You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 272:

    Yuan Yuanyuan recalled it carefully... I don't seem to have worn out any news that she is dead, why is the expression on the other side like hell.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to come here either, it would be nice to stay in the tavern... But there is no way, I heard that the high-level officials of C city have also made some moves recently, and the tavern does not know enough about the high-level officials of C city. Deep, the few spies left, were also cleared in an operation last month.


    There are many descendants of the old No. 17 tribe in the upper floors of the city.

    Yuan Yuanyuan let out a sigh of relief, and then decided not to force it anymore.

      No new spies can be sent in, so there is an urgent need to send someone out to inquire about the news.

    Yuan Yuanyuan discussed with the proprietress for a few days, and finally the two of them decided on a plan - directly let Yuan Yuanyuan go over and ask.

    Although it is still a secret that she is not dead at present, it is not a problem to say it, because those people can't find her no matter what. Now that the situation is more urgent, perhaps it is the best plan to go straight to the real person. Maybe this hand will surprise the other party and say something that shouldn't be said.

    Afraid of accidents, Yuan Yuanyuan had made adequate preparations before coming this time. The proprietress specially gave her an amulet, and if something happens, she can come back by crushing the amulet. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this thing sounded like the ability of the boy in the mask organization that would turn into light, and it was a bit similar to a teleportation talisman.

    But Yuan Yuanyuan didn't plan to rely entirely on this. With her strength, it would not be easy for those people to keep her.

    She is now appearing in front of a colleague who she was quite familiar with when she was working, a little monster who seemed to worship Yiqi. She felt that this little monster should not be too excited to see Yiqi, nor would she sell her as soon as they met.

    The little monster on the opposite side kept looking at Yuan Yuanyuan with a hellish look. Yuan Yuanyuan was staring at him so uncomfortable, she wondered if she had found the wrong person? No, she thought about it for a long time before coming.

    Just as she was about to speak, the little monster opposite suddenly came back to her senses and said, "Yuan, Mr. Yuan, are you still alive?"

    Nonsense, the ghost in front of you is dead.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked over, and the little monster on the opposite side did not move, Yuan Yuanyuan was relieved, thinking that although the little monster stayed a little bit, it still gave her face.

    The little monster asked Yuan Yuanyuan, "Sir, you're fine, that's really great... Then why haven't you come back for so long?"

    The place where the two met was a dark alley with moist moss growing in the corner.

     Yuan Yuanyuan on the opposite side got closer and closer, her face hidden in the darkness gradually revealed, and the sun hit half of it, making her face half bright and half dark.

    The little monster on the opposite side swallowed his saliva, and he stuttered a little, "Yuan, Mr. Yuan, there is another adult in front, do you want me to take you there?"

    Yuanyuan was stunned.

    She didn't expect that there was a big monster nearby. She only saw this little monster when she came here, but if there is another big monster in front of her, then some of her plans should be changed. changed. Originally, she thought that if there was no one nearby, it would be no problem to take this little monster directly.

    The little monster on the opposite side may have sensed Yuan Yuanyuan's intention and opened his mouth suddenly. He is actually quite clever.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't say a word, and followed him away. The little monster beside him was sweating coldly and kept trying to talk to her, so he asked some non-nutritious questions, "Sir, why did you come back? Ah?", "Where have you been before?", "We've been looking for you before, why haven't you heard from you at all?"

    For these questions... She wanted to directly ask the big brother next to him, didn't he read comics recently? What's going on inside and outside the comics, and now I'm still asking her this kind of question...

    Although there are many flaws, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't say it. She even turned her head and glanced at the little monster, trying to distinguish whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know what he said. , after seeing the performance of this little monster later, she understood that the other party should be pretending not to know.

    Dodge and don't even dare to look at her. Yuan Yuanyuan wants you to come and see me, what can I do?

    The two maintained a very strange atmosphere, the little monster knew where Yuan went during this time, Yuan Yuanyuan knew that this little monster knew where she had been during this time, but the two No one personally pierced this layer of window paper.

    The little monster pretended not to know, Yuan Yuanyuan pretended that she did not know that the little monster knew.

    Then two people walked in front. Yuan Yuanyuan saw a person standing over there, and felt a little familiar in a trance. She should have seen it when she was in City C, but she couldn't remember who it was for a while.

    On the opposite side is a man with a lazy expression. He turned his head when he heard the shout, and when he saw Yuan Yuanyuan, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he quickly jumped off the platform, where he was leaning in a very paralyzed posture before.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the man on the opposite side, he was very handsome, and poked her a little. In addition, the noodles are very familiar, so Yuan Yuanyuan's favorability has greatly increased for a while.

    And the first sentence the man said even increased her favorability, "Lord Yuan, welcome back."

    Lin Guguang looked at Yuan on the opposite side, and his heart was madly brushing the screen, I'll go! This man is not dead! Why did it suddenly appear here? Why didn't he ask Miss Lian to do the math before he went out today?

    His head hangs low, he was not so respectful when he faced Yuan before, but recently who doesn't know that there may be a big problem behind this person, and there may be various forces behind it The roots are intertwined, and if you get involved a little, you will die without a place to be buried.

