You have to make a phone call before you visit.

Gu Qingzhou gets through the phone of Kang's family and transfers it to Kangzhi's yard.

"We want to see Er Bao and the fourth wife of the Wang family..." Gu explained.

Kangzhi is ten years younger than Qinsha. In the most famous years of Qinsha, Kangzhi was a baby girl of several years old. Later, Qinsha left Taiyuan. She just heard about Qin Sha, but she didn't get in touch with her.

Hearing that they were coming, Kangzhi welcomed them: "I'm waiting at home."

And they went to the house of Kang.

Kangzhi greets them at the gate.

Others are acquaintances. They are only curious about Qin Sha, so Kangzhi's vision only falls on Qin Sha.

Qin Sha is wearing a cheongsam with clear water and green color, which can't hide her gorgeous.

She's old, and she's still got all kinds of styles.

My aunt Kang estimated that Qin Sha's demeanor was better than her own, and she immediately envied her.

Qin Sha dress is very ordinary, a little different is that she surrounded by a snow color shawl, shawl on both ends of the fringe, each decorated with a small gold bell.

When she walked, the bell rang softly, a little loud.

It's different from her appearance.

"It's so inappropriate. Who is wearing a bell except the dancers?" Kang Chi thought.

She has never seen such a dress.

However, Kangzhi thought, "Qin Sha is from abroad. Maybe this is their fashion school?"

In a word, Qin Sha's shawl made Kangzhi very surprised.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have a look at each other.

Both of them saw surprise in their eyes. Gu Qingzhou looks at the manager and tells him to keep quiet.

Si Xingfu's expression is the same.

Cheng Yu, who was walking behind them, was not as calm as the two of them. He pushed forward and asked, "where did she get her shawl?"

Qin Sha's shawl was just around when she got off the bus, not all the time.

"All the time. Is she demonstrating for Aunt Kang or what? " Cheng Yu asked again.

Looking back, Gu Qingzhou whispered to her, "No."

"What is that?"

"I don't know. Don't be talkative for a while. Look back at me and act." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu nods.

Qin Sha and Kangzhi have exchanged greetings. They are very warm.

As soon as he raised his hand, the little golden bell on Qin's shawl tinkled. It was not loud, just crisp enough, and not harsh at all.

Kangzhi asked, "Mrs. Wang, where did you come from? Taiyuan has no such fashionable decorations. "

Qin Sha said with a smile, "I just play around. I'm so dressed today. "

Speaking of this, she shifted the topic and asked Park Hang, the uncle of the Kang family, "is my body better?"

Kangzhi's attention immediately turned to Qin Sha's questions, and he didn't think about anything else.

Park Hang's problem is very sensitive. Kangzhi doesn't want to make a mistake.

"... you Chuan said that he and my uncle seem to have some business contacts." Qin Sha said with a smile, "is that so?"

Kangzhi was a little nervous. "Is that right?"

Qin Sha said: "he just said it casually."

She deliberately didn't let Kangzhi do it.

Kangzhi breathed slowly, thinking that Qin Sha was kind, not aggressive. As a result, Kangzhi didn't pay attention to the improper decoration of Qin yarn.

Kangzhi invited them to her own yard.

Qin Sha asked, "is my uncle at home today?"

Kangzhi said with a smile, "he's fed up with us. He doesn't live at home for a long time. He's resting on the farm outside."

This is to Qin Sha and Cheng Yu.

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu both know that Park Hang is under house arrest.

Qin Sha's eyes turned a little and said nothing more.

Gu Qingzhou always has a gentle attitude, Kangzhi and her greetings, she should also slightly.

Until Qin Sha takes the initiative to ask Kangzhi with a smile, "are the two treasures in your mansion?"

Kangzhi looks at her curiously: "do you know Er Bao, too?"

"I used to live in Jiangnan. I raised two treasures and a boat." Qin yarn road.

Kangzhi is shocked.

Gu immediately laughed and said, "master, you don't have to be like this. Even if you don't say that, my aunt won't think Er Bao and I are orphans. "

Then, Gu Qingzhou said to Kangzhi, "I studied piano and dance with Mrs. Wang for two years, and she also lived in our village for more than two years.

She has been very good to me and Erbao, but Erbao is not familiar with her. Even so, master regards me and ER Bao as his own

Kangzhi knew it.

Qin Sha and Gu Qingzhou have only two years of friendship, and in those two years, she and ER Bao are not familiar.

"What do you mean by her suddenly speaking like this?" Kang Chi thought.

Kangzhi has been in contact with Gu Qingzhou and knows his ability, so she looks at Gu Qingzhou.

The meaning of asking for help is obvious.

But he didn't look at her.

Qin Sha smiled and said to Gu Qingzhou, "you are still in your old temper. You have to say everything clearly. It's very hurtful. "

Gu Qingzhou also smiled: "master, let's talk about this at home."

Qin Sha nodded.

She took a sip of tea.

After moistening her voice, she said to Kangzhi, "I haven't seen Er Bao for a long time. Would you take me to see him?"

Kangzhi looks after the boat again.

Gu Qingzhou said to Kangzhi with a smile, "Auntie, I'm here with the division master. I also want to see Er Bao. How dare I disturb you?"

Si Xingfu, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke at the moment: "Er Bao works hard in your mansion to take care of her."

"Don't mention it. Er Bao is the son-in-law of the Kang family." Kang Zhi Dao.

The words are clear.

Qin Sha made a surprised look: "is there such a good thing? I don't know. In this way, I feel relieved. "

Kangzhi smiles and sends for ER Bao.

Kang Han accompanies Er Bao to Kangzhi's yard.

Qin Sha stood up and walked forward a few steps. The golden bells jingled.

Two treasure's footsteps are actually a stop, big happy way: "elder martial sister!"

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised.

Si Xingfu and Cheng Yu look at the boat together.

Qin yarn block in the door, two treasures by Kang Han pull to stop.

"Er Bao, do you remember me? I'm Aunt Zhang. " Qin Sha opens her mouth, raises her wrist slightly and gently flicks her hair.

As soon as she raised her hand, there was another ring.

Gu Qingzhou suddenly realized.

Want to understand the meaning of Qin yarn, Gu Qingzhou eyes slightly heavy.

She pursed her lips a little.

After thinking for a long time, er Bao finally said, "I remember. Aunt Zhang makes clothes for me."

Qin Sha smiled: "you have a little conscience, but you still remember! I thought you were just as heartless as your elder martial sister. "

She accused Gu of not being filial to her.

Gu Qingzhou's sense and calmness seem to owe her.

Gu canoe is still motionless, still pretending not to understand.

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