Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1108 hate for love

Time flows slowly, outside the curtain is the warm sunset. The wind raised a corner of the curtain, the golden awn covered lightly, and the floor was scorched by the sun.

Cicadas are chirping one after another, night insects are also lurking in the corner, ready to meet the noise of the evening.

Summer nights are never lonely.

After guqingzhou had some snacks, he was regarded as supper.

"Tell me." Cheng Yu dawdles on her.

Gu Qingzhou shakes her head all the time and refuses to tell her Ye Wu's secret.

"You don't mean enough!" Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