Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1094 temptation

The birds that Gu Qingzhou catches are all quite small. They are not as fat as the pigeons raised in the market.

"Let it go. There are many parasites in the wild. It's not delicious." Gu Qingzhou road.

"White busy?" said the secretary

"We enjoyed catching birds, and we had a picnic, didn't we?" Gu chuckled.

She is in a good mood today.

"It's good to be busy for nothing," said the secretary

Ye Wu comes to see Gu Qingzhou.

Seeing a net of birds, she pointed to a red and green one and smiled, "is this a parrot?"

Gu Qingzhou also looked at her eyes, as if she was.

"Don't let this one go, give it to me," said Ye

All the other birds are not precious, and there are not many meat. The Secretary Xingfu has released them all according to the words.

It is not for hunting, but for the joy of childhood.

These pleasures can dispel her inner depression.

She was worried about the superintendent and even pitied him, but she could do nothing.

"Aunt Liu said she was bored. She just hung the bird under the eaves of her house and asked her to tease the bird from time to time." Ye Wudao.

Gu asked Aunt Liu's body: "she has a big stomach. It's hot day by day. Can she hold on?"

"It's OK with her," said Ye

Gu Qingzhou makes a sound.

They are talking. Someone is knocking at the door.

The servant came in and said, "madam, Mrs. Wang Si is here."

Mrs. Wang Si, it's Qin Sha. After meeting Qin Sha, Gu Qingzhou also tells Ye Wu about her.

Ye Wu can't help but look at Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou's expression remained unchanged. He smiled at the servant and said, "please come in, Mrs. Wang."

Si Xingfu was sweating all over, so he went upstairs to take a bath first.

When he came down, he saw Qin Sha coming in.

He heard Qin Sha very much and squinted at her.

Qin Sha glanced at all the people, smiled at Gu Qingzhou, and turned to see Si Xingfu: "are you my son-in-law?"

Si Xingfu comes over and stands behind the sofa. His eyes are arrogant: "can you have a daughter like that?"

Qin Sha's smile turned into a sneer: "why, do you want to kill me?"

She always provoked Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

Kill Shifu and nanny. This matter is always the stab in the heart of Gu Qingzhou. If you don't touch it, you won't hurt. If you touch it, you will hurt your muscles and bones.

Qin gauze chooses this spike to tease.

"Why not?" In response to her provocation, Si Xingqi said, "Mrs. Wang, this is the last time. You know what I mean!"

Qin Sha sniffed.

Gu Qingzhou raised his chin slightly and said to Qin Sha, "Mrs. Wang, please remember this for the last time. If you act for someone else and say something inappropriate in front of me, I will regard you as the enemy. "

Qin Sha is surprised to see the light boat.

"You only need men and no relatives, don't you?" Qin yarn road.

Her voice and expression softened with the scolding.

She was shocked in her heart, but she did not expect that Si xingxu had become so affectionate and ungrateful because of his fascination with the mind of taking care of the boat.

Then, Qin Sha heard Gu Qingzhou say: "yes, I don't want to, I just want to take charge of Xingshen."

The astonishment on Qin Sha's face can no longer be concealed.

Leaf Charm listened beside, in the heart especially envied. Even if she had no conscience, she envied the feelings of the teacher and the manager.

They are loyal to each other.

"In that case, I don't have to step on the door." Qin Sha is cold and turns to go.

Gu Qingzhou did not detain her.

"Teacher, did you offend her?" said Ye

"If she is kind, she will be offended if she offends, lest she be implicated by me; if she is malicious, she will not be offended, and she will come back." Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha is a person Gu Qingzhou knew before. If she is not standing beside Mrs. Hirano, she will surely be used by Mrs. Hirano. Now offend her, but also save her life, let Mrs. Hirano know that she is useless, will not make her idea.

If she had been Mrs. Hirano's person, she would have come here to Gu Qingzhou, and would not have offended her not to see each other for a few words.

Gu Qingzhou also wants to test her.

"Teacher, you are brave. Sometimes when we are clear about our own reasoning, we dare not tell the truth for fear of offending villains. " Ye Wu envied.

Gu Qingzhou touched her head.

Sure enough, Qin Sha came again the next day.

She sincerely apologized to Gu Qingzhou for her coming.

She brought two flower sculptures, all made by famous winery in Yuecheng.

If nothing happened to Qin Sha, she handed the wine to Gu Qingzhou: "this is for my son-in-law. I'll give him some flavor of my hometown. Light boat, you grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, which is also your local flavor. "

One son-in-law at a time makes it clear to Gu Qingzhou.

Gu took the present.

She is not afraid that Qin Shai has a purpose, just afraid that Qin Shai doesn't have one. Now that her intention is clear, Gu's worries are gone.

Seeing the flower carvings, Si Xingfu's face didn't get better.

He was still.

Qin Sha said, "why don't you accept my apology?"

"In that case, thank you very much," said the secretary

Qin Sha is satisfied: "thank you for what? My family, you haven't flattered my mother-in-law, but I have to make amends to you first. What's the matter? "

The secretary is silent.

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Qin Sha said, "boat, you still call me master. Isn't he my son-in-law?"

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes, his eyes were deep and collected, his eyes were like the ancient well without waves, and he looked at Qin Sha lightly: "master, don't be hard on others."

Qin Sha said, "it's OK."

She no longer paid attention to Si Xingfu, but said to Gu Qingzhou, "I want to visit Kang's aunt. I heard that you and Kang's are very familiar. How about going together?"

Si Xingfu was beside him and lit a cigar, but he still didn't speak.

"Why do you want to visit the Kang family?" Gu asked

"I came to make amends, but I can't sit down in your attitude. I'd better go to Kangjia." Qin yarn road.

Si Xingfu pressed the cigar into the ashtray and said to Gu Qingzhou, "isn't Er Bao still at Kang's home?"

Gu Qingzhou nods.

"Just in time, I'll go to see Er Bao, too." He said, "shall we go together?"

Qin Sha also knows two treasures. At that time, Erbao was dirty. She also made clothes for her. Qin yarn has a sewing machine. It's very convenient to make clothes.

However, Gu Qingzhou's clothes are exquisite. They are all made by her mistress one stitch at a time. Qin yarn sews them. The mistress can't see them.

"I haven't seen Er Bao for years. That little fool must not remember me." Qin Sha laughs.

Gu Qingzhou thought of Qin Sha's point, that she had taken good care of her neighbors, and that she was also very good to Gu Qingzhou. She was careful to teach her, never harsh but with regulations.

Gu Qingzhou thought of this and felt that she was a good person. At least at that time, Zhang ChuChu was really good.

For Qin Sha, her feelings are complicated.

When they were ready to go out, Cheng Yu came back.

Seeing Qin Sha, Cheng yuyixi asks Gu Qingzhou, "who is this elder sister?"

Qin Sha's heart was in full bloom and she laughed: "I am the mother of the boat."

Then she turned around and said to Gu Qingzhou, "one day as a teacher and one lifetime as a mother, I am your mother. No nonsense."

Cheng Yu is a little confused.

Gu introduced him as the fourth wife of the Wang family and the former master of Gu.

As for how Qin Sha knew Gu Qingzhou, Cheng Yu didn't know much about it.

"Going out to play?" Cheng Yu saw that they were all dressed neatly. "I will go too."

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