You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 284:

    The girl looked like she couldn't get down, Yuan Yuanyuan was thinking about helping, but she struggled and didn't dare to push too hard, for fear of recruiting the people next to her, but if it wasn't for Yuan Yuanyuan She has been using illusion to help her cover up, this girl has long been exposed.

    Yuan Yuanyuan remembers the last time she saw her, it seems that the other party is still looking for Liu An... Wait, Liu An? Yuan Yuanyuan raised his eyebrows, this, this, this, this is not right... Liu An is Faning! By the way, what has this girl been looking for Fanning for?

    Yuan Yuanyuan never really thought about this before, mainly because she hadn't met this girl for a long time, so she didn't think about her at all.

    But if Liu An is Faning, the man in red is herself, and the house full of flowers on the other side in the comics at that time is her small broken shop, then this girl... Yuan Yuanyuan started immediately I remembered, and finally, in the corner of my memory, I found a girl who always wore a white dress.

    No way... Yuan Yuanyuan feels bad for the whole person, the girl's appearance in the cartoon is too different from the real appearance, the girl in the cartoon is a person Love, a good girl who sees flowers blooming, this one in front of you...

    Don't say Yuan Yuanyuan's little eyes, it's been less than a year since she first met the girl, that day, the girl's bear and Zuo were deeply imprinted in her heart , The scene where two people meet is the most embarrassing encounter. It is estimated that it will be in the top ten. She looked at the girl, and suddenly she didn't know why she wanted to come in.

    Come to Fanin? Or come to find Liu An?

    If you come to Liu An, then it means that the other party didn't know that Liu An was Faning before, and naturally he didn't know that the girl in white on the comic was her.

    If you come to Faning... then it means that the other party has long known that the other party is Faning in the comics, and maybe he also knows that he is the girl in white in the comics.

    This girl... Yuan Yuanyuan has dead fish eyes. After all, she is a real actress, the kind who can act in a play by herself.

    Yuan Yuanyuan sighed, of course the girl in white has not appeared in the comics for a long time, and of course Liu An does not live here for a long time now. Yuan Yuanyuan finally walked over, and a red vine that was completely different from the surrounding green vines spread out, tied it around the girl's waist, and lifted her up.

    When the girl was entangled by the vines, she was startled, she quickly looked back and saw the original round face along the red vines.

    When their eyes met, the girl was stunned for a moment, Yuan Yuanyuan was calm and dead. The two people with different mentalities were very calm and silent. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't want to talk to this girl. I don't know why when she saw this girl, she had a premonition that a lot of trouble was coming like a zombie...

    As for why the girl didn't speak, Yuan Yuanyuan thought it might be because of the pink color...cough.

    Yuan Yuanyuan put the **** the ground, ready to turn and leave. The girl suddenly said, "When did you come back?"

    "Just now." Yuan Yuanyuan was concise.

    "...then you, do you know who I am?" the girl asked.

    I know...Isn't that the girl in white in the comics, the character should be a rebellious girl from a monster family...what is it called? Yuan Yuanyuan thought in her heart.

    When she was the boss before, she actually had a conjecture about the girl's identity, but after all, it was just an unverified conjecture, and she couldn't say how many possibilities.

    This kind of thing belongs to the casual chat with Liu An after tea and dinner. Usually, I never dare to talk nonsense to others. What if I really say something wrong? So after a long time, her contact with this girl was not very deep, and she didn't remember it for a while.

    She looked at the girl's face, and the impression in her mind was that when she first met, when she looked at the knife she handed over, the other party's ugly face, and the other party's She kept harassing Liu An's figure... After all, the impression this girl left on her was quite bad.

    Speaking of which, I was terrified to think about it... The other party had been persevering in chasing Liu An, that is, Faning, thinking of this girl's unique "rebelliousness" before, specifically talking to Taoist priests Love against your own home. Thinking about the Taoist priest Liu An with a special status again... It's really a good life for him to escape.

    But with so many words, when they finally reached Yuan Yuanyuan's mouth, they were condensed into two words, "I know."

    After the girl heard this, she lowered her head instantly and looked at the ground without speaking. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that the other party might not want to talk much for a while, since even the dull guy like Tang Shi has realized Her identity is now, so the girl in front of her is probably not surprised.

    Two people, a man and a woman, at least on the surface, standing on both sides of the street. Yuan Yuanyuan had one salted fish, so she didn't notice anything more for a while. She thought about it and asked, "Did you come to find Liu An? He was not here a long time ago."

    “…I know.”

     Yuan Yuanyuan heard what the girl said, turned around and wanted to leave, but was called down by the girl, "Are you leaving now?"

    …Yeah, don’t you wait to plant pumpkins? Yuan Yuanyuan didn't understand the girl's words, but then she heard the girl say, "Would you like to... listen to the story of our family over the years?"

    Your home? Why do you want me to hear your family's story all of a sudden? Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned.

    How does she feel now... It's as if she was walking on the street, and suddenly someone she didn't know came by and started to tell her about her childhood... She talked about a few boyfriends in the past , there are a few scumbags in it, the first scumbag's "beep" was kicked out by her, and then she could only stand there dumbfounded and listen, not too dare to leave for a while, Wan Wan What if the other party is insane and suddenly pulls out a knife?

