You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 363:

    Because the number of comments on Yaoji reached the highest in the history of a single issue on this day, Mengman directly posted an official Weibo.

    Yuan Yuanyuan enjoyed various reactions on the Internet, and thought everyone was more interesting. I don't usually see it, everyone's inner activities are so rich. At this time, the spit is very fierce.

    【My a man? 】

    【I go, you are just kidding me. The women's clothing boss there is Yuan! ? 】

     Why is the woman in red a Yuan? 】

    Comments like this are quite normal, and there are many abnormal comments. The original circles are slightly over.

    At this time, she couldn't help but imagine what Yuan Yingli's expression would be like, what the expression of the fat cat would be like, and most importantly, if Faning knew about this, he would What will his expression look like.

    Everyone's expression seemed to make her laugh for three days, Yuan Yuanyuan suddenly felt a lot more comfortable when she thought about it. The depression that I could only hide in this weird space for the past few days has also subsided a lot.

      So when things were revealed, everyone was caught off guard.

    "Hey..." In front of the computer, there were two boys looking at the computer in a trance, one of the boys patted the other, "Don't you say this is your goddess? You don't say him Is she the great goddess in Yaoji?"

    "Ah... it's true." Another boy next to him said weakly.

      To be smooth...ahem.


    It was a coincidence that it was the reverse side.

    The woman in red was lying there, winking like silk, her hair scattered, her skin as white as jade exposed, her cherry lips lightly parted, as if she was about to say something ambiguous at any time.

    "Brother, you..." The boy behind him looked at the person beside him with an inexplicable look.

    "No, no, no! I'm not, I don't!" The boy beside him waved his hands again and again and quickly distanced himself.


    Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t know about Yaoji’s official release of a red-clothed woman’s pillow... Maybe at this moment, Yaoji’s official also felt that the dog was beeping, and her own painter dug a hole They were all buried.

    Until a strange person in the official suddenly stood up and said righteously, "We didn't design **** at all! Because the woman in red is a flat chest! And we also covered it up All points, so this throw pillow was right from the start!"


    How many times this big brother was beaten is unknown here. However, Yuan Yuanyuan knew that this sudden appearance made many people confused.

    Including many old monsters were shocked when they heard the news, because the woman in red is also an old-fashioned monster, no one has ever seen her true face, her active time is It started when the last war broke out, which means that if Yuan really wanted to disguise, then he probably designed it all over 100 years ago.

    Over 100 years ago. After realizing this, everyone shuddered again. Obviously, it was not the first time that they had experienced Yuan's ruthlessness, but every time they experienced it, they were as frightened as the first time.

    However, there is one thing that makes the monsters ridiculed by readers. Readers complained on the Internet, "These monsters have met so many times together, and no one has found out that he is a man?"

    "And that Fanning, it's simply unscientific. He is your master, why can't you recognize him every time you meet? Is there some magical bug?"

    "100% hand-to-hand bug..."

     "That's right! And he doesn't even change shape! He just put on a little make-up. After changing his clothes, no one found out that he was a man?"

    "You didn't find out, okay!" Some monsters who can surf the Internet almost exploded when they saw the comments on the Internet, so they frantically replied a sentence on the Internet.

    After a while, a reply came. They clicked on it, and it was written like this [These painters who have to praise Jiqiu are more awesome, and the things he draws are simply invisible, but there must be flaws in life, why those Weaknesses have not been found? Isn't this a bug? Although the plot sounds okay for the first time, there is no way to scrutinize it. 】

    【You… shameless! 】The monster behind the computer vomited three liters of blood. This is obviously based on reality. What is the reality, what is in the comics!

    Because the monsters here can't tell the truth, they're so suffocated. And many people on the Internet are amazed at Jiqiu's painters at the same time.

    [Although I know that there must be a difference between the two-dimensional and the three-dimensional, this kind of thing must not happen in the three-dimensional, but I have to say that Jiqiu's painting skills are really amazing. After nearly half a year of painting, I didn't even realize that the woman in red was painted according to a man. 】


    【I think...Yuan is so handsome! I don't care he is so handsome! 】

    This issue even has a supplementary issue at the back. There is nothing else in the supplemental issue, except for a whole issue of the face of a woman in red.

    The face of the woman in red without a veil.

    Many people have been curious about the appearance of the woman in red before. Today, the veil of the woman in red has finally been taken off, ahem, although the process and results are a little different from what you imagined before...

    The woman in red looks very feminine, especially after putting on makeup. Those eyes are really very beautiful, even if compared with the eyes of a woman, they seem to have more affection.

    Before, the woman in red once showed one eye from a side view. After looking at those eyes, many people guessed that the woman in red might be a woman with a heroic spirit and a charm. Yes, one is more accurate than the other.

    In the end, this woman in red is really a hero with a little bit of coquettishness... man, is it unexpected, not happy?

    Although people don't see that the woman in red is actually Yuan, humans think monsters are stupid, and monsters think humans are stupid, but both sides have to admit one thing.

    —In this matter, Yuan was really successful, and the success was seamless.

    I don't know where the Li family learned that the woman in red is actually Yuan. Thinking of this, everyone's eyes became strange. It has been circulating on the Internet before that the head of the Li family actually fell in love with Yuan back then, and his heart was broken, but it's a pity that Lang Youqing has no intention of concubine... That's what it means.

    Why is he so obsessed with Yuan?

    Gao Ling looked at the cheers in the group, but focused more on Yuan.


    So the comics stopped before Yuan burst into clothes. At this time, Gao Ling guessed that he was unwell through the inconvenience of Yuan's movement.


      It's not because "she" is not Yuan, but because "she" suppresses her own instincts.

    What is the injury now? Gao Ling was a little worried. Since the last time he came back from the battle with the Li family, the woman in red has been lying in the house to recover and never went out. Gao Ling, who had been fortunate enough to see Yuan Yuan's wounded appearance, was now worried.

    Uh... Of course, when the next issue is drawn, she doesn't have to worry about these useless hearts, anyway, everything is settled, right...

    Gao Ling can be distracted to think about other things at this time, she looked at Yuan on the computer and thought, although he always knew that the woman in red was Yuan, but he really didn't remember her true face what kind of.

    Seeing this face at this time, she sincerely sighed, no wonder she has not been discovered for so long... If other people say this kind of thing, she will not believe it, but Yuan she believes , why? Just by this face. Too strong, it is simply a strong man among strong men.

    Now the people in her group are cheering, it can be seen that these few autumns have been enough to hold them back. She looked at the group and thought that Jiqiu really succeeded. Look at how everyone is holding back...

    Gao Ling casually flipped through the Internet, and suddenly found a post that said [Some time ago, my roommate bought a pillow for a woman in red...]

     ] Gao Lingdao, [You posted it on the bar now, there are many girls who are accepting it, it should be easy to get out. 】

    [No, that's not the problem. 】After a while, the landlord came back, 【My roommate said it at first... What's the matter with saying that he's used to it these days? I said that you can't come out yet, he said that hugging and hugging have feelings, and the touch feels as smooth as a girl's xx... What the **** is it? 】

    Uh... Gao Ling looked at the computer and suddenly died.

    Yuan and Jiqiu... How successful is this...

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