You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 283:

    The original round red woman's identity is quite comfortable recently, because she is a woman. In the past, when I played Yuan, I always had to imply that I was a man now, not a girl, so I often felt weird.

      Need to pay too much attention to something.

    It may be because of this, so the red woman's vest is as stable as Mount Tai, and readers are stunned that no one can take out this vest. First, everyone subconsciously thinks that Guoman should not have it. Such an arrogant operation... The second is the woman in red... She looks like a woman, I have to say that Yuan Yuanyuan's shell can actually create a feminine feeling, which is quite miraculous.

      Every sentence has to be drawn and put on the cartoon.

    So Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she was obliged to let the image of the male **** Yuan not collapse too much. After all, she took over the image of the male **** from Yiqi. , she always felt that there was no way to explain to Yi Qi in the kingdom of heaven.

    She also once asked the proprietress how she looked, if she thought it was too strange. The proprietress replied that she was fine, and then there was nothing else to say.

    It's okay...what does it mean to be okay...

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought cowardly, while continuing to be frightened, she continued to play the woman in red every day.

    This day, Yuan Yuanyuan finally had some free time, and suddenly wanted to go to the nursery area on a whim to see what happened there.

    I said I wanted to go to the early childhood area, but in fact I wanted to see Tang Shi and Qiu Ling...

     Yuan Yuanyuan actually has a very bad taste in her heart, which is not only reflected in her gradually immersed in all kinds of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, but also in the fact that she wants to see Qiu Ling very much now And what kind of reaction will Tang Shi have?

    After the last comic, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that basically everyone would know that the man in red is Yuan's business... Such an obvious reminder, a yard with vines, a stranger going to boarding, This kind of prompt is too obvious, at least Yuanyuan has figured out what is going on after a few hours.

    Not only the person involved, but even people who have a little contact with her in the vicinity can guess her identity, Yuan Yuanyuan guesses that the aunt who sells pancakes at the door can guess it... Ah, of course, Originally, everyone in the infancy area should have known about this, just by the reaction she had when she went back last time.

    However, the original circle was wrong.

    She felt that after the last issue, everyone basically combined the man in red with the boss, and then the boss and Yuan were combined.


    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at Tang Shi in front of her, rolled her eyes and considered for three seconds whether she really didn't know her or pretended not to know her.

    Three seconds later, Yuan Yuanyuan confirmed that Tang Shi really did not know her... As far as she knew, the other party should not have the brain capacity to pretend not to know her.

    Tang Shi saw Yuan Yuanyuan and said excitedly, "Boss, you are finally back! When did you come back?"

    "Shh—" Yuan Yuanyuan covered Tang Shi's mouth, crept into the room, and opened the door.


    This looks quite desolate. Originally, the yard looked desolate enough. Who knew that the inside of the house was also like this.


    Tang Shi sat on the chair that was cleaned first, and pulled out a cartoon that survived the accident from the ash pile beside it, and read it with relish, while watching Yuan Yuanyuan Said, "I just saw this comic before the college entrance examination, but the next day, boss, you won't let me come. I didn't expect this comic to still exist."

    "When did you come back?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked, "Didn't you go to a very distant university?"

    "There are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays." Tang Shiman said indifferently, "And I also learned the technique of escaping the earth... It's very convenient to go back and forth, only half an hour."

    "Escape from the Earth?" Yuan Yuanyuan turned her head in surprise and looked over. She had used this technique in Siqun before. At that time, she didn't understand anything, and thought Siquan was awesome. Awesome. After reading the book, I realized that this is a high-level sorcery in the book of tricks.

    Specifically speaking, it is actually a variant of Tiangang, which should also be separated from the Blood Jade Demon Jue. Yuan Yuanyuan was surprised that Tang Shi actually learned the technique of escaping the earth.

    It doesn't look like she can't learn tricks at all... I don't know why, Yuan Yuanyuan is suddenly and tolerant.

    Yuan Yuanyuan turned around and continued to wipe the table, Tang Shi next to her wanted to find something to eat but couldn't find it, Yuan Yuanyuan silently took out a bag of toffee from her pocket and threw it away, Tang Shi took it, opened the bag and chewed it.

    It was the toffee she bought on Yuanyuan Road. She originally wanted to go back and eat it with tea, but now she gave it all to Tang Shi.

    Yuan Yuanyuan squatted down and continued to clean the glass quietly, first the kitchen, then the outside, and finally the bedroom on the second floor. All the mattresses were torn from the bed, ready to be thrown out.

