Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1107 emotional injury

Without warning, Cheng Yu's heart suddenly shrinks.

It's too unexpected, so his heart follows his original intention too much, without any concealment and decoration, which makes Cheng Yu almost see himself.

It's too ugly. Cheng Yu is frightened and scared. His expression changes.

She had a reaction, and the people at that table moved to her table.

"A Yu..." Xunzi's slightly stiff Chinese words sounded in her ears like thunder.

Cheng Yu clenched his fist to calm down his inner feelings.

In front of him, she looked at him carefully again.

Compared with the last time, he lost another lap in a few days.

Cheng Yu's heart pricked without warning.

Compared with Zhuo Mozi, Gao qiaoxun is a useless man. He used to live under his father's wings. He didn't have the heart to win or to be ambitious.

It is because of his uselessness that life is sad.

If he is very strong, like zhuomozhi, Cheng Yu will never suffer.

She would never look at herself.

Cheng Yu doesn't care about her appearance, but she doesn't appreciate herself in her heart, so she never thinks about her heart.

Ignorance is her happiness.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." Gao Qiao Xun's voice, so low, like a weak bubble, can be pierced with a little force, and the mood will flow for thousands of miles.

"Yes." Cheng Yu answers.

Then, two silence, who did not look at each other.

Cheng Yu feels that she is drunk. She shouldn't stay here, or her heart will betray her.

She said, "I'm here with the boat. Goodbye."

After that, she stood up and went straight out of the side door of the wine table.

After going out, she looked around for her car, only to find that it was not parked at the door.

After being shocked, Cheng Yu saw Xunzi of Gaoqiao standing up and seemed to be paying.

She told herself, "let's go and find my car."

It's impossible to get in. She has to go around to the front door.

There was a big turn around the way, as if the road was too long to see the end.

There are many streetlights. The warm orange light adds heat to the summer night.

Cheng Yu pushes forward hard. His face is burning, almost scalding her.

"Not yet, not yet!" She was eager to trot. Unfortunately, she wore a pair of beautiful high-heeled shoes today, with the heels slightly higher than usual, which made her unable to run.

The more so, the more anxious she was.

When her arm was pulled by Xun Gaoqiao, she was already furious. She didn't know whether she was angry with him or whether he wanted to drag her, so she raised her hand and hit him heavily on the back of his hand.

"Let go!" Cheng Yu shouted loudly.

"Slow down, you almost got hit by a car," said Xunzi

Cheng Yu's breath is fast, her cheeks are hot. The hotel lights and street lights fall on her face together. Her eyes are bright.

Gao Qiao Xun hugged her.

She was boiling hot, and so was he, both hot, and both drank.

As if after a fierce lingering, all over thin sweat tired, Gao qiaoxun put his lips to her ears, gently kissed her ears.

His arm is like a hoop.

Cheng Yu stepped on his shoes.

Her high-heeled shoes, with sharp and thin heels, almost broke Xun's toes.

He snored in pain and let go of his hands.

Cheng Yu took two steps back and angrily pointed to him: "what are you, dare to tease me?"

After that, she simply took off her shoes, pinched them in her hands, and ran forward.

Turning the corner, the car is in front of us. The driver is smoking by the car and chatting with another driver.

Seeing Cheng Yu, he quickly put out the smoke.

"Go home!" Cheng Yu snapped at the driver.

"Miss Cheng, don't wait for your wife?" the driver asked

"Drive now, do you hear me?" Cheng Yu seems to be mad and roars.

The driver saw that the driver of Ye's family was also there. His wife must be with Miss ye, so he obediently started the car.

Cheng Yu presses the window.

After the car runs, the night wind blows on the surface, but it's a little cool.

The night wind is warm at this time of the year. She feels cold, just because her cheeks are too hot.

She crawled in the window, watching the car passing through the street and the traffic crowd, and the figure retreated a little bit. Then she asked herself, "Cheng Yu, why are you crazy? Why are you crazy when you can handle it properly? "

It's just a meeting. He said hello politely and thoughtfully to her. Why does she go crazy?

"All destroyed." She thought to herself, "that little white face thinks I can't forget him, and he dares to hug me!"

It's a failure.

Cheng Yu is too hot. He is so hot that he will burn out.

When she got home, she put a tub of cold water in it.

She stopped the servant from putting hot water for her.

Seeing that she was about to enter the bathtub after taking off her coat, the servant was in a hurry: "Miss Cheng, you are going to get sick when you come back to take a cold bath in sweat."

"Don't worry, get out!" Cheng Yu roars.

The maid is Siya. She is young and thin skinned. She is Gu Qingzhou's servant. Gu Qingzhou hasn't scolded her, but Cheng Yu yells at her. She is embarrassed to leave.

Cheng Yu buries himself in the bathtub.

Two hours later, Gu came home.

