Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1022 husband's return

Cai Changting happened to see Gu Qingzhou.

However, his arrival ended the topic of Gu Qingzhou and Kang Nuan.

After a few casual chats, Cai Changting got up to leave, but Gu Qingzhou stared at his back for a moment.

"What's the matter?" Kang warm asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "he appears very strange, but it seems to be"

"what is it like?"

"It's like protecting me, like a guard." Gu said, "did anyone just pass by?"

Kang Nuan was stunned.

Gu Qingzhou thought that he said this very clearly, but Kang Nuan heard that it was misty.

"Miss Gu, does anyone want to hurt you?" Kang warm asked.

Gu Qingzhou thinks and shakes his head.

Kang Nuan looked at her face and thought that she didn't want to talk about it much, so she didn't ask.

On the same day, Gu didn't go back. He went directly to Si Xingfu.

At the beginning, Shi Xingfu bought the courtyard because of Cheng Yu. Later, he took over Er Bao. A servant also served them.

Now, Cheng Yu is home, and ER Bao is kept by the Kang family. The yard is empty.

The steward's sister-in-law Xin is good at attracting people. Although the master's house is away, the servants are not careless in their work. The house is clean and free of dust.

"I forgot something and came back to get it. It was too late." Gu Qingzhou calls Mrs. Hirano and tells her that she will not go back for the time being.

Mrs. Hirano just said yes.

After Gu Qingzhou lay down, he began to miss Si Xingfu.

Si Xingfu has his own rules and regulations. When he is in charge of the business, he is meticulous and not distracted. Therefore, there is no telegram from him in this period of time.

In a flash, it's the eve of Qingming Festival.

It's agreed to come to pick her up, and Si Xingfu has arrived as scheduled.

When he came back this time, Gu didn't feel surprised. He was calm and stable, just like his wife was waiting for her husband to come back.

She knew he would come back.

Si Xingfu took off his military cap and held up her face and kissed her.

Hand involuntarily extended to her lapel, he kissed her while muttering: "is thin?"

Obviously, it's a sentence in Mandarin, but Gu Qingzhou is inspired.

She pushed aside Si Xingfu and looked at his face carefully.

Sure it was her husband, who seemed relieved.

Si Xingfu inexplicably unbuttoned the button of the military jacket and asked, "what's the matter?"

Gu Qingzhou said truthfully: "last time Cai Changting invited us to ride, he suddenly said that I was thin, and then he said it again. I'm thrilled to hear that now. "

Si Xingfu sat beside her, put her waist around her, raised her chin and looked at her carefully.

Having looked at it carefully enough, his eyes overflowed with affection and honey, saying, "no thin."

He asked Gu about his last injury.

Gu Qingzhou was injured. Si Xingfu had known that before.

He was too busy these days. He didn't go back to the barracks in Pingcheng for a long time, so he didn't receive a secret report.

After he knew it, Gu Qingzhou's injury was cured.

Si Xingfu wanted to send a telegram, but when he thought of his worry, Gu Qingzhou was not worried, so he didn't send it. He would ask again when he came here.

"Is it still painful?" He asked.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head.

He took Gu Qingzhou upstairs and lifted up her skirt.

The pain doesn't hurt, but the scar is still there, so it can be seen clearly. The breath of Si Xingfu can't be even, and his teeth are dead.

Gu Qingzhou picked up his face and said with a smile, "it's an accident. It's Si Xingfu."

"Is it really an accident?" he said with his eyes

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She didn't want to distract Si Xingfu from solving her problems. After all, he had many problems himself.

Gu said over and over again that it was an accident that had nothing to do with anyone else.

"Canoe, who are you suspecting?" However, Si Xingqi suddenly caught the key point, "you are always suspicious of CAI Changting and that old witch, but this time it seems that they have changed their targets. Is it the Jap?"

The Japanese refer to Hirano.

He could see that his wife was slightly out of order.

Gu Qingzhou said: "a little. In addition to my intuition, it's a little style of conversation from Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting. "

The eyebrows and eyes of Si Xingfu seem to be covered lightly by severe frost, and they look fierce and bloodthirsty.

Gu Qingzhou kissed him on the cheek.

She got up and covered her skirt. She asked Si Xingkai, "have you gone to Nanjing?"

She shifted the subject.

The mind of Si Xingfu was suddenly separated from that matter and transferred to his own.

"Yes." "I also told the governor," said Si Xingfu. I've written off the past with him. I had no personal relationship with him, and now I can't talk about breaking my personal relationship. It's still business. I'm his soldier. He's my boss. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

She looked at Si Xingfu, which was a little interesting.

"I didn't mention Cai Jingshu." "What has she done? Let her bear it. But qiongzhi found me. "

"What did qiongzhi say?"

"She said that her mother had done something wrong. At that time, she was also a girl in her teens. She hoped I could forgive her mother." Si Xingfu road.

Naturally, he refused.

He didn't like qiongzhi very much all the time, and so far, so he said something unpleasant.

Siqiongzhi cried at that time.

She said, "big brother, we have only one another. Will you spare my mother?"

"I've never treated you as a family, and I'll never talk to you about 'just each other'." At that time, Si Xingqi replied in this way.

When he finished, he went out and saw the corner of a purple cheongsam behind the rockery.

He knew Cai Jingshu was eavesdropping.

Cai Jingshu was in a state of panic all day. He was afraid that Si Xingfu would send someone to assassinate her. Even qiongzhi was used.

"I won't kill her, but I can't forgive her. My mom can't come back from the dead. What she has done can never be eliminated. She doesn't deserve the rest of her life. " Si Xingfu road.

After a pause, the Secretary said, "yesterday, the staff officer reported to me that half a month ago, the inspector sent Cai Jingshu back to Yuecheng, but took aunt Wu to Nanjing. Qiongzhi is also in Nanjing. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "Oh, I know aunt Wuyi. Is her name Huayan? I've seen her sick before. "

"It seems so." Si Xingfu road.

For his father's aunt, he didn't even look at each other's appearance. Where would he know his name?

"Aunt Wu is very capable." Said Gu Qingzhou.

The Secretary nodded.

That night, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu flew back to Pingcheng.

It was midnight when they came back.

But sister-in-law Zhu didn't sleep. She waited for them all the time. When she saw Gu Qingzhou coming, she sat a little and left.

The bed is fragrant with sunshine, and the room is clean. Sister Zhu has cleaned it once, waiting for Gu to come back.

"This is home!" Gu Qingzhou saw the familiar furnishings and furniture and sighed in his heart.

these furniture, though they are all newly beaten, are of the same style and color as the Yuecheng Museum. They even put their positions in the same place.

Everything is so familiar.

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