"Captain Li, how could this guy know so much? He even knows how long the blood has been there!"

"Could this matter be related to him? Do we need to bring him to the police station for questioning?"

A young policeman said to Captain Li.

Listening to the policeman's words, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Hahaha, Brother Fan has suddenly changed from a contestant to a suspect. I am dying of laughter. He is so pitiful! ]

[To be honest, if I hadn't watched the whole live broadcast, I would have suspected Brother Fan. After all, he knows too much, and he knows it exactly. It's really strange! ]

[Shocked, a contestant on a variety show actually knows the details of the murder. Is his real identity a suspect? Is it a moral decline, or...]

[You above understand the title. Come to the news department to work tomorrow! ]

[If Brother Fan is arrested, the lawsuit will have to be fought from Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookstore! 】


After listening to the policeman's words, Captain Li smiled and shook his head.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang will never have anything to do with this murder!"

After all, a person who earns millions or even tens of millions a day, why would he commit a murder? There is no motive for committing a crime!

And Jiang Fan is almost live broadcasting all day, so he has no time to commit a crime.

The suspect cannot be Jiang Fan!

And now, all the situations Jiang Fan said have been confirmed except for the dismemberment.

At this time, the female police took out the ultraviolet blood stain detection lamp from the box.

Use this detection lamp to illuminate the suspicious part. If the part illuminated shows a brownish-brown fluorescence, it can be determined that there should be blood stains in this part.

The female police turned on the light, and the purple light shone on the carpet.

I saw a large area of ​​brownish-brown fluorescence on the carpet.

As the female police increased the power of the detection lamp, the fluorescence became more and more obvious!

And in the middle of the carpet, the outline of a human head appeared.

Around the head, there are also the outlines of hands and feet, which are extremely clear!

These outlines are squeezed together, which looks extremely weird!

Seeing this scene, all the police officers present were silent.

It is obvious that it is impossible to pose like this with the flexibility of the body.

The only explanation is Jiang Fan's guess of dismemberment!

Jiang Fan's reasoning succeeded again, exactly!

At this time, the police looked at Jiang Fan without the previous suspicion, but full of respect!

Too cool!

He can reason so accurately by observation, which is simply the possession of the living detective!

Even if Conan comes, he has to kneel down and call him daddy!

Captain Li also exhaled heavily at this time, and he was seen with a serious face, staring at the carpet in front of him.

Such a cruel dismemberment murder happened in Jinghai City, which made him, the captain of the Jinghai City Police Department, very angry!

Then he came to Jiang Fan and asked.

"Mr. Jiang, who sent this carpet?"

Just as Jiang Fan was about to answer, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the security guard walking slowly towards this side, looking around from time to time.

Because the police were in the garage at this time, they did not appear in the security guard's sight.

Jiang Fan did not hesitate, and immediately pointed at the security guard who was walking over and said loudly.

"It's him!"

The security guard trembled when he heard these three words, staring blankly in the direction of the garage, not knowing what happened.

And when he saw several policemen running out of the garage, he was almost scared to pee on the spot.

Then he turned around and ran out quickly!

He ran, you chased him, he couldn't fly away!

But because the security guard was originally a distance away from the garage, and the security guard was familiar with the terrain, the distance between him and the police began to grow.

"Don't move, I'll shoot if you move again!"

Captain Li took out the stun gun and aimed at the security guard while running. If a murderer escaped, who knows what will happen next.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a mop flew over his head and then hit the back of the running security guard.


A scream was heard, and the huge impact force directly knocked the security guard away, spinning 360 degrees in the air and landing on his face perfectly!

Watching the mop knock the security guard away, Captain Li looked back.

Jiang Fan was clapping his hands calmly.

It was obvious that the scene just now was Jiang Fan's masterpiece. After looking at Jiang Fan with gratitude, Captain Li ran to the security guard, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed him neatly.

Then he dragged him into the garage.

"Let me go, you have no right to arrest me!"

"The police beat people, it's unjust!"

SubduedThe security guard struggled violently and shouted. Those who didn't know would think he had suffered a great injustice!

"Is this carpet yours!?"

Captain Li pointed at the carpet in front of him and said angrily.

"Carpet? What carpet!? I don't know. Why did you arrest me? I didn't break the law!"

The security guard was stunned when he saw the carpet in front of him, and then he refuted.

Looking at the security guard who refused to admit it, Jiang Fan smiled and pointed to the surveillance camera on the top of the garage and said lightly.

"I think there is no need to check the surveillance!"

The security guard only noticed the surveillance camera above his head at this time. He was stunned, and then a stream of water flowed out of his pants!

The security guard was scared to pee!

Seeing the security line collapse, Captain Li took the opportunity to question loudly.

"Tell me the truth, why is there so much blood on your carpet!"

"What did you do? Did you kill someone!!!"

As soon as the word "kill" came out, the security guard collapsed on the ground, as if struck by lightning, and kept muttering.

"I didn't kill her on purpose, I was careless, it was careless!"

Then the security guard started to cry loudly!

Seeing that the matter was exposed, he did not hide it anymore, took off his hat, mask and sunglasses and threw them aside, revealing his true face.

It turned out to be just a man in his thirties who looked a little honest!

Everyone sighed when they saw this scene.

Such an honest and loyal person would actually become a murderer.

"Tell me, what is your motive for committing the crime?"

Captain Li shouted.

"Motive!? Motive... Motive!"

"Hahaha, it's all because of that bitch who won't let me sell the house. If I don't sell the house, how can I win in the casino? How can I make back my money!"

"If it weren't for her not giving me money, I would have achieved financial freedom by now, and I wouldn't have to work as a security guard in this broken place!"

"It's all because of her, it's all her fault, she deserves to die, she deserves to die!"

Speaking of motive, the security guard began to go crazy, with a crazy look in his eyes.

Listening to his words, Captain Li shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Another person whose family was ruined by gambling!"

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