Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1077 on Huo Yue

With Commander Zhuo's instructions, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went to the palace.

"Do you have an impression?" Si asked in a low voice

Gu Qingzhou chuckled: "even if I was a princess, I left the palace in my stomach. What would be the impression?"

Si Xingfu thinks so.

After strolling for a while, Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou both admitted that the buildings in the palace were lofty and solemn.

However, the two Jiangnan people can't appreciate such buildings.

Just like their taste, they always think that it's delicious to put sugar in the cooking, and ye dujun can't agree with their taste.

"It's good, isn't it?" Gu Qingzhou asks the Secretary for advice.

"This is not my home, why do you flatter me with hypocrisy?"

Gu Qingzhou laughs.

She said, "I'm used to it. If you often lie, you will come with your mouth open. "

The two laughed back and forth.

In fact, what sightseeing pursues is fun, not what it sees.

Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou are very happy, so this trip to Peiping is very successful.

On the fifth day, Gu Qingzhou went to buy some small gifts, and in the morning, he flew back to Taiyuan with Si Xingqi and ye dujun.

When she came back, she divided the presents first.

Leaf Charm pulls her, asks Peking interesting matter, then way: "teacher, wait for me to have a holiday, how about we go again?"

"Good." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Shan listened to them casually.

Since Wang Youchuan got married, although she cried and made trouble, she pretended not to care, but she often lost her mind.

The failure of love makes young women feel the sky is falling.

Gu Qingzhou also talked to them about the singer who was hurt by Si Xingfu, and about the grudges of Zhuo San and Zhuo Wu.

All kinds of Zhuo's are anecdotes.

"Does the Zhuo family have a daughter?" Ye asked.

"There must be some," Gu said

"Only eleven sons, plus my daughter, my God! Zhuo's children can start a class by themselves, and there are only so many people in our class. " Ye Wudao.

Gu couldn't help laughing.

Ye Shan's lips are bent. She has laughed.

When ye Wu got up and went to the bathroom, ye Shan asked Gu Qingzhou in a low voice, "teacher, did my father go to Miss Fang?"

Gu Qingzhou said truthfully: "the governor was busy with his private affairs for two days at the beginning"

Ye Shan's expression changed immediately.

She pondered for a moment, and at last sighed, feeling helpless.

If her father had to marry Fang leisurely, she couldn't help it. She is not her son, and the Ye family is not her eternal place. Maybe she should find her own way.

Anyway, she won't live under the same roof with Fang leiran. She doesn't like her.

It happened that ye Wu came back and asked, "second sister, what's your sigh?"

"Nothing." Ye Shandao.

Ye Wu had the same thing in her mind. Seeing such a scene, she asked, "second sister, did my father go to see Miss Fang?"

Ye Shan looks at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't know, but the governor is dealing with private affairs for two days. I don't know what it is."

Rao did not comfort the Ye sisters.

They both took the small gift and left.

After going back, they thought about how to make Miss Fang and her father break off completely, so they were silent.

Gu Qingzhou yawned.

She felt a little tired and was going to clean up and go upstairs for a rest.

I don't think so. Here comes Huo Yue.

Huo Yue went back to the Dragon Boat Festival. He came back after the event.

"Mrs. Yan asked me to bring you some presents." Huo Yue said with a smile, "I also went to see yuzao and gave her a gift, saying that it was from her mom."

"Will she be mummy?" Gu Qingzhou's eyes are slightly bright.

Huo Yue shook his head a little regretfully. "Mrs. Yan is teaching her. I think she will soon learn."

Gu Qingzhou is also very sorry.

She stayed Huo Yue for dinner.

Both of them didn't talk about Huo Rongjing and Yan Yiyuan, because if there is news, they will inform each other at the first time.

Since there is no notice, there is no news. I asked Tu Tian for trouble.

Si Xingfu comes back, and Huo Yue immediately has a topic.

"It's not a light day for governor ye to take people to encircle and suppress the caravan." He said happily.

Huo Yue laughed, "* the gang and the junta never let the water flow, so ye's guns were not aimed at these insects. Why are they now making such a big fire?"

"The Mafia dare to ask for any black money, and actually started human trafficking. The daughter of a regimental commander of yedujun, who is only 15 years old, a flower and a flower, was robbed by the people of the horse gang. " Si Xingfu road.

"Did you find it?" Gu asked

"If I find it back, governor ye will not be so angry. The other side is afraid to know the identity of the girl, will kill people and throw them into the mountain stream, and never admit to death. " He said.

All he said was the truth.

The people of the caravan will certainly do the same, because it is in their best interest.

Gu Qingzhou felt that the truth was too harsh, and she hit him hard on his arm: "do you hope someone's good?"

Si Xingfu laughed.

He leaned over and kissed the cheek of the boat.

Huo Yue is still there. Gu Qingzhou is red in the scene. He wants to kill people.

She was afraid that Si Xingfu would make a fool of herself again, so she did not dare to open her mouth and sat quietly beside her.

Si Xingfu's goal has been achieved. Continue to chat with Huo Yue.

When he was chatting, he didn't have a good word. It was all those bad ideas.

Huo Yue is calm and steady. When he said that the last time ye dujun killed the bandits, he said: "dozens of bandits, ye dujun cut all of them, how much blood would you have to shed? Do not do evil? Dig a pit and bury it alive. It's clean and virtuous. "

Gu Qingzhou suddenly opened his eyes.

She suddenly found that people gather by analogy, and huoyue is not much fun.

How can he say "Jide"?

Huo Yue also subconsciously thought that Gu Qingzhou was still sitting nearby, and his tongue was almost bitten by his teeth.

It's all because of the company!

He is usually quite a gentleman. Only in front of sixingfu can he not hide his original face, because sixingfu is the same immoral ghost as him.

"I'm done. I'll go upstairs first." Gu Qingzhou road.

She didn't want to hear Huo Yue and Si Xingkai talking at all.

Although they are talking about the horse Gang, they can think about their identity, and Gu Qingzhou knows that they have done all those things.

Gu Qingzhou himself also killed countless people.

Compared with them, I am not much better. Seeing them is like seeing another ugly self. She is a little ashamed of herself.

Gu ran away in a hurry.

"When can we be normal?" she thought? Even if there's a conflict, it's a sullen fight, not a life and death fight? "

When she was thinking about why her life was so deformed, Si Xingkai called out to her, "light boat, come down quickly and see who is coming."

Who else can come for such a big night?

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