    Why... tell her this all of a sudden?

    Speaking... The other party's mental state seems to be very wrong, and it has been very abnormal since the first meeting, Yuan Yuanyuan is not too afraid to stimulate her, and the other party is a monster, if If the other party is angry, what he takes out is not a knife, it is definitely something more terrifying...

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who was contemplating, had a serious face, and then took back her own vines and was about to run away, but when she saw her own vines, she suddenly realized—yes, she is also a monster. , and it seems to be a big monster, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of each other...

    Sorry, sorry, Yuan Yuanyuan scratched her head and looked at the girl across from her. In a trance, she returned to when she was still that little monster. So I almost forgot that I don't have to be afraid of the other party at all now, and I just leave if I want to. The other party probably won't be able to stop her.

    Just when she was about to turn around and leave, the girl behind her caught her attention, "...Actually, I used to hear people talk about you a lot, but since you were resurrected, everyone started talking about you. They rarely talk about you, and everyone deliberately avoids talking about you..."

     Yuan Yuanyuan stopped and listened to the other party continue to speak.

    "When I was very young, my father often ignored me...I rarely saw him...We have a big and big house, but I am often the only one... " Yuan Yuanyuan's inexplicable crow's mouth, when the girl started talking, she actually started to recall her childhood.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan listened and found that the girl's attitude this time was inexplicably calmer, which was different from when the two met several times before.

    Although Yuan Yuanyuan vaguely sensed something wrong, she really didn't realize what this feeling was like. She was just pleased that the other party might be afraid of her identity, So I finally calmed down, but I never thought that the attitude of the other party was like my own treatment of some elders.

    "I... Actually, I often hear stories about you, but before, I really didn't think you were..." The girl didn't say the name in the end, she just took a deep breath, She bowed to Yuan Yuanyuan, then turned and left.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked a little surprised at the back of the girl leaving, she was a little surprised, and finally got a little snack. The attitude of the other party made her a little uncomfortable this time, and it felt like a different person. In just a few months, what psychological process did the other party go through? Why is it changing so much?

    Is there a conflict with Liu An? After all, the other party has not appeared in the comics for a long time. She was originally one of the strong competitors for the heroine, but now she has fallen out of the team early. Now the most favorable competitor for the heroine is... the woman in red...

    The original circle is full of black lines when she thinks about it.

    All in all, Yuan Yuanyuan still has a lot to gain from returning to City C this time. First I saw Tang Shi, and then I knew that Tang Shi had learned a lot of tricks, and I could see Tang Shi, a heartless two fool crying... For a teacher like Yuan Yuanyuan who didn't have much pursuit, it was already very fulfilling. one thing.

      He looks like, and inexplicably wants to chat with himself, who is this person... Who is it?

    Yuan Yuanyuan racked her brains and couldn't remember it, but it was not that she had no impression. That's right at the door.

    Recently, she has a lot of things. Compared with a few months ago, her life has simply entered another **** from one hell. The things a few months ago have become blurred. .

    Yuan Yuanyuan is very worried that if this continues, she will have to drink six walnuts.

    Nevertheless, Yuan Yuanyuan's heart of gossip continued to flow, almost overflowing. So I especially hope that the next comic will be released sooner. Although most of the paintings are definitely related to Faning, what if the content of Yidianyuan is mentioned?

    However, the new issue disappointed Yuan Yuanyuan, Yuan is still in a state of unknown life and death... She just said, Ji Qiu will definitely not let Yuan come out and throw him away casually The death escape buff, but in the new issue, the plot has begun a deeper exploration.

    In the process of confrontation, Fanin gradually came into contact with deeper monsters and humans. Gradually, some older monsters also appeared.

    The latest issue mentioned a person Yuan Yuanyuan knew and was very familiar with - the head of the Li family.

    The latest spit under the comic - [I know! This is where the juniors can't intervene. If it is replaced by Japanese comics, it is the place where the plot has finally progressed to the place where the juniors are torn apart! 】



    [I don't know...will it be more sour than the middle-aged group of Kakashi and Obito? 】


     Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the head of the Li family, and suddenly began to feel melancholy.


    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at it, slowly picked up the comic, looked at it again, looked at it, but her eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, as if she remembered something...

    She suddenly slapped her thigh and almost stood up.

    Yes! that girl...

    That girl seems to be from the Li family!

    Although she was just a rather irresponsible guess with Liu An at the time...

    But this girl might really belong to the Li family!

    The author has something to say:  Come on, take the test well~ The experience of the senior sister, keep the salted fish mentality, really, just pass it as usual, the most perfect~ Finally, I wish All the best.


      The drama was also mentioned in the group before, but later I found that everyone didn't like her very much, so I erased that part of her outline and replaced it with this abridged version.

    Then the time was too long, and there was a bug. Interested students can look at the comment area, and also made some changes to the relevant content of 129 [ bow】

    Touch your head, love you all= ̄ω ̄=

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