You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 385:

    "Massacre?" Yuan Yuanyuan's reaction was a little calmer than Fat Cat's. In fact, if the fat cat said that one step too late, the person who said this sentence must be Yuan Yuanyuan.

    Fortunately, the fat cat said this sentence in advance, allowing Yuan Yuanyuan to hold back the words in her heart.

    "Why do you want to do this?" Yuan Yuanyuan was running wildly in her heart, and finally came to a conclusion, "Could it be that the King of Little Demons is really dead?"

    In history, there are many incidents in which a large number of people died because of the death of the king, all of which were done by a group of mad people, and the head of the Li family was absolutely mad in Yuan Yuanyuan's eyes.

    "Where did you hear this news?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "I heard it when I was about to enter the city." The man said, "Now the gate of the city has been opened, allowing people from outside the city to enter."


    Aren't they afraid of recruiting the army or something to fight back?

    However, the fat cat's reaction speed was fast, he was stunned for a while, and then suddenly said, "Poison..."

     Yuan Yuanyuan is also full of excitement.

    Since they have already decided to slaughter the city, why do they still engage in precision strikes, can't they just engage in weapons of mass destruction? Simply neat.

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t know if the humans knew about it. Although there are many monsters in this city, there are still a large number of humans.


    "Yes." The monster nodded vigorously, then immediately disappeared.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt scared after thinking about it, she called another monster and told them to pay attention to the latest food and water, it is best to notify someone to bring it from outside the city.

    The most reliable way of poisoning is through drinking water. If they are so mad that they can pass through the air, Yuan Yuanyuan will have nothing to do. They can't carry a few oxygen cylinders.

    The body of the big monster still has certain poison resistance. As long as it wasn't the kind of medicine that stunned Yiqi back then, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that she could handle it, but those little monsters didn't know.

    The fat cat was clawing at the window behind him, quietly watching Yuan Yuanyuan busy back and forth. At this time, everyone was too busy and didn't have much time for him.

    He crawled back again, found the original round quilt, dug a hole, and fell asleep inside.

    "...Have everything outside been dealt with?" asked the head of the Li family.

    "It's settled." A monster was half-kneeling beside the head of the Li family.

    "Okay, then you can go down." The head of the Li family said calmly.

    "Big, lord..." The monster who was half-kneeling on the ground said hesitantly, "Have you really decided to do this?"

    "Do you have any questions?" The head of the Li family looked down at him.

    The monster shuddered violently and was speechless. After a long time, he said, "No, no."

    He withdrew, sweating profusely, recalling the look in the eyes of the head of the Li family just now.

    It was definitely the look in his eyes that if he just took a step back, he would die there.

    If he hadn't been a close associate of the head of the Li family, he might have really died this time.

    The monster recalled a rumor from a long time ago. It is said that there has always been something that everyone knows about on the battlefield of youkai, but everyone is reluctant to say it.

    It is said that the famous red sand well was just an ordinary well in the beginning, the only difference may be that its well water is very rich in spiritual energy, and the monsters like it very much.

    The well is surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, which is a very suitable place to live. As time goes by, a village is formed nearby. But here is a fortress, so every war will spread to here.

    In order to protect the people in the village, a magic circle is placed around the red sand well, which can run on its own, forming a device similar to a protective cover.

    The person who made this magic circle was a nameless monster. Later, the magic circle broke once and was repaired by Yiqi who passed by at that time, and the repair was even bigger than the original one. The effect is better.

    Later, Yiqi imitated the protective cover of Hongshajing and built the largest protection formation in the history of monsters in another place - that place is C City.

    There have also been many relatively large battles in Hongshajing in history, so there is no need to say more here. This place can be considered to have been devastated by war, but this is not enough to make it such a civilized well in the future. After all, there was not only one place that was devastated by war in that era, and many were much more serious than Hongshajing. .

    But there is a very **** and primitive ritual in the Yokai world that has been handed down from a long, long time ago.

