You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 285:

     Yuan Yuanyuan was fine when she didn't think about it, but when she thought about it, all kinds of brain holes came rolling in.

    Then... Yuan Yuanyuan finally realized what the girl's attitude was towards her that day... It turned out that she really treated her elders! It's not her illusion, it's true!

     Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little regret inexplicably, even though she didn't know what she was regretting...

    In this case... Yuan Yuanyuan began to recall what the girl said at that time, and began to think with the idea that she was the daughter of the head of the Li family.

    She talked a little about her childhood life and a little about her father, but she didn't talk much about her father, Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know it was because She didn't want to talk about it herself, or she didn't want to talk in front of her.

    But think about it carefully, this girl has a lot of thoughtful words... She said that she used to hear people talking about 17-related things, that is to say, in the Li family, 17 It should be regarded as a person everyone knows, unlike in the outside world, there is almost no trace of him.

      Much more.

    But that's the Li family... Yuan Yuanyuan's face is grim when she thinks of this, her father is the one who killed Yiqi back then, if Yuan Yuanyuan's inference is correct... How can you casually say Yiqi's name in such a relationship? Generally speaking, you shouldn't hold it tightly, and definitely not allow others to mention it?

    The relationship between Yiqi and the head of the Li family is definitely not that simple... Yuan Yuanyuan thought, she did not forget a piece of information she had collected before - Yiqi and the head of the Li family are not only brother-in-law and brother-in-law Relationship, these two seem to be good friends, good enough to be stamped by the official formula book.

    Wow... Then this time it seems that I can look forward to the Shura field. The original Yuanyuan brain circuit has changed strangely.

    The relationship between Yiqi and the head of the Li family back then seemed to be quite bloody, and there was a particularly cruel place - it seemed that the head of the Li family was the one who threw Yiqi directly back then, still holding thrown down. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this was quite abusive, especially for the two who used to be friends.

    Let's order a song for these two, is it the best friend or a sad love song... Yuan Yuanyuan's brain circuit began to think strangely.

    In the comic, it only vaguely mentions the head of the Li family. But the head of the Li family, with his face and the scar on his face, quickly brought back everyone's memories.

    The conversation between him and Yuan was revealed again... This is the first time it has been revealed. Readers of Yaoji have found that for Yuan, his plot needs to be watched many times in a row. Different situations and different time periods can see different things.

    At that time, the conflict between him and Yuan was in the comics, and there are four words in it that are very conspicuous - for loyalty.

    The word loyalty has been around Yuan for a long time.

    From the very beginning, Yuan had a "disloyal" stamp on his body, and everyone thought so. But watching this plot again now, readers actually vaguely read the undercurrent from it.

    ...Although from a comic, you can see that the undercurrent surging is kind of ridiculous, but the readers really saw it.

    Readers are looking at the comics while thinking about what the dialogue between the two is about. The plot between them is particularly tense no matter when they watch it then or now.

    Although there are not many scenes of fighting between the two people, they are tense from beginning to end. It is one of the most classic plots in the comics.


    Like this "for loyalty".

    Before readers thought it was loyalty to the Blood Jade Demon Army, but now it's different. No matter how carefully, the two people are not talking about the same thing at all, maybe what the Li family Patriarch said is not loyalty to the Blood Jade Demon Army at all.

    Which faction the head of the Li family belongs to now is still unknown. However, netizens on the Internet even guessed that it was close to ten.

    They all felt that it should be loyalty to the King of Hundred Demons, and the head of the Li family is likely to belong to the faction of the King of Hundred Demons.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the Internet, and everyone was discussing what songs should be sung between the two... It seems that they are all old and sad songs, Yuan Yuanyuan found out that this elderly group The grudges and hatreds are unexpectedly quite attractive, and the Internet has already made some people discussing this, and the plot has not appeared long ago.


    【But the two of them...are they a couple? Shouldn't it be Yuan's sister? I'm actually a bit of a scumbag character like Lei. 】

     I remember it seems to be dead... Does his sister have any children with the head of the Li family? 】

     Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly froze when she saw this comment.

