You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 336:

    Yuanyuan's heart is more complicated after reading the comics, and the hearts of readers are also more complicated.

    The more complicated one is Gao Ling. After reading the comics, she began to gradually fall into contemplation... In fact, when the ghost came out some time ago, she was already deep in thought and knew the true identity of the woman in red , making her miserable and happy.

    Happiness is because there are too many stalks in it, and pain is because... I just can't say it, so it's very painful.

    Gao Ling felt that it was not her fault for thinking too much about this situation. It was very strange that she could only blame herself.

    When I saw the ghost, Gao Ling immediately guessed that the other party was the Taoist priest with the surname Liu. It was inferred from Ranniang's side.

    Sometimes Gao Ling also thinks that the women in red now are like the Ran Niang of the past, all relying on beauty to eat...

    The complexity of Gao Ling's heart lies in this. She naturally knows that the woman in red is actually a man in red, so she is completely different from other readers when they read this passage.

      But looking at it, I really can't help but deviate towards that direction, and then I wonder if what the two of them said is a simple friendship, or is there something strange mixed in this friendship.

    After all...Yuan is a miraculous women's clothing boss, and the other party looks better than many real women when dressed as a woman, what if...the fake show is so real?


    Damn...what's the matter with you guys? Gao Ling cried out in his heart the same as Yuan.

    I never imagined that Yuan was still such a person who attracted bees and butterflies... Gao Ling thought silently. Compared with the old man now, it is really very different. When Gao Ling saw the other party last time, there were all kinds of blood marks on his hands.

    Although the other party doesn't seem to be a big deal now, but think about it in the monster, the other party is indeed very old, and the three words "old man" are indeed quite suitable for the other party, and I don't know At this age, can that kind of damage be tolerated?

    And the group of monster generals they were back then seemed to be very few who could live to this age. Even the head of the Li family seemed to be seriously injured later, and for a while he almost turned into an old man.

    This episode was mentioned at the end of the last comic, just a short paragraph, right after the wedding. It was said that after the Li family's patriarch agreed to help the Lord of the Hundred Demons to die, the Li family's patriarch made a lot of preparations. After all, Yuan was so powerful back then, even if it was a secret sneak attack, it would be very difficult to make a successful sneak attack.

    It is because of the relationship of the Li family's patriarch that Yuan will almost let go of all his vigilance towards the other party. But that doesn't mean it's foolproof. Yuan has been a spy for so many years, and some things have almost become instinct.

    So the head of the Li family adopted a rather special method. Although the comics did not specifically introduce what it was, there was a picture.

    The other party took out a bowl of dark stuff, hesitant to sit under the lamp, but his eyes gradually changed from confusion to firmness.

    Finally, the other party took the medicine in front of the table and drank it.

    Afterwards, a painful look gradually appeared on his face, his expression became more and more distorted, and beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead, and finally he couldn't sit still, so he just half-kneeled.

    After a long time, the other party finally calmed down, cleaned himself up, and walked out of the room as if nothing happened.

    I also saw this, Gao Lingcai really felt that those old monsters were really not easy, either their talents were amazing, or their hearts were really cruel. , but the heart is really cruel.

    Well...Although this is still a huge candy in the CP party, but it is not important.

    Maybe because of this drug, the health of the head of the Li family has been very bad back then, but the people back then didn't know it. So the head of the Li family lived until the end of the war, and until decades later, the side effects of that thing were revealed at this time.

    At first, the head of the Li family gradually felt that he was a little powerless and could not do anything he wanted to do. Then gradually, he began to find that he suddenly had white hair on his head when he was in his prime.

    In just two or three years, he has changed from a young man to an old man. Generally speaking, a monster can maintain his appearance for a lifetime. , the other party will become the image of the drooping old man.

    From that time on, the head of the Li family began to stay out of the house, and began to try his best to nurture his only daughter, but unfortunately his daughter did not seem to be very obedient and often rebelled against him.

    Gao Ling saw such a bunch of comments by chance, and fell into some kind of bizarre fantasy... She didn't know that the head of the Li family later used humans to prolong her life, nor did she know that she She had been involved before. If she knew, she would never think so blindly as she is now.

    A week passed quickly. During this week, the popularity of the head of the Li family began to rise gradually, and there was even a small climax. Although Yuan Yuanyuan did not care much about these falsehoods , but I'm still a little disappointed. I originally wanted to kill the opponent directly in the Yaoji vote...

    During this time, Yuan Yuanyuan worked hard to bring herself into the mood of Yiqi. Now that she already knows a lot of information, she can no longer simply look at the eyes of the enemy like before. The Li family is the head of the family, otherwise, it will be easy to wear help when we meet again.

    Yiqi's attitude towards the head of the Li family is definitely not as simple as she thought at first, it should be said that it is extremely complicated. After all, the two sides are also comparable to Hokage's pair. They really can't fight to the death as soon as they go up, and Yiqi probably won't do it.

     Yuan Yuanyuan started secretly looking for some juvenile supplementary lessons these days, wanting to see how she should react in this situation, but the things she found didn't seem to work very well.


    Well, it's weird, don't want to die.

    By the way, what is the name of the old man of the Li family? Yuan Yuanyuan vaguely remembered who she had heard before, but now she has forgotten...

    Li Siqun is the younger brother of the head of the Li family, and is a relative. Of course Yuanyuan knows this. She actually wanted to know who was responsible for Li Siqun back then. Although the last issue seemed to be overwhelming, but after thinking about it, there are still a lot of interesting things.

    For example, at the wedding, when the other party saw Li Siqun and Yiqi standing together, what they said in their hearts, they tried hard not to think too much, uh... Although the atmosphere was very Intense, as if the sad Xiaoshou watched his own Bai Yueguang be kidnapped by his biological younger brother. He hated both his younger brother and Bai Yueguang. The breath of dog blood was really unstoppable, but Yuan Yuanyuan thought about it. is more.

    She thought...the other party didn't want to think too much, maybe it wasn't for Yiqi, but simply for the four groups?

    You must know that Li Siqun is stupid now and doesn't know how stupid, but from various levels, it is very likely that his brother was the one who attacked him back then. I asked how Li Siqun was doing, if he was still so stupid.

    Perhaps the head of the Li family was looking at Li Siqun at the wedding, thinking whether he was going to attack him. As we all know, the relationship between Li Siqun and Yiqi was really indescribable back then, so if the head of the Li family made a move against Yuan, then Li Siqun would probably organize it. Just in case, the head of the Li family simply attacked Li Siqun. .

    The head of the Li family was no more tragic than the 17th tragedy... Yuan Yuanyuan thought. She actually doubted Li Siqun's memory of his brother now. It happened that the two of them were still living together, so it was more convenient for Yuan Yuanyuan to ask each other.

    So when the four groups came back from get off work to watch TV one day, Yuan Yuanyuan sneaked up with the comics, showed the comics to each other, and secretly asked, "Four, four groups? , you... do you remember who this person above is?"

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