You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 386:

     Yuan Yuanyuan had no idea what decision the Li family had just made, but she thought about it a little, but it was a bit too simple.

    At this time, both she and the fat cat felt that the head of the Li family did this to vent their anger.

    Originally, outsiders knew less about Hongshajing, just like Taoist priests, they didn't know any news about it at all.

    This is a taboo among monsters, and as time goes by, even the monsters who know this taboo become very few.

    Yuanyuan and Fat Cat are the ones that I don't know at all. Even if the two of them don't know, you can see how many people know about this matter.

    Although it was arranged in advance that the successful monsters should pay attention to the recent diet and drinking, Yuan Yuanyuan was still not at ease. She likes to think wildly about everything, and now she wants Faning to solve it as soon as possible, because if she drags it on, she always feels that something will happen.

    I don't know anything in the city at the moment, the aunt opposite Liu's house is still cooking, and the children in the house are still running around, no one knows what is going to happen in the city , Everyone thought that as long as you closed the door with peace of mind, nothing would happen, and even if it happened, you just needed to hide.

    Just like that, the day passed slowly. On Tuesday morning, Yuan Yuanyuan received news from the human side. They had already received what Yuan Yuanyuan had said last night. Although they didn't know what was going to happen, they were already prepared. In this era, it is also difficult to suddenly withdraw all humans from a city, so we can only strengthen our precautions.

    Yuan Yuanyuan knows that the rumored military and capital reserves here are still very sufficient... I don't know if it is due to geographical reasons or to guard against the monsters here.

    There are some policemen patrolling around the street, and I don't know how many plainclothes there are. Then Yuan Yuanyuan saw an orange warning on her phone at noon, saying that it was going to rain heavily, and it was best for citizens to stay at home.

    This is a good idea. Yuan Yuanyuan remembers that she had heard that the government and the government used the reason of some major man-made or natural disaster to prevent the past of human beings in order to prevent innocent humans from being involved in the battle between monsters and Taoist priests. …While the social impact of this is certainly great, it is a more effective approach at times like this.

    But that is the last resort. At present, it seems that the human side is still waiting and watching, and is not ready to take action for the time being.

    Yuan Yuanyuan had been looking at the street scene outside, and was afraid that she would suddenly see something falling down. But she waited from morning to night, and nothing happened.

    Tuesday was very quiet, as if nothing happened.

    This made Yuan Yuanyuan a little nervous.

    She called the monster who came to tip off yesterday and asked him, "Is the news you brought yesterday really accurate? Nothing has changed now."

    "...I's normal for the news to go wrong, but this time it's really hard to get the information." The monster in front of him said.

    When the two were talking, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded behind them, which startled them.

    They turned their heads to look back, and found that there was a red cloud in the sky.

    Bright red clouds are different from ordinary dark clouds.

    The clouds were almost piled up, looking like a red satin. But this is obviously not as popular as silk and satin, when Yuan Yuanyuan saw it, her heart tightened slightly.

    When did this red cloud appear?

     Yuan Yuanyuan's line of sight is straight down, and the direction of the red cloud just corresponds to the mansion where the King of Hundred Demons lives.

    "The weather forecast is really accurate, it's going to rain when it says it's going to rain." Someone muttered to himself on the street, "But it looks like it's going to rain heavily, Why is there only an orange alert?"

    As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang, opened it and saw a red warning.

    Hey, the speed of this warning is unexpectedly fast?

    But then again, did the red clouds in the sky appear a little faster? When I just looked up, I didn't notice such a big red cloud in the sky.

    It was a bit strange from beginning to end, people on the street hurried home while thinking about it.

    At this time, both humans and monsters are looking at this red cloud above the sky.

    Yuan Yuanyuan thought, this time there should be bigger movements on the human side.


    Yuan Yingli did not find the fat cat.

    The two monsters he sent to meet last night finally woke up. The first thing they woke up was that they were dragged out by Yuan Yingli and asked what happened yesterday.

    Although the two monsters don't know why Yuan Yingli is so nervous, they still tell the story one by one. After they finished speaking, they saw Yuan Yingli's face change.

    Yuan Ying said that the fat cat was gone.

    The one who knocked out the two monsters in the middle must be someone who knows the identity of the fat cat. Maybe it was the subordinate of the head of the Li family who suddenly saw him when he was sent out to look for the fat cat.

