Facing Jiang Fan and others getting up and leaving, Li Dan on the stage was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Jiang Fan and others and said loudly.

"You...you...what are you doing!"

"Who...who asked you to leave..."

"I tell you, you can leave, but I won't refund your tickets!!!"

Facing Li Dan's shouting, Jiang Fan and others didn't even turn their heads, leaving only Li Dan's back.

Watching Jiang Fan and others leave, more than half of the people in the audience stood up again.

"Damn, I don't want to watch this crappy talk show. It's so unlucky. I'm leaving!"

"If I had known the content, I wouldn't have brought it even if you gave me money. I'm completely blacklisting this Xiaoguo Culture!"

"I used to like Li Dan very much. Since he became popular, why has he become more and more outrageous? Can you make fun of veterans?"


Then, this group of people followed Jiang Fan's footsteps and left the gymnasium.

The gymnasium, which was originally crowded with people, suddenly seemed a little empty after this.

Li Dan on the stage looked at this situation and his face gradually became gloomy.

Especially when he looked at the leader Jiang Fan, his eyes revealed a strong hatred.

At this time, he had already blamed Jiang Fan for the farce in his heart.

However, the performance still had to continue.

But after such a tossing just now, Li Dan had no intention of performing at this time!

In the following programs, Li Dan frequently forgot the words, and the jokes were not funny, and the whole scene seemed lifeless.

Finally, seeing that the program was about to fail, Li Dan directly left the stage halfway and replaced it with other unknown talk show actors.

The talk show, which was originally scheduled to end in four hours, ended early after only two hours.

It ended with boos from the audience!

Li Dan, who was backstage, sat in the nanny car with a gloomy face.

"Damn, you're here to find fault with my show, right? If they hadn't left midway, it wouldn't have turned out like this!"

At this time, Huang Mao respectfully handed over a tablet, and on the tablet was the scene of Jiang Fan and his friends leaving the table.

This was exactly the scene captured by the surveillance camera on the stage.

Looking at this scene, Li Dan nodded with satisfaction, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Li, what should we do?"

Huang Mao said sinisterly on the side.

"If they hadn't started the show, how could the current situation have happened!"

"From the audience's performance, there must be many people who are dissatisfied with this talk show, which is bound to affect the reputation of our company!"

"It will also cause great damage to the image of our company!"

"I must put this account on their heads!!"

"Humph, you like to show off in front of people, right? Well, then I'll let you show off in front of the whole network!"

Then, he took the tablet handed over by Huang Mao and opened Weibo.

At the same time, Jiang Fan and others had just returned to the hotel.

As soon as they arrived at the hotel, the photographer couldn't wait to speak.

"Brother Fan, where should we start the first step to sanction Xiaoguo Culture!"

"You arrange the work first. I can't wait to sanction this company with no bottom line."

The other team members nodded in agreement with the photographer's words.

Although they had been busy for a day, everyone was exhausted.

But when they thought of the things they experienced in the Xiaoguo Culture talk show, they were furious.

They dared to openly make fun of the martyrs in public, not only slandering the Chinese people, but also insulting the veterans with drugs.

They didn't want this kind of company to continue to exist for a moment.

Jiang Fan smiled and shook his head at the words of several people, and then said.

"Xiaoguo Culture Company has violated the bottom line. We must sanction it, but not now."

"After a day and a night of high-intensity work, you are now very tired. What you need most now is rest."

"Everyone should have a good rest tonight, and we will arrange the tasks tomorrow!"

"But, the team..."

"Don't worry, since we have already targeted him, he can't run away! Have a good rest!"

Faced with Jiang Fan's words, several people had to resist the idea of ​​​​executing Xiaoguo Culture on the spot and went back to their rooms to rest.

Jiang Fan returned to his room, lying on the bed, his heart moved slightly, and then the system panel appeared in front of him.

[Host: Jiang Fan]

[Popularity: 52137]


[Tip: Host, you have completed the "Valley Destruction Plan" side quest, and at the same time, one of your main quests - getting the first place in the program group has also ended. According to the host's main lineFor outstanding performance in the task advancement, the system will give the host a system upgrade opportunity! ]

[Excuse me, would you like to upgrade? ]

Faced with the prompt on the system panel, Jiang Fan agreed to the system upgrade without thinking.

After all, it is an upgrade, so it must be very awesome, how could he refuse it.

[System Upgrading...]

[Estimated Upgrade Time: 30 Days! ]

Immediately afterwards, two lines of prompts popped up on the system panel!

Then, the system panel disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at this prompt, Jiang Fan was stunned, and then he found that no matter how he adjusted the system panel, it would not appear.

The system...disappeared?

This scared Jiang Fan, after all, this is the golden finger that only the protagonist can have, how can it disappear just like that!

And just after Jiang Fan tried several times, the system responded.

[The system will enter sleep mode during the upgrade, please don't worry about it! ]

Faced with this prompt, Jiang Fan was relieved.

Sleep, thirty days!

This system upgrade is really slow!

Jiang Fan thought to himself.

Fortunately, although the system is upgrading, it does not affect the use of the skills he has acquired in the system.

Therefore, for Jiang Fan, the system that will be dormant for 30 days will not bring much change to his life.

Now his primary goal is to sanction Xiaoguo Culture Company.

To deal with such a small company, Jiang Fan does not need any help from any external forces.

[ps: The system will become very cool after the upgrade. For those little Karami in the entertainment industry, there is no need for the help of the system. Brother Fan is enough! ! ! ]

Soon, after a day of hard work, Jiang Fan fell asleep.

The next morning, Jiang Fan woke up and walked out of the room, and found that the other members of the team had already gotten up.

When they saw Jiang Fan coming out of the room, everyone was refreshed and excited.

They knew that the sanctions against Xiaoguo Culture were about to begin!

After all, in order to sanction Xiaoguo Culture, they didn't sleep well all night!

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