    Sometimes he himself thinks that the man in front of him is incredible. If someone else gets this kind of thing, it is very likely that he will be dead on the street. This person has been involved in so many things in a row, and he can still stand here so well.

    It was horrible.

    Although Lin Guan thought a lot, his face was very respectful. In fact, he really has respect for this man.

    When Yuan disappeared at first, there was a lot of trouble in C city for a long time. Some of them swore that Yuan had betrayed them, and even the spies sent to the mask organization said they saw Yuan.

    The whole city C was on alert for Yuan, and anyone who looked like Yuan in the city would come up to report, and there was a lot of uproar.

    Although Lin Gu was not too involved in that time, he also experienced that kind of atmosphere. In fact, he always felt a sense of disillusionment, because if Yuan really added a mask organization, it would really be a joke in his eyes. Those who opposed the devil back then turned out to be the devil himself in the end.

    Later Lin Guguan talked with Miss Lian, and Miss Lian was also a little depressed during that time. The two were sitting on the wooden corridor. As one of the people who had the most contact with Yuan, Miss Lian was actually quite uncomfortable.

    The two talked for a long time that day, and finally Miss Lian suddenly said something, "Actually, Lord Yuan is also seriously injured... If Lord Yuan is still the same as before, I don't think he will do it. This kind of thing happened."

    Lin Gu Gu held the wine bottle and thought for a while, it was true.

    For the interests of the majority, sacrifice the interests of the few... This is actually something that Yuan can do. From time to time, the current situation of the monster may be very unwilling in the eyes of an old monster like him, so he wants to win.

    But this did not prevent him from feeling melancholy, and he took another sip of wine when he thought of it.

    After the memory was over, Lin Gu Gu looked at the person in front of him again, his head lowered again, and some of the recent reversals made them overwhelmed. He observed the Yuan in front of him and thought. Let's see how his physical condition is, because in the comics it is said that his health is very bad.

    He looked up quietly, and couldn't see anything on the surface... But in the comics, this person should have been fighting in the sky and suddenly lost his strength and fell down, the current situation Should be bad, right?

    Then this person... Does he know that those things are drawn in the comics? Lin Gu Gu suddenly had this question in his heart.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know what the people behind her were thinking, she just walked forward on her own. Lin Gu Gu kept looking at the Yuan in front of him from the back, and a vague idea came to his mind - he doesn't know it... If he knew, how could he be so calm?

    He has done a big thing... If he really knew about it, how could he have such an attitude? The little monster who just brought him here was frightened like this. It is very likely that Yuan is still subconsciously disguising in front of him, and he does not know that the disguise has been exposed.

    If it's him, you have to explain it when we meet... No, maybe this person hasn't read the recent comics, and no one has told him? It seems that he has not been in contact with anyone recently, so it is very likely that he does not know the news outside. Maybe he has been recuperating in a closed place for a while after coming out of the river, and he has just come out recently.

    Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head and saw Lin Gu Gu's eyes, Lin Gu Gu suddenly lowered her head, which startled her.

    What are you doing...

    Lin Gu Gu's head was going crazy in circles... Although the possibility is really small, but what if he really doesn't know?

    Suddenly he had a thought - pretend he didn't know the things in the comics, talk to Yuan like he did before, what did he ask and say, as for the things revealed in the comics... Absolutely not.

    Although the other party was seriously injured, Lin Bone couldn't beat him for the time being. If the other party really didn't know, what if he said it out and irritated the other party? Yuan kills people without blinking an eye, and he doesn't want to bet on those possibilities at all.

    I don't know why, but after making this decision, he has a faint feeling of excitement. Of course, there are quite a few monsters who don't read Yaoji, and many people have the attitude that it's none of their business, but Lin Guguan is not, but now he has to pretend.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that Lin Gu's eyes made people feel hairy... How should I say, I always feel that the other party seems to be very scary... He wouldn't be wondering why the dead would cheat corpses, right?

    She didn't come up directly to reveal her position, because she still doesn't know the attitude of the top management. But the things in the comics made her feel a little uneasy. Has this person read the comics? If you've read the comics, you must already know her attitude by now... If you haven't, you can fool around.

    …then pretend that the other party doesn’t know, and you don’t know. Anyway, the comics are not stamped, in case the other party is really from the mask organization, she will claim that she is still an anti-water faction at that time, and the comics are drawn in a few autumns.

    Two people who actually knew it well just acted like this... The acting was in full swing, Lin Gugu asked Yuan Yuanyuan, "Master Yuan, it's a bit difficult for you to come back suddenly, do you need to talk to Yuanyuan? The mayor, let me know?"

    As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Yuanyuan's footsteps were chaotic, and Lin Guu suddenly stopped, and looked over nervously, "You, are you alright? "

    He suddenly remembered that Yuan was seriously injured, but now he had to show that he didn't know, and now he suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

     Yuan Yuanyuan eased her thumping heart, indicating that she was fine. She looked at the sky strangely and wondered what happened today? Why is there always a strange feeling that others treat her, and the goose bumps on her body have not subsided?

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