    It is said that a large amount of blood can be sacrificed to the gods of monsters, praying for its protection.

    Although everyone knows this, but no one has ever practiced it, because everyone thinks this may be ridiculous, and only one person.

    He slaughtered the village when the first war between humans and monsters broke out.

    There was a dry well in the village at that time. In order to make the blood more concentrated, he threw all the people in the village into the well. There are monsters who died in battles of their own, Taoists who died in human battles, and many innocent lives who were involved in the well, all of which were filled into that well.

    At this time, something that makes people cold on the back appeared.

    —The well was not filled.

    This monster is a close confidant of the head of the Li family, and naturally I have heard a lot of things that cannot be spread over the years. It is said that at that time the well seemed to be inhabited by a monster who could never get enough to eat. People who filled the well could sometimes even hear a faint gasping sound, and they did not even dare to approach the well.

    However, it is strange that the legendary prophecy seems to have come true.

    The well really brought infinite power to the monsters, beside that well, the monsters seemed to never get tired.

    And during that period of time, the monsters were almost invincible and invincible.

    At that time, I noticed that there were many strange monsters in the well, but no one said it, because once it was said, it would involve many problems. As a result, the matter has been kept under wraps.

    - until the day when the well was filled with a person who shocked the whole demon world.

    It is easy to ask God to send God away. There will be a lot of troubles in that well in the future. It is not as simple as the outside world thinks. Some people suspect that an evil **** has really been summoned from the well, and some people will continue to throw monsters or monsters into it in the future. Humanity.

    Some people say that the well is full, and some people say that the well will never be full, it has been quietly devouring the people around it.

    But in that well, a monster actually spit out.

    This monster was sweating coldly, and the person who had done the first well filling incident before was in the house. He suddenly wondered how he had the courage to go forward to plead with the head of the Li family just now. He is someone who has done this kind of thing once, how could he be soft-hearted the second time?

    He looked at the yard, and there happened to be this well in the yard. However, the well was not dry, and there was still sweet water in it. In the past few days, the water he drank was drawn from this well.

    For some reason, he no longer dares to drink the water from this well.

    I heard that there is a need to have a "killer" person to make this kind of well. Of course, the rumors cannot be tested, and there is no more accurate statement now, and everyone has basically heard of it.

    The person who "kills the well" needs to have a very strong strength, only his blood will make that **** like it.

    However, is it really good to recreate a well so casually? The monster felt that this was not a very reliable idea. The last well is still eating people constantly. Last year, seven monsters were thrown into the northwest.

    And the stronger the monster, the more like the well. There are many powerful monsters in the northwest that have disappeared, and he thinks it may be related to this well.

    If another well is built here, can they really control two wells? The monster was so worried.

    He walked to the well with some worry, and wanted to see if anyone had been left in this well, after all, he had been drinking from this well these days. Water, think about it for a while, and feel that the stomach is rumbling.

    The monster lowered his head and looked at the crystal clear well, which happened to meet the reflection.

    He was taken aback.

    The well water is very clear, and there is absolutely nothing dirty in it.

    But the monster saw from the reflection in the well that he was not the only one standing here.

    —It turned out to be so.


    This monster smiled wryly, it seems that he still has one more mouth after all?

    He didn't finish thinking, because his eyes suddenly darkened, and then he didn't know anything.

    The head of the Li family came out from behind him, pushed forward gently, and the monster quietly fell into the well, and the well was red.

    He looked down at the well.

    The monster just now was soaking in the water, and her eyes were not closed, staring at it.

    The head of the Li family slashed his hand with the knife that had just cut off the neck of the monster, and gently dripped it into the water.

    There were waves in the water, and the head of the Li family said something, but no one could hear what he was saying.

    The King of Hundred Demons in the room was still breathing hard. After the head of the Li family returned, he looked at the maid next to him and asked, "How is your body?"

    "No, not very good." The maid said in a panic.

    The Li family's patriarch listened and slowly revealed a smile.

    "Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

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