You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 337:

    "..." The four groups stared at the cartoon for a long time.

     Yuan Yuanyuan still looked at him with a bright smile on her face.

    The four groups watched for a while, then turned their heads silently, and continued to stare at the yellow sponge on the TV.

    "..." Yuan Yuanyuan was entangled for a second in her heart. Does this count as acquaintance or not?

    The attitude of the four groups is somewhat confusing. Yuan Yuanyuan didn't dare to try the second time for a while, but she vaguely felt that the movement of the other party turning her head at that time actually explained some problems.


    When Yuan Yuanyuan asked him questions, he basically didn't answer them.

    But the four groups did not answer Yuan Yuanyuan's question at that time, nor did they blush.

    Although there are very few opportunities for two people to meet now, there will still be such a person vaguely in my impression. For so many years, even though Si Qun was a bit stupid, they had been hiding in this tavern. Yuan Yuanyuan felt that in some cases, it was a blessing.

      Turning black can be regarded as rejuvenating, watching cartoons happily all day long, very cute.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that since the last issue was added, the battlefield of Yaoji jumped from modern times back to ancient times in an instant, mainly because the current battles are basically related to the past, the new little monsters You can't get into this level of stuff at all.

    The pub is also in full swing. Everyone is watching the latest trends. The proprietress has often complained recently that there are more and more strange strangers in the tavern. If this happens, they will suspend business for a while.

    Yuan Yuanyuan remembered what happened to the stranger last time, and now she doesn't know who he is, but Yuan Yuanyuan still thinks that the other party should guess that the woman in red is Yuan.

    It's just that the other party didn't reveal it, and gradually weakened the search for the woman in red. Yuan Yuanyuan also thought that the other party was not ready to continue the investigation, and put all her heart into it. How to protect the tavern.


    "Then what do you say?" Yuan Yuanyuan also had a headache.

    "The situation now is different from that of the past. If something happened back then, you can help cover it up. Now that there is a little trouble, people will suspect me." The proprietress continued quietly.

    "..." Yuan Yuanyuan silently stepped back, knowing that she was wrong.


    Yuan Yuanyuan also needs to live here again recently, because according to the proprietress's guess, they may use four groups of hair recently... Yuan Yuanyuan recalls that feeling, and she doesn't want to kill it After going out, he continued to squat in the house, and the red curtain was hung up by the proprietress again.

    So recently the state of "Yuan Yuanyuan" is that she has been drowsy in the attic and can't get up for a long time. Yuan Yuanyuan had less and less time to work before, or because of something at home, and all of them were sleeping...

      But Yuan Yuanyuan is really tiring to get it done. Under such circumstances, Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't have much energy to do extra things.

     Yuan Yuanyuan was running back and forth this day. She originally wanted to return to the attic from the tavern, but suddenly a strange smell wafted in the air, and she knelt down suddenly, He hurriedly ran back in the direction from which he came.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who returned to the tavern, lay on the floor like a dead dog and breathed a sigh of relief, her chest heaving violently, as if there was not enough air nearby.

    The proprietress was not surprised by Yuan Yuanyuan's sudden return, she turned around very calmly, and after a while, brought medicinal wine and cotton cloth over.

    This hair... Yuan Yuanyuan was lying on the ground, grinning and letting the proprietress rub the medicine for him, but a question suddenly appeared in his heart, since this Gu is from four groups, then he has There is no way to solve it?

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who had a big brain hole, couldn't control herself at all, although at this time, she couldn't go back and ask the four groups, even if the two were only a few hundred meters away.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, who had nothing to do, lay down in the red gauze, and played with salted fish. After playing for a while, she suddenly remembered that Yaoji was going to be updated again, so she got up, Went to read the comics.

      Yuanyuan has heard or seen rumors that the King of Little Hundred Demons is furious, whether in reality or in the comics, so it shouldn't be a lie.

    Compared to the younger generation, the intrigue between the older generation is very tragic. Yuan Yuanyuan saw a lot of shocking things in the comics , let alone in reality. Compared with these old monsters, Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little too tender.

    Among the intrigues of the older generation, the head of the Li family is definitely the central role. Although he is not the only one on the stage, who let him end the scene in person.

    The image of the head of the Li family in the comics is much more specific than in real life, because in reality, Yuan Yuanyuan is facing his always yin and yang strange face, completely unpredictable She came out to know what the other party was thinking, but after watching the memory killing for such a long time, she even strangely connected to the other party's brain circuits.

    How to say this person... He is a very extreme person, and it is easy to lead to death. Moreover, he is very good at brainwashing himself, and feels a bit obsessive-compulsive, Yuan Yuanyuan understands it like this.

    But compared with some people, such people are actually a bit interesting, with a little naivety and energy. The head of the Li family is such a person. Although his talent is not enough, he is diligent and able to make up for his own shortcomings. He devoted himself to the great cause of killing Yuan, and the tricks he used are thrilling again and again.

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comics, and the hala almost came out from the corner of her mouth. This is a small part of the memory of the head of the Li family. It is very inconspicuous. , missed this paragraph.

    To sum up, in a certain battle, Yiqi seems to be going to do a very dangerous thing, which is life-threatening, although Yiqi is very accustomed to this kind of thing, but this The head of the Li family, who was standing next to him, suddenly said something.

    …and then the manga was gone.

    Because it was interrupted by another monster who suddenly rushed in, Yiqi rushed out without looking back after listening to it, and now there are only Siqun and Li left in the room Homeowner.


    Speak so quickly! Yuan Yuanyuan is angry, what is the secret you said! You are poisonous!

    Yuan Yuanyuan hid in the red curtain and almost wanted to open the curtain, but she knelt as soon as a small gap was opened.

    Yuan Yuanyuan, who forcibly crawled back, looked at the comic, thinking that this is a hurdle... As long as the other party doesn't stop putting this thing, she will never be able to get out, I just hope the other party has less inventory , for a shorter period of time.

    I finally had such a chance to know the truth, but it was interrupted so suddenly, Yuan Yuanyuan was really a little unwilling.

      It will become like this when it is pitted.

    The picture in the comic turns, from the previous memories, to the present.

    The head of the Li family was sitting there, and it looked almost the same as back then.

    In front of him was a small incense burner, and there was a faint smoke wafting from the incense burner, which looked like the most ordinary incense.

    What Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know was that this scene in the comic was actually what happened a few hours before the update of the comic, which was when she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

    The head of the Li family on the comic opened his mouth slowly and said a word.

    "You guys... take advantage of now, hurry up and find the woman in red, at this time."

    When he said this, his eyes suddenly "turned" straight, as if he was looking at the reader in front of the comic.

    In those unfathomable eyes, there is something that makes Yuan Yuanyuan feel afraid.

    "But I think...if it's her, she should come and see me soon, after all...she knows. If she doesn't come out now, then I think she has acquiesced to one something happened."

     Yuan Yuanyuan on the comic looked at the last page and was stunned for a long time.

    I don't know if it's an illusion... Yuan Yuanyuan always felt that the head of the Li family in the comics seems to be... saying this to the "woman in red" who is reading the comic through the screen. sentence.

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