Young General's Escaping Wife

Is Chapter 1023 about cannibalism?

Gu Qingzhou pushes the window open.

In the deep night, the wind and the dew are cold. Out of the window a plane tree, out of the crisp buds, but not really.

The trees are high.

Gu Qingzhou looked familiar and asked Si Xingqi, "when did you plant the tree?"

"Last month. The train from Pingcheng to Yuecheng is through. My first thing is to go to your small residence and dig up this tree. I think you may like it. " Si Xingfu said with a smile.

He used to climb the window of the canoe at that time.

Because I have climbed many times, I will always notice this tree, and Gu Qingzhou will often stare at that tree.

Sure enough, Gu Qingzhou's eyes glistened with tears and nodded, "I like it very much."

She put her arms around sixianqiu, stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear: "you can eat me, you know what makes me happy."

Si Xingfu laughed.

Of course, I'll fix her, otherwise what should I do?

Gu Qingzhou refuses to go in. He lies on the railing, sniffs the familiar night wind and looks at the dim night scene.

Pingcheng is far away from Yuecheng, but Gu Qingzhou can always feel the similar breath, which is engraved in her bones, making her miss day and night.

"Those days in the countryside are the same almost every day, and they have a quiet life. Now I think back to the past, always thinking of Yuecheng, as if I had been there all my life. " Gu Qingzhou sighed.

"Because of me?" he asked

Gu Qingzhou is generous and honest: "yes."

After thinking about it, Si Xingfu said, "light boat, we don't want to have daughters in the future. Girls are extroverted!"

Gu Qingzhou was so angry that he looked back at him.

She was angry and anxious. She was like a hairy cat. Shi Xingfu took the opportunity to press her on the railing and kiss her lips.

The kiss is very deep. In the cold night, it seems to have the fragrance of grass. ^The boat sank.

Unconsciously, she was picked up by Si Xingfu.

There is a small table on the balcony, and there are chairs beside the table. This is for Gu Qingzhou to drink tea and rest.

He put her on the table and rolled her skirt to the waist.

Gu Qingzhou is in a great hurry: "Si Xingfu, don't make a fool of yourself!"

Si Xingyao just kisses her, kisses her earlobe.

Gu Qingzhou's earlobes are particularly sensitive. After being held by him, she is all soft and her breath is all disordered.

She put her arms around his neck, and her voice trembled slightly: "Si Xingqi, how about going back to the room?"

before she finished speaking, Si Xingqi squeezed in.

She's completely out of control.

"I love you so much, canoe," Si Xingfu said in his ear

Gu Qingzhou always feels that this is not right.

However, at this time, she was totally following the rhythm of Si Xingfu, and her mind was not clear.

After taking a bath, Si Xingfu asked Gu to look at his shoulder: "the tooth mark is so deep! In a few days, are you going to eat people? "

Gu Qingzhou lifted up the water and threw it straight in his face: "do you mean to say me?"

She began to scold the boss. She was so careless.

It's really not particular about the manager.

When Gu Qingzhou had finished washing and stood up to put on the bath towel, he fell in love again and pressed her on the wall again.

Gu Qingzhou's whole body was sour all night.

She and Si Xingfu haven't seen each other for more than a month, and he is just in blood, and the first few days must be very difficult.

Gu Qingzhou is asleep.

When she got up early, she didn't open her eyes, so she felt that she was oppressed by Si Xingfu.

"I have to brush my teeth first." Gu Qingzhou road.

She tried to struggle in vain.

Gu Qingzhou was so tired, still struggling to get up, and went to Yuecheng with Si Xingfu.

They are going to visit the old lady's grave.

Gu Qingzhou's master and mistress are also buried in Yuecheng.

When the plane got to Yuecheng, they went straight to the cemetery.

"Si Xingfu, I always think of my grandmother before she died." Gu Qingzhou is a little sad.

"So am I," said the secretary

Gu Qingzhou is wearing a British lady's hat with a net on it. No one can see her outline clearly.

The cemetery is full of people.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu also went to visit the tombs of Si Mu and Fang Fei.

Standing in front of Sima's tomb, looking at the picture, Gu's heart contracted without any omen, which made her feel cold and unstable.

"And his enemies?" Gu Qingzhou asked Si Xingfu and said to himself, "he once told me that he wanted peace and watched his daughter grow up."

Si Xingfu is silent.

After a long silence, he gently hugged Gu's shoulder: "amo's daughter is my daughter. When the future is unified, we will bring the child to our side for support, and I will treat her as if she were my own. "

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

Si Xingfu is facing Si Fangfei's tombstone, sad for a long time.

His hand, has been gently stroking her picture.

This is his favorite little sister.

Gu Qingzhou turned his face and didn't cry.

When they left, they met Si qiongzhi and his wife Cai Jingshu.

Each other was stunned.

Suddenly, the sun is particularly dazzling, which makes them unable to open their eyes. Everyone's eyes are a bit dazed with each other.

Mrs. Si is a little excited.

Her lips were wriggling to say something.

Gu Qingzhou had no intention of talking. She was going to go out of her way, but she suddenly grabbed her arm.

Her hands are very strong.

Gu Qingzhou looked down and saw Mrs. Si's hand. It was very thin.

Her voice trembled with anger: "you shameless woman, you killed amu, and dare to worship him?"

Gu Qingzhou said: "I didn't come to worship him. I came to worship Fangfei. Don't be amorous, madam! Besides, I did not kill simu! "

She also thought about how she should face Mrs. Si and how to give up.

But when it happened, she blurted out her words without any pity.

Gu Qingzhou didn't kill simu and Fangfei, she didn't do anything wrong, but his wife actually killed his mother.

Now that he's on the right track, Gu doesn't give in.

Steve is so popular that he takes hold of Gu's arm harder and waves another hand to hit her.

Her hand, however, couldn't come down.

Si Xingfu has already pinched her wrist.

With a little effort, Mrs. Si's arm hurt. She couldn't do it. She let go of the boat.

Si Xingfu stops Gu Qingzhou behind him.

When he wanted to say something, he came up and protected his wife behind him.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, we all lost our loved ones, we are all sad. Stop fighting, please. " Said siqiongzhi.

As she spoke, her voice choked and tears welled up.

The one who really realized is siqiongzhi.

She called "sister-in-law" and let Si Xingfu move in his heart.

No matter how much he flattered siqiongzhi, he was indifferent. But siqiongzhi admitted his wife's identity, which made Gu Qingzhou feel more secure. Sixingfu thought that qiongzhi was a good girl.

For the first time, he felt that qiongzhi was saved.

Anyone who treats his canoe well, he is willing to return with kindness.

In this moment, Si Xingfu decided not to have the same understanding with his wife, not because she was his wife, but because she was his mother.

She should be rewarded for her knowledge and wisdom.

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