You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 362:

     Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the dark place in front of her, and for the first time felt that she knew too little about the monster world.

    It turns out that they also have the same kind of space as the mask organization. This kind of thing seems to need a kind of magic to open. They have a monster who can do this kind of magic. He has been staying in their tavern and has little sense of existence. At this time, it suddenly appeared, and a person took the responsibility of transporting the monster. all responsibility.

    After just one night, everyone in the tavern moved into this space, including the monster himself.

    "There may be no way to communicate with the outside world for the time being." The monster said to Yuan Yuanyuan, "But we can clean up again, after all, there is no way to go back to the tavern for the time being."

    …Yes, what should the lady boss do when she comes back? Will she be beheaded on the spot? Yuan Yuanyuan thought a little worried.

    She glanced at the people behind her, feeling a little uneasy. Maybe it's because the proprietress hasn't come back now, and her spiritual support has fallen. She rarely faces things in the tavern by herself.

    Ah... I always feel that this kind of life is very stressful. For the first time, I feel that the role of the boss is so powerful.

     Yuan Yuanyuan thought so, but it didn't show on the surface. I just ordered the little monster to go to C city to inform the proprietress, tell her that the tavern has been discovered, and don't go back for the time being.

    In fact, Yuan Yuanyuan thought a lot. The matter of the tavern is so big that the whole city C will know it all in less than a day, and the proprietress here will naturally know too.

    Yuan Yuanyuan walked back and forth in this brand new base, the area here is obviously not as large as the one made by Diga of the face-based organization, I don’t know if it’s because the monster’s strength is not as strong Because of the strong side.

    But overall, it looks pretty good. Everything is readily available, and the room is cleaned very well. It seems that it is not a day or two to prepare, it should be to deal with emergencies like this.

    The monster said that all this was prepared by the proprietress, and Yuan Yuanyuan also had a hunch in her heart. I am afraid that the proprietress realized that the tavern was not safe long ago, so she prepared Something, is to prepare for this day.

    She looked at Brother A Piao over there... It should be called Brother Paper now. Although he and the head of the Li family fought fiercely that day, the battle did not leave him without aftereffects.

    Since he came back from the tavern, he has maintained the shape of a piece of paper, and has never appeared from it again.

     Yuan Yuanyuan tried to poke each other, but the paper didn't even move. Now Yuan Yuanyuan put the piece of paper in a place where she kept it close to her body, for fear of losing it accidentally, and there would be nowhere to find it.

    She also asked about the safety of the place. The monster told her that no one would find him for a while. In addition to finding rules in this kind of place, it is difficult for outsiders to come in again.

    However, there may be spies in the tavern, so he doesn't know when the news will be spread.

    Yuan Yuanyuan said she knew, and called back a few trusted people to let them pay attention to the monsters that have recently entered and exited this space, and recorded it.

    The space is small, and the monsters in the tavern crowded the place. Yuan Yuanyuan also sorted out the things that happened during this time a little at this time, so that his thoughts could be clearer.

    It has been three days since the supervisor was breached. From the looming rumors of monsters on the first day, to the noisy topic between monsters on the third day, the reputation of the tavern is also getting higher and higher. Maybe only people who like to drink will notice it, but now there is no such thing in C city. I don't know the monsters in this place.

    The gossip that circulated on the first day was that the head of the Li family broke through here. No one knows what happened, but the Li family has been gaining momentum recently. Everyone guessed that the pub might have provoked him, causing him to kill chickens and respect monkeys.

    The head of the Li family did not respond to such a message. It's not surprising that the monsters just thought it was an ordinary vicious attack. This kind of thing happens a lot lately. Although the incident in the tavern is a little bigger, it is estimated that in two or three days, it will subside like the previous incidents.

    However, no. The next day, the incident got even bigger. Many people saw it. In addition to the monsters, even the Taoist priests went to the tavern. In this current range, the atmosphere of Taoist priests and monsters is very tense. They hardly ever meet. What exactly happened in the tavern to bring these two groups of people together?

    Someone who worked in the tavern spread the word a little, and it seemed that there was a conflict in the tavern that day. They were still working in the tavern as usual, but suddenly a lot of monsters rushed out to tell them to leave, and even the guests were evacuated.

    Some people vaguely heard some words when they left, and those words were very sensitive to the things involved.

    "Anti-war organization", "Leader of the Li family"... Words like this are hard not to think about. So under everyone's guess, a matter that is very outrageous, but close to the truth, of course, is actually the truth has been speculated.