    The golden tree outside was always surrounded by a bunch of little monsters, and now it's standing there alone, because the little monsters can't get in. There were golden leaves all over the ground, and it looked thick. It must be very comfortable to step on. It was very thick. Although it was fake, the leaves from the tree itself should have been thick enough.

    Unfortunately, no little monster can come in and see this tree now, the vines outside are too dense.

    Yuan Yuanyuan can't stay here for too long, although the attitude of C city towards her is not bad, just based on the scene when she came here last time, the other party will not treat her Like, but she has to think about whether she will be drawn on Yaoji.

    Now that I think about it, I really can't help myself, but in general, it seems that the degree of freedom is a little higher than before.

    It's not easy anyway.

    Yuan Yuanyuan threw the garbage for the last time. When she went out, she accidentally ran into the neighbor next to her. She saw that the neighbor's eyes were staring, and Yuan Yuanyuan didn't talk to him. walked back.

    When she entered the room, Tang Shi was still sitting on a chair, and the toffee bag beside her was empty. Yuan Yuanyuan asked, "Don't read it, go back quickly. If you like it, you can just take this comic with you."

    She thought for a while, then suddenly added, "Wait a minute, there are still a bunch of comics, just take it away. Don't tell me you can't carry this thing, I'll find it for you."

    She already knew the prototype of Tang poetry. It was a calf. She guessed it when she saw Tang poetry's father.

      Yuan Yuanyuan turned around and walked to the bookshelf that she had just moved. There were originally a pile of Yaoji and Mengman, as well as a few romance novels and Tang poetry Qiu Ling's workbook. After this place was swept away, the workbook was All the things that looked like serious documents were taken away, but all the comic books were kept, which is also quite fascinating.

    Yuan Yuanyuan took the books one by one. Maverick's greatest strength is her strength, not to mention that her house is opposite, so taking a few books is not a problem at all.

    As she took it out, she was looking for comics that she didn't want to throw away, and suddenly heard Tang Shi from behind asking, "The boss, you lent me so many comics, when will I pay you back?"

    "Then you don't have to pay me back." Yuan Yuanyuan said subconsciously, "I don't know when I will come back next time..."

    "...Originally, your store is not very good. If it continues like this, the store will really turn yellow." Tang Shi said helplessly.

    "Ah... yes." Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized, "I'm still a shop..."

    She looked back at Tang Shi with a little guilty conscience, and found that she didn't look at herself, and was slightly relieved.

    It seems to be spit on something incredible...

    When she turned around and came back, Tang Shi, who was behind her, took a deep breath and still didn't turn her head back. Yuan Yuanyuan finally turned out all the books, and then pulled Tang Shi out of the door. In fact, it is very likely that she will come back for the last time... There are very few opportunities to come back in the future.

      But the situation in the future is not necessarily... The wind direction will change.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked to the gate with Tang Shi next to her. Before she went out, she let out some demonic energy to create an illusion. She noticed that someone had gathered outside, and she didn't know why. ...It is estimated that the neighbor just said it.

    The number of people is slightly larger, although everyone is hiding, but Yuan Yuanyuan can find them.

    When she was going out, Tang Shi suddenly said, "Boss, come back early, our store has to open well."

    … Yuan Yuanyuan turned her back to Tang Shi, and thought later, is this a flag?

    Huh? Tang Shi, did you do it on purpose?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked back at Tang Shi, Tang Shi kept her head down, but only then did she realize that there were many water marks on the book Tang Shi was holding.

    ...It doesn't seem like the flag was set on purpose.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little helpless about this situation, she thought about it, and finally said, "You learn tricks well, if you can't even learn tricks well, then It's too embarrassing."

    Tang Shi's head was still down, Yuan Yuanyuan saw her nodding forcefully.

    Then Yuan Yuanyuan sent Tang Shi back... I didn't want to send Tang Shi back, so I wanted her to go there alone, but I was afraid that something would happen to her, so I sent her home specially, Just happened to see Tang Shi's father.

    When she came back, Yuan Yuanyuan sighed with a headache. There was a circle of people at the gate of her store... The most troublesome thing for these people is that they think they are hiding well, Yuan Yuanyuan wanted to turn around and leave, just toss this group of neurotics here.

    As a result, a figure suddenly caught her attention.


    The scene was very embarrassing for a time, Yuan Yuanyuan watched from below, thinking about pink... No, why is she a girl thinking about this?

    She walked over to see who this girl was.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked in without revealing her figure, but just walked in front of the entangled girl and looked at her face.

    At this moment, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly realized.

    …it’s her.

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