    …The next second, she suddenly fell to the ground and rolled around.

    My God! That's right, Yuan's sister and the head of the Li family used to be a family! The two are a couple and may have had children!

    That girl in, no...

     Yuan Yuanyuan rolled around for a long time, but suddenly calmed down again.

    No, the age is not correct. According to her age, that girl is just a little monster now. Sister Yiqi should have passed away very early. Yuan Yuanyuan's guess was between World War I and World War II.

    The death of Yiqi was related to the head of the Li family. It's hard to say whether the head of the Li family married Yiqi's sister, whether it was sincere, or whether he simply wanted to get in touch with Yiqi.

    After the First World War, something happened to Yiqi's sister, and she should not live to the Second World War. If the girl in white was really born by Yiqi's sister, then it would be strange to say it.

    Yuan Yuanyuan searched for her notes at that time, and found that she had really written down the news of the second wife of the head of the Li family—a lady from the Yuan family.

    When was this message recorded? Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it again, and remembered that this should be something she wrote down when she was still in the mask organization.

    This Yuan is actually Yuan Yingli's Yuan. They are both of their own families. Now Yuan Yingli seems to have broken up with the Yuan family, which is also unpredictable.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't tell anyone else about this, and was ready to see how the plot would go next. If Jiqiu really wanted to reveal what happened back then, then the head of the Li family, this The role must be unavoidable, and he is an important link.

    Although readers now seem to see that he is a simple member of the elderly group, and may also be responsible for some **** plots, but this person really digs deep, the things behind it must be special It's so spectacular that it might be able to pull out a bunch of things.

    Yuan Yuanyuan suppressed all her thoughts by herself. In fact, she also really wanted to see what happened back then. Since then, the events of that year have been vague, and some stories that are too old can only exist vaguely in the oral narratives of other people. This is the so-called "elderly group".

    If Yuan did not have so many roles, he would also be divided into such an elderly group. Yuan Yuanyuan is very calm, but it is better to say that it is because he has little contact in this area, so it looks like he is completely watching a story of an unrelated person, and he has no mood fluctuations at all, just pure curiosity and gossip.

    Yuan Yuanyuan feels that her mentality is very salty and healthy. She also doesn't care much about this aspect. In her conception, it is nothing more than revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice. It is still a bit difficult for her to have any real emotional fluctuations from the events of the year.

    She still commutes between her home and the pub every day as usual, but she has always been so calm, others can't be as calm as her.

    This day, Yuan Yuanyuan drank a little more... not much, but she didn't want to leave anything. There is still a bottom left in that pot of wine. If she doesn't finish it, no one will drink it.

    The careful Yuan Yuanyuan poured the jug hard there, then drank more, and when she finally poured the bottom, the proprietress next to her got out from nowhere, and then threw her The jug is far away, so she is not allowed to touch it.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked confused.

    But she didn't realize what was going on at the time, she just watched the proprietress take the jug far away, thinking that the proprietress pays great attention to the health of the employees today... Usually people often go there secretly The chef was begging for wine, and the lady boss never cared about it. What happened today?

    But don't drink if you don't let me drink it... Yuan Yuanyuan thought that she had to drink for the sake of pretending, and it would be good to not drink recently, otherwise she is such a cautious It still hurts after drinking it.

    This situation continued for one day, two days... On the third day, Yuan Yuanyuan, who was drowsy, suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly thought, "No way... Why did the boss suddenly do this?" Do?

    At this time, Yuan Yuanyuan realized later that her behavior of pouring the jug that day may have been mistaken by the proprietress as drinking wine to drown her sorrows...

    The last time she read the comics, it took a few hours for her to react, and this time it took three days. It can be seen that Yuan Yuanyuan's reaction was really half a beat slower.

    When the proprietress wanted to take the wine away that night, Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't hold back her mouth and said, "Don't take it, let it go."

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