is so captivating... 】

    The smile on Xiaoxi's face suddenly disappeared.

    【This setting is really... too suitable for some occasions, sorry, I am a little too excited, are you still there? 】

    [In. 】Xiao Xi said, 【I have to go out for a while beforehand, and we will talk tomorrow. 】

    She turned off the computer, turned around and walked out angrily, what the hell? It's just nonsense... The setting of that women's clothing boss is simply, it's ridiculous, it doesn't make any sense at all, it's just to cater to some rotten girls with unique tastes...

    Xiao Xi turned around and walked towards the convenience store at the door. As soon as she got downstairs, she saw a girl holding a cat in her hands and nag at the cat.

    "I said you don't go out, but you want to go out and see how much weight you have lost?" The girl shook her head, as if the cat could really understand. Xiaoxi thinks this girl is really interesting, and she actually talks to a cat like that.

    "Come on, let's see what kind of cat food do you want?" The girl lifted the cat up and let the cat with the big face face the row of cat food.

    "Meow—" the cat made a long note, and kept stretching its paws at one of the cat foods...

    The girl went around again, came to the front of the bookshelf, and took the latest Yaoji collection from above. Xiaoxi next to the bookshelf lit up when she saw it.

    "Do you also like this comic? The Yuan in it is very handsome, right?" Maybe it was because she had never seen this girl before, so Yuan's doujinshi was cured without being cured in front of strangers . She smiled and approached the girl.

    "Ah?" The girl who was approached was stunned, then smiled, looking very good, "It's alright, her face is not bad..."

    "I've been reading this comic recently." Xiaoxi is in a frenzy recently. Fans of the frenzy are really on the bus seeing each other watching something they like, and they can chat all the way. kind of. The two just happened to be on the way, and Xiaoxi chatted all the way.


    "My goddess." Xiaoxi said proudly, "It's well written."

    Although in front of her friends, Xiaoxi has been pretending that she does not know this goddess, but in front of strangers, she can still blow it.

    "I think this is the most beautiful desolation... It's really well written." The girl over there said, the cat in her arms looked at Xiaoxi with that flat face, no Knowing why Xiaoxi looked furry, she was a little afraid of this cat.

    "It's actually quite difficult to not forget the original intention and stick to yourself. It's even more difficult without outside interference, so from this point of view, Yiqi is really a very powerful person." The girl hugged the cat and said , "But it's an exaggeration to say that Yuan has nothing."

    "Where is it?" Xiaoxi suddenly became angry, "Is it nothing? What's wrong, he has nothing! Obviously..."

    "No, I mean..." The girl suddenly couldn't help laughing and crying, "Forget it, why does it feel so strange, why am I arguing with you on the street, I'm ashamed..."

    The cat in her arms suddenly made a "meow", and then it kept meowing all the way.

      However, Xiaoxi found a sense of disobedience on the topic of Yuan.

    When it comes to Yuan, this girl always thinks differently from others. Others all come from the idea of ​​a villain's whitewashing, with a natural sense of excitement and refreshment. The attitude of this girl is, "Ah, it's okay", "It's okay", it looks like There's not much excitement either.

    And for some of the words she said, the girl showed a feeling of serious rejection. For example, when Xiaoxi said that when Yuan heard others scold him at that time, she should have forbearance, The micro-expression on the girl's face was wonderful.

    This situation always gives Xiaoxi a sense of discord, but she can't remember where this sense of discord came from for a while.

      It's easy to catch one, but can't stop it all at once.

    When they were about to break up, the girl suddenly said something, "The most beautiful desolation... It's good, but I always feel it's too sad, there's no need for it."

    "Why?" Xiao Xi said.

    "Because ... what if he thinks that it is not very beautiful and not very desolate?" The girl opposite said, "In the end, beauty and desolation are things in the eyes of others, and they are given by others. Definition."

    "A lot of things, only other people will find beauty, the parties may not have the heart to pay attention to this, and the average person is not so keen... From this perspective, is this sentence a bit wrong? But In fact, I also like this one too... I used to like this kind of beauty, strong and miserable when I read comics, but I can't take this one too much into it..."

    Xiao Xi was stunned.

    The girl waved her hand and carried the cat upstairs, leaving Xiaoxi alone.

    Xiao Xi thought for a while, then shook her head, how could it not be brought in? This is the beauty of the strong and the miserable, how consistent it is.

    How can Yuan not be miserable?

    Yuan Yuanyuan really didn't think Yuan Yuan was miserable, but on 17 it was true, she carried the fat cat upstairs, and said with a confused expression: "My mother, I was scared to death just now. I...why do I feel so ashamed, I've heard of confession by the head press before, why is it the first time I met the press of the head to confess my misery today?"

    She lowered her head and looked at the fat cat, she was suddenly startled, the fat cat was tearful...

    "It's just miserable, you conscienceless woman..." The fat cat said tearfully.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little bad in her heart, but soon she realized that not only a few people think she is miserable, but everyone thinks she is miserable...

    And when everyone thinks you are miserable, the magical effect will come out, and you are easily treated as a serious illness.

    The new issue was published on Sunday, and the online popularity was overwhelming, sweeping the country in a frightening trend.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan's long-lost phantom formation appeared in front of a monster, the attitude of the other side made her faintly frightened...

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