Through the security guard's words, we can basically guess what happened.

This security guard was addicted to gambling and even wanted to sell his house to gamble, but was stopped by his wife, who was then brutally killed by her husband who had lost his mind.

The security guard's words were passed on in the live broadcast room, causing a huge sensation.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Oh my God, this gambling is too harmful. A good family is gone just like that. His wife is so pitiful. I hope there is no gambling in heaven! ]

[This security guard really deserves to die. It is recommended to directly sentence him to death and execute him immediately. If such a person is allowed to live one more second, it is disrespectful to the country and wastes the air in vain! ]

[Lust is the root of all evil, and sex is a steel knife that scrapes the bones. Let me start with rejecting gambling and drugs! ! ! ]

[The person above, I think I am deeply poisoned and need to scrape the bones to cure the poison, so please give me more sex. ]

[Huang Tian, ​​I can't live with gambling and drugs! ! ! ]

[Good fellow, you didn't mention Huang at all! ]

[What do you know, the one above? Huang is your life. I am willing to devote my life to it until I die! ]

At this time, Captain Li asked the security guard again.

"Where is the body now!"

The security guard had come out of his frenzy at this time. He looked at the carpet in front of him with lifeless eyes and muttered.

"The body?"

"I chopped the body into several pieces and buried it next to the pond in our community!"

As Jiang Fan expected, this murder was a dismemberment murder.

After hearing the security guard's words, Captain Li immediately asked someone to notify the police station to go to the place where the security guard said to dig.

After the security guard said that, he did not stop, but continued to talk.

"I should have thrown the carpet away!"

"Unfortunately, the carpet was soaked in blood. I was afraid that others would find it, so I deliberately stained it and hid it for a month. I thought I would come here today to clean it and throw it away."

"I didn't expect you to find it!"

"But I don't have to worry anymore. I can finally sleep peacefully!"


Five minutes later, Captain Li received a call from his colleagues at the police station. They had indeed dug up several pieces of body parts wrapped in bags next to the pond in the community.

Now that the evidence is gathered, the security guard will definitely pay a heavy price for his own behavior.

The two policemen put the carpet on the ground into the evidence bag, and the security guard was also taken into the police car by the police.

"Mr. Jiang, this time it's all thanks to you. If it weren't for you, the murderer might still be at large!"

"We've met three times, and you've helped me three times. You're really my lucky star!"

After solving the security issue, Captain Li held Jiang Fan's hand tightly and said gratefully.

In just a few days, Jiang Fan helped them arrest three red wanted criminals and subdued the knife-wielding gangster in the museum.

Now they have directly solved a dismemberment case!

It's not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Fan is Captain Li's lucky star.

"Captain Li, you're too kind. Luck, it's all luck!"

Jiang Fan responded politely.

"Mr. Jiang, there's still work for me to deal with. I'll thank you after I finish my work!"

"By the way, I will tell the director everything about your contribution. We will never treat the great hero of the police station unfairly!"

Captain Li said to Jiang Fan before leaving.

Hearing what Captain Li said, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up. From what he said, he could get another reward.

Captain Li's words appeared in the live broadcast room, and the atmosphere was instantly heated.

[Damn, from what Captain Li said, is Brother Fan going to be rewarded again? The last time Brother Fan helped the police arrest three wanted criminals, he was rewarded with 500,000 yuan. The last time he saved a hostage and kicked away a knife-wielding criminal, he was rewarded with 300,000 yuan. This time, he helped the police solve the dismemberment case, so he should get at least 300,000 yuan! ]

[Damn, who said that cleaning carpets can't make money? Come here and die. Brother Fan should get more than 300,000 yuan today! ]

[Good guy, Brother Fan is awesome. I asked you to be a carpet cleaner, but you sent the customer directly to prison. Hahaha! ]

[I remember someone just said that if what Brother Fan said was true, he would eat shit. Come out quickly! ]

[Burp~Burp, upstairs, I...burp~finished! 】

[Good fellow, he burped after eating so much, this guy must have cheated to eat and drink in the live broadcast room! 】

After seeing Captain Li off, Jiang Fan returned to the garage.

The photographer at this time looked at Jiang Fan with admiration.

"Brother Fan, Liu, to be honest, if I hadn't been with you these days, I would have suspected that you were the murderer!""How did you do it? Your reasoning is spot on!"

Jiang Fan listened to the photographer and smiled and said calmly.

"When you finish watching all the Conan episodes, you and I will be able to reach this level!!"

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room was boiling again.

Others watch Conan for entertainment, but Brother Fan solved a dismemberment case directly after watching Conan.

This is really applying what you have learned to the extreme!

Don't blame Brother Fan for making too much money, just blame yourself for being too useless!

Looking at the time, it was already lunch break time.

Jiang Fan simply cleaned up the garage and took the photographer to the company's cafeteria for lunch.

Jiang Fan directly ordered the highest standard of the cafeteria, four dishes and one soup worth fifty yuan!

Today's consumption: one hundred yuan!

Without any hesitation, the handsome payment attracted a few more glances from the little sister who was serving food.

Such a scene caused other employees to talk about it, and they whispered that Jiang Fan was too vain and pretended to be rich.

After all, the salary for working in a housekeeping company was not very high, only more than 100 yuan a day, and it was too extravagant to spend nearly half of the salary on a meal!

But little did they know that this expensive meal in their eyes was simply as cheap as it could be in Jiang Fan's eyes.

After all, Brother Fan's consumption standard for a meal used to start at tens of thousands of yuan!

After a simple lunch, Jiang Fan took the photographer back to the garage.

Just when he was worried about what to do, a man wearing the company uniform came to Jiang Fan's door with a cart.

Then he took out a rolled-up carpet in a vacuum bag from the truck bed and placed it in the cleaning area of ​​the garage and instructed.

"You are the new cleaner Jiang Fan, right? This carpet was just received by the front desk, and it was sent to you for cleaning by name!"

Jiang Fan was also slightly stunned when he heard the staff's words.

He actually asked him to clean it by name?

Who could it be?

But he didn't think too much about it. No matter whose carpet it was, it was the same in Jiang Fan's eyes!

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