    If the fat cat falls into their hands, I am afraid it will be more fortunate than good.

    Yuan Ying centrifugally said that the fat cat will be cold this time. Although he is very eager to find the fat cat in his heart now, he does not have a general direction at present, and even if he does, I am afraid that in this situation, it will become very difficult to find.

    He can only temporarily put down the urgency in his heart and wait for the fat cat to come out by himself, or go to find him after everything is over.

    The fat cat has been staying in this place of Yuanyuan, and has never thought about going out, let alone returning a message to Yuan Ying.

    He looked around with those big cat eyes.

    Fining kept inquiring towards the mansion, at this moment, he could only go there in person, the Li family's head was too tight, even with the city gate wide open now , they only put some little monsters in. Fanin's troops were still completely blocked outside the city.

    He can only inquire in person now, because the two people he brought are not very good in this regard. And he can still do it himself.

    The mansion of the King of Hundred Demons is naturally not as easy to sneak in as other places. Fanin failed the first two times. Fortunately, he was not caught, but he could only stay at the door instead of sneaking. go in.

    He noticed something very strange. The guards at the door went back and forth a lot, but few people came out. If he remembered correctly, the house was not very big, because it was built a long time ago. At that time, the size of the mansion was not as exaggerated as it is now, and the place where the King of Demons lived was mainly about safety, so there were very few places where people could hide.

    Every time these people go in, the red clouds in the sky get thicker.

    Fining is closer to the house, and he can better appreciate the power of those red clouds in the sky of the house.

    Can't tell, as if an eye was watching him inside.

    When he was in a rush of anxiety, Fanning looked back at a small puddle next to his eyes, and suddenly he was stunned. He saw that there seemed to be a line of vague words in the puddle.

    He leaned over to take a look.

    The water was like a mirror, reflecting a line of words, [Be careful of the well. 】

    Fanin, "…"

    He leaned over and looked at the words in the water, the wind blew gently, causing waves on the water, and the words became blurred.

    "Brother, you are too small." Fanning muttered to himself, he was the only one around here, and he didn't know who he was talking to. "Every time I say this sentence, it's still incomprehensible. How long will it take me to figure out what this sentence means this time? By the time I figure it out, the daylily will be cold. ."

    He scratched the surface of the water, and the line of words on the water disappeared instantly. Fanin is not too strange, as if this is normal.

    He continued to look at the surface of the water, only to see another sentence slowly emerge from it, [Go back and ask Changsheng].

    Fanning was stunned for a moment, then stood up instantly, "I'm going, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

    He ran towards his house quickly, Changsheng stayed in the house these days, and did not come out. He wanted to go back quickly to find Changsheng, but the key to the matter was actually Changsheng, and he hadn't discovered it for so long.

    When he returned to the house, what the two of them said to Changsheng, of course he didn't dare to say it, because he couldn't explain how he saw a line of words from a pool of puddles So I can only say, "Changsheng, I just discovered something. Many people entered the house of the King of Hundred Demons, but no one came out. The sky is full of red clouds. I heard the two guards at the door vaguely. What well was mentioned..."

    "Well..." Changsheng frowned, "What well?"

    He walked back and forth on the ground a few times, looking a little uneasy. Faning rarely sees Changsheng like this, because he has always been a very quiet and easy-going person.

    Changsheng walked back and forth several times, Faning felt more and more uneasy. Finally, Changsheng turned his head and said, "Take me there to see it."

    "Huh?" Fanning was taken aback.

    "I have to go see it myself to know what's going on." Changsheng said, "This matter is a bit serious, I can't talk nonsense yet, because it is a private matter on the monster side... "

    He turned his head and glanced at Fanin, and seemed to be a little worried, but he turned his head in the end, so that Fanin didn't see the look in his eyes.

    Fanning thought what was going on... why is it so serious?

    Changsheng is so hesitant, does it involve some monster's secret?

    In fact, although this matter is regarded as the secret of monsters, it really has nothing to do with Changsheng not telling Faning. He was mainly afraid of how Fanin would be stimulated after listening to it.

    —because the last person who killed the well was Yuan…

      It's a maid, if you can hear them say this, it's going to rain red that day."

    Fanning rubbed his nose in embarrassment, Changsheng looked at his reaction, but after all, he didn't say anything.

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