Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1076 playing chess

The reason why Zhuo Wu was shocked was that he remembered that no one had ever mentioned the old lady's illness from beginning to end.

He asked for it, but didn't mention it in detail, because she agreed before she could speak.

Since she didn't ask about her illness when she promised, when Zhuo San went to ask for it, she refused, and naturally would not ask.

All the way to Zhuo's house, the old lady fell asleep again.

These are all from her pulse, so accurate, which shows her strength.

Zhuo five often heard about how the doctor got there, but he never saw it with his own eyes.

When he found out that, unlike other doctors, he had to think for a long time after asking, and finally gave a vague diagnosis, he admired him even more.

Ordinary people don't often contact with traditional Chinese medicine. It's the first time for him to open his eyes.

"Doctor Gu, please come back to life!" Zhuo Wulian is busy.

Gu Qingzhou nodded: "since I'm here, I'll cure the old lady naturally."

They set out together.

She is about the same age as Zhuo Wu. Zhuo Wu doesn't dare to breathe in front of her, let alone treat her as a girl of the same age.

He followed respectfully.

Gu Qingzhou opens his mouth, because it takes more than ten minutes to walk to the outside study. All the way is silent, which is strange.

She asked casually, "did Zhuo Shao grow up in Luzhou?"

"No, my family used to be in Shouyang. I moved to Luzhou when I was seven or eight years old." Zhuo five.

Gu Qingzhou's heart moved.

She thought that there was a reason. She just listened to the story about Shouyang city wall, and thought of Beiping.

I can't imagine that I happened to meet the old man from Shouyang who was ill.

The cause and effect are all together, how can they all be connected, which slightly surprised Gu Qingzhou.

"Have you seen the walls?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

Zhuo five way: "old city wall? It's blown up. It's useless. The wall is not strong. Now it has been rebuilt. "

Gu Qingzhou said, "isn't it a thousand years old?"

Zhuo five is silent.

A moment later, he said: "Miss Gu, in the current world, people are unable to protect, let alone the ancient city wall."

Gu Qingzhou was shocked.

She stopped unconsciously and looked at Zhuo Wu.

She didn't expect that the man was very thoughtful and ambitious, but it was a pity that he spent all his time in the fight.

Gu Qingzhou said nothing more.

Back in the outer study, governor ye and Si Xingqi are attacking Zhuo, and their words are becoming more and more mean.

When Gu Qingzhou came in, they stopped talking.

"Marshal, the old lady is an internal wind. It's just like children's slow shock. It's not hard to cure." Gu Qingzhou road.

Zhuo was relieved and said: "the doctor said that it is easy to treat, so I am relieved. Doctor, why did the old lady get sick? "

"She's a vegetarian, isn't she?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Zhuo Marshal nodded: "the doctor is really good at medicine. You can know that the old lady is vegetarian all the year round."

"She is old, her spleen and stomach function is not as good as before, and she is vegetarian all the year round, which leads to the liver Qi catharsis is too severe, instead, it offends the spleen and stomach, causing the spleen and stomach damage.

Her disease, the scientific name of traditional Chinese medicine is "liver wood riding on spleen soil", which is the problem of spleen and stomach. This kind of treatment is usually difficult to use.

Now I take a clever prescription to treat children's slow shock. If I want to treat this disease, I will guarantee that the old lady will recover 70% in half a month. "

Zhuo Dashuai knows that Miss Gu's miracle doctor is not a gimmick, but a real talent, and also knows that she is bold in using medicine.

The old lady's illness, the hospital treatment effect is not good, there must be her own problems.

Only by unusual means can we be cured.

"Thank you very much, Miss Gu." Zhuo said.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

She laid down the case, first opened the six Jun, Chaihu, cimicifuge and other drugs to comb the liver qi, and then opened Buzhong Yiqi Decoction for daily use.

"I'll come back in half a month." Gu Qingzhou said, "take the medicine first."

Zhuo handed it to his son Zhuo Wu, who was standing beside him. He said, "go and get the medicine. Remember the doctor's order."

Zhuo five big happiness, hurried to go.

Zhuo also asked some questions about taboo. Gu explained to him one by one.

Almost clear, Zhuo left to take care of the boat and other people to eat lunch.

"We want to go to the palace and have a look. Please give me a hand," said the secretary

"Easy to say, easy to say." Zhuo said with a smile, "where else do you want to go? I'll have the Deputy take you with me. "

"Commander, please give us an instruction. You don't need to lead yourself," said the secretary

They don't have to take a tail to play. Marshal Zhuo knows in his heart that who hasn't been young yet?

He was also in a happy temper. He wrote an instruction immediately and handed it to Si Xingqi.

After Zhuo five went to get the medicine, he cooked it himself and sent it to the old lady respectfully.

Just then the old lady woke up and saw that it was him. She asked, "are you a junior five?"

There are too many grandchildren in the family. Every time they come, those children are so annoying that they try their best to please her, which makes her extremely bored.

She didn't remember the little five either, because it was said that the little five was beaten by the little three.

Now Zhuo Wu is still blue and blue. The old lady knew it was him at a glance.

"Yes, grandmother. This is the medicine prescribed by the doctor. Drink it while it's hot. " Zhuo five.

The old man said, "Oh, here comes the miracle doctor?"

The maid on one side said with a smile, "old lady, it's Wu Shao who invited her in person."

The old man said, "good boy, I know you are filial."

After drinking the medicine, Zhuo five withdrew and stayed for a long time.

The old lady asked for a doctor. The maid said the doctor had left.

"You said before that it was little five who invited a miracle doctor. What is the allusion?" The old lady asked the maid.

She has a thorough mind. Although she hasn't read books or had any major culture, these people in her family have been flattering her for a long time. She looks at everything in her eyes and her heart is like a mirror.

The maid smiled and told the old lady about the third and the fifth.

It is clear that five Shao found it first, and was cut off by three Shao.

"Retribution." "The old lady light way," that small three son, now is more and more do not invite a person to ache

The maid dare not answer.

The old lady felt that the recent momentum of the three young children was so fierce that all the brothers in the family were overwhelmed. She didn't like it, so she promoted five young people deliberately.

After taking the medicine of Gu Qingzhou, the old lady still had an attack two days ago.

Attack heart understand, but also blink and shake his head, hands and feet can not stop, very uncomfortable.

The clearer the heart, the worse the pain.

She waited patiently.

On the fourth day, she didn't have a seizure, of course, her hands and feet were still slightly shaking.

The old lady is very happy.

Zhuo's family knew that the old lady's illness was slowly cured.

"It's all xiaowuxiaoshun. If he didn't find a miracle doctor and take good care of him, how could I be good?" The old lady said to marshal Zhuo.

Marshal Zhuo understood that the third and the fifth were officially shouldered.

These two sons should see who is more capable.

"Yes, it is." Zhuo said.

The commander-in-chief's home and abroad immediately knew that Zhuo Wu had an old lady to back him up. Even the commander praised him.

Zhuo's affectation, on the contrary, has become the laughingstock of the house.

We dare not laugh, after all, Zhuo San has not lost his power.

At the beginning of the game, the players were Zhuo San and Zhuo Wu. The others were all watching.

That's a postscript.

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