As soon as she entered the door, the maid told her, "madam, Miss Cheng came back with perspiration and put a bathtub of cold water in it. It hasn't been washed out yet."

Gu Qingzhou was surprised: "why not stop her? It'll catch cold. "

People who are sweating in midsummer have their pores open. If they take a cold bath, something must happen.

Gu Qingzhou can't take off his shoes. He runs to knock on the door, but the bathroom doesn't respond.

The maid is also smart. She looks for the key.

Gu Qingzhou opens the door and sees Cheng Yu asleep in the bathtub.

She was so white that the maid's legs were soft with fear.

"One for two, why don't you worry?" Gu Qingzhou sighs.

She pinches Cheng Yu's nose and mouth tightly, which wakes him up.

"You're not going to die?" Gu Qingzhou said, "you are going crazy with such cold water?"

Cheng Yu also shivered.

"Leave it alone." Cheng Yudao.

She put on the Nightgown handed by the maid, wiped her hair at will and went back to sleep.

Gu Qingzhou holds her: "I'll go back to my room when my hair is dry. Siya, go and cook some ginger soup. "

Cheng Yu is pulled into the living room, wiping his hair and sneezing.

Her skull began to swell and her brain ached badly.

"I'm drunk." Cheng Yudao.

"I think you have a cold." Gu Qingzhou said, "you may have a fever tonight."

Cheng Yu said, "don't make a fuss."

She had ginger soup and went back to bed.

Gu Qingzhou can't trust her. She went to her room at five o'clock the next morning.

Cheng Yu is still sleeping.

Gu Qingzhou touched her head and it was already boiling hot. She had a fever as expected.

At this time, the servant didn't get up, so Gu called the duty room of the military hospital.

Ye dujun's military hospital still respects Gu Qingzhou very much. As soon as he heard that it was Miss Gu, he immediately sent a doctor.

"Give her an injection of antipyretic." Gu Qingzhou said to the army, "there are no other problems."

Military medicine is.

Cheng Yu, half asleep and half awake, was given an injection by a military doctor.

"The fever has reached 39 degrees. If the fever does not subside within two hours, go to the hospital." Military doctors to Gu Qingzhou way, "summer so high fever, can not be careless."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

After the injection, Cheng Yu began to sweat all over before long.

Sweating means the fever will subside. Gu Qingzhou asks the servant to add two quilts to her.

Sheng Xia has a fever. It's too painful.

At this time, Cheng Yu wakes up and sees Gu Qingzhou wrapping her in a quilt. Cheng Yu is powerless: "what's wrong with me?"

"I have a fever." Gu Qingzhou said, "last night, the fever was normal."

Cheng Yu said, "take care of the boat. I feel bad."

Don't you feel bad?

"It's OK. I'll bear it again. I'll be fine when I sweat all over, take a hot bath and sleep for a while." Gu said.

Cheng Yu said, "no, I feel bad."

Gu Qingzhou understands.

She met Gao qiaoxun last night.

"Why does it hurt?" "Is it because of Gaoqiao Xun?" Gu asked

Cheng Yu nodded: "he looked at me pitifully..."

his heart was sinking.

She pressed the quilt for Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu's face was sweaty, but for a moment she was soaked in sweat.

After sweating a lot, the fever subsided in an hour.

Gu Qingzhou arranges the servant to put hot water in the bathtub, and at the same time asks the servant to prepare rice porridge, in which salt should be put.

When Cheng Yu took a hot bath and was a little red, he was still sweating.

Stand up again, though her hands and feet are soft, but her spirit is much better.

After a bowl of rice porridge, she went to sleep again.

She slept until five o'clock in the afternoon. When she woke up, the sun moved west.

She sat up, refreshed.

Gu Qingzhou is reading in the living room.

I saw her take a bath again, change clothes, go to the light boat and ask her, "how do you feel?"

"All right." Cheng Yudao.

"Toss and turn." Gu Qingzhou just turned a white eye at the moment. "If you don't listen to advice, you have to make yourself comfortable."

Cheng Yu didn't agree with her. He said with a smile, "I'm really comfortable."

The servant prepared some food.

Cheng Yu sits at the table, accompanied by Gu Qingzhou.

"What did you say to Ye Wu last night?" Cheng Yu asked.

"You still have leisure to worry about ah Wu?" Gu Qingzhou is full of laughter and laughter. "You were the one who made the most noise last night, right? I wake up in the morning to take care of you, and you don't say thank you. "

"We don't have to be outside. I know." Cheng Yudao.

She was curious about ye Wu's story and asked, "I saw Ye Wu crying. What's the matter, is she jilted by Kang Yu? "

"Can't you hope for something else?" Gu Qingzhou road.

"She is a lady from a powerful family, so heartbroken. What else can I think of except for the emotional problems?" Cheng Yu also rolled his eyes.

See Gu Qingzhou don't answer, she kicked Gu Qingzhou under the table: "tell me, or I will call myself to ask Ye Wu."

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