Seeing the excited crowd, Jiang Fan smiled and then spoke.

"Since everyone is so impatient, let's start now!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the others nodded excitedly.

Afterwards, Jiang Fan said to everyone with a serious face.

"As the representative of the current talk show industry, Xiaoguo Culture not only fails to take the lead, but also openly insults the Chinese people in public and makes fun of veterans!"

"Obviously, this is definitely not the first time that Xiaoguo Culture has seen such a thing!"

"Now, we have to turn out all the previous performance records of Xiaoguo Culture and screen them."

"Once any inappropriate remarks are found, mark them immediately and summarize all the problems!"

"These problems will become a sharp sword in the end, stabbing Xiaoguo Culture in the chest!"

"Understood, team leader!!"

Faced with Jiang Fan's words, everyone said in unison, and then they turned on the computer and started searching on the Internet.

At this time, the photographer on the side looked at the computer screen, and a trace of anger flashed across his face.

"Brother Fan, come and see!"

Listening to the photographer's words, Jiang Fan walked over.

The interface on the computer screen was exactly the interface of Weibo.

Above the interface was a long paragraph of text, and below the text was a video.

Although the video was not played, Jiang Fan could tell from the cover that it was the scene of the performance of Xiaoguo Culture last night.

Moreover, the person on the cover was exactly the scene of him and his friends leaving the audience.

Looking at the poster, it was the official account of Xiaoguo Culture on Weibo.

Then, the photographer clicked on the video.

The video was a surveillance video of the performance of last night's show, and the content was the scene of Jiang Fan and his friends leaving.

Moreover, the video had to be maliciously tuned. The originally silent scene was later added with background sounds of laughter and joy.

At the end of the video, a piece of sad music appeared, and then a line of big words appeared at the end of the video.

[You can choose not to love, but please don't hurt!!!]


Jiang Fan sneered at the line of text that appeared at the end of the video.


He hadn't made a move yet, but Xiaoguo Culture made one first.

"Brother Fan, this video is nothing. Look at the post they posted. It's really disgusting!"

The photographer pointed at the post with an angry look on his face.

Jiang Fan looked at the post.

[A letter to all Xiaoguo fans and netizens!]

[Dear fans and netizens, first of all, Xiaoguo Culture Company would like to make the most sincere apology to everyone here. We made serious mistakes in our recent performances, which brought unnecessary troubles and disappointment to everyone. We feel deeply guilty.

During the whole process, five of our audience members left early for personal reasons, and even maliciously incited the audience to leave because they did not approve of the leading actor. This disrupted our on-site order and seriously affected the atmosphere and rhythm of the performance. This not only disrupted our performance plan, but also caused our lead actor Li Dan to fall into trouble, which led to his mental breakdown and ultimately the failure of the entire performance.

We at Xiaoguo Culture strongly condemn this. We have always believed that every actor needs to be respected, and respect is the most basic premise for people to get along with each other! !

However, we also need to admit that this incident was not caused by a single reason. Each of us has a responsibility. Xiaoguo Culture will make up for this mistake and learn from experience. We will pay more attention to the experience of every audience, so that every audience who comes to Xiaoguo Company can feel our sincerity and professionalism.

Xiaoguo Culture]

The whole post ends here.

Looking at the whole article, this seems to be an apology notice issued by Xiaoguo Culture for the accident and failure of the performance last night.

But as long as you read it carefully, you will find that the focus of the whole post is not an apology, but shirking responsibility.

Nearly half of the content of the post is about the reason for the failure of the performance, which is that five people left during the process.

And according to the surveillance video captured at the end of the post, it is obvious that this seems to be an apology notice, but in fact it is an shirking of responsibility, guiding uninformed netizens to identify the fault as the failure of the performance due to Jiang Fan and the other five people.

And in the video below the post, although it is a captured surveillance video, the faces of Jiang Fan and the other five can be vaguely recognized.

More importantly, there is no mosaic covering the faces of Jiang Fan and the other five in the video.

If Xiaoguo Culture is really apologizing sincerely, why is there a post below?A video of Jiang Fan and his friends taken from the surveillance video will be released.

In response, Jiang Fan sneered and spoke slowly.

"This Xiaoguo Culture is quite fast!"

"We haven't started yet, but they attacked us first."

"And the means of attacking us are very obscure. It seems to be an apology announcement, but it is actually an announcement against us!"

"The source of the accident in last night's performance was transferred to us, and then those netizens who don't know the truth attacked us, and even achieved revenge on us."

"Haha, this trick is really quite skillful!"

Indeed, this post seems to be an apology post, but people who don't know the inside story can easily be led by this post, and thus regard Jiang Fan and his friends as the culprits of the failure of this performance.

Later, the photographer opened the comment area, and it was just as Jiang Fan said.

In the comment area.

[Who are these five people? They are too shameless. They left the stage directly when others were performing, and incited others to leave. This is too uncivilized! ]

[I feel so sorry for my Dandan. When I met such a person without quality, my Dandan's mentality collapsed. It's okay, Dandan. We, the Dandan fans, will always support you! ]

[Dan, in the future, such people with no quality will be permanently blocked and refused to enter all performances. It's really a shame. I couldn't even get tickets for your talk show, but this group of people not only didn't cherish it but also did this. It really pissed me off! ]

[That's right, who are these five people? Let's work hard to find these five people on the Internet and educate them. ]

[Hiss, I always feel like I've seen these five people somewhere before. They look so familiar, but the surveillance footage is not clear and I can't recognize them. ]

Since the post was just posted not long ago, there are very few people commenting in the comment area, and those who can comment at the first time are all die-hard fans of Xiaoguo Culture.

Therefore, all the comments in the comment area are supporting Xiaoguo Culture Company and condemning Jiang Fan and others.

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