    —The tavern is the stronghold of the anti-war organization.

    When the news came out, everyone was in an uproar.

    And on the third day…

     Yao Kee has been updated.


    Yuan Yuanyuan spent two days to deal with everything, and then waited for the update of Yaoji on the third day.

    This issue is very important. She wants to see Jiqiu's current attitude, and can also judge from it which step the war has progressed.

    On that day, Yuan Yuanyuan ordered no one in the tavern to enter or leave at will, not even those who buy vegetables.

    She went out of this space with her mobile phone, transformed into an ordinary looking girl, found a milk tea shop, and waited for Yaoji's update.

    There is no network in that kind of space, so I can't see the update. In fact, so far, even the people in the tavern don't quite know what happened that day. There are a lot of yokai, just know that their tavern is exposed. But after all, they are all people at the bottom, and they can't tell them anything too deep.

    At present, I know that the woman in red is from Yuan, there are only a dozen or so, most of them were deliberately seen by Yuan Yuanyuan when Yuan Yuanyuan rushed out to explain things that night.

    Because it is not clear whether Jiqiu wants to expose this matter, Yuan Yuanyuan does not want too many people to know about it for the time being. If Jiqiu's issue is drawn, then she doesn't need to do anything more, but if he doesn't draw, she always has to guard against some spies hiding in the crowd.

    The fact that the head of the Li family knows does not mean that other monsters also know. Now the power has been divided into several factions. The relationship between the Li family's patriarch and other forces is not necessarily very good, so Yuan Yuanyuan dares to conclude that if he doesn't say it, and Ji Qiu doesn't say it, then there are still very few people who know about it.

    However, Yaoji didn't play so many imaginary things for Yuanyuan this time, it directly drew everything that happened that night. It was even more detailed than Yuan Yuanyuan herself remembered, so Yuan Yuanyuan noticed many details that she hadn't noticed at the time.

    "...From this point of view, brother A Piao seemed more handsome that night." Yuan Yuanyuan was inexplicably addicted, and poked her pocket, but there was still no response, so she just Keep looking down.

    If I hadn't invited others to see this talisman, it's not bad so far, she has to wonder if Brother A Piao is gone now.

    Ji Qiu was drawn from the perspective of the head of the Li family, but not all of them occasionally borrowed from the perspective of God.


    It was also at this time that Yuan Yuanyuan knew that the original Li family head had suspected it about two months ago.

    Where is the problem... Yuan Yuanyuan began to think quietly. At this time, she realized that the defenses in the tavern were not so complete. Maybe it was relatively good in the early stage, but as the situation is getting more and more tense, the current social information is so developed, so the news is easy to spread. , Compared with the previous year, there are naturally many differences.

    Yuan Yuanyuan is reflecting on the past and looking forward to the future, but no one seems to think about this kind of problem except her.

    She was drinking coffee at this 24-hour milk tea shop. Suddenly I heard a scream from the girl next to me, and there was an echo in the whole room.

    Everyone in the milk tea shop looked back at her with a surprised look, but the girl didn't notice the other eyes, but frantically shook the boyfriend next to her, "I'm going, look at this!"

    "What's the matter?" The boy who accompanied her obviously thought that the girl seemed crazy... But at this time, she was tapped on the shoulder. Although she was a little speechless, she still came over.

    He stared at the phone for one second, two seconds…

    "Lying trough-trough-trough-trough..."

    … Yuan Yuanyuan buckled her ears, the echo effect seems to be stronger than that of his girlfriend.

    What did this guy see? Why are you looking so sad? Yuan Yuanyuan leaned over to take a look, and with her sharp eyesight, she immediately saw the contents on the phone.

    The top of the mobile phone is a woman's clothing that is alluring (original circle perspective).

    Hey boy? What's wrong? Yuan Yuanyuan squinted at the past, do you have any dissatisfaction?

    Just as she was gearing up to go up, the girlfriend next to her rescued the young man.

    "I'm going! I'm going! I'm going!" The girl jumped out of the chair excitedly, "Boss, check out!"

    "Wait, we're not trying to…"

    "Shut up! I'm going back to the computer!"

    The girl took her boyfriend and hurried out of the milk tea shop.

    …Don’t date and play on the computer, girl, you are very promising. Yuan Yuanyuan thought silently, dried the coffee next to her, and walked out of the milk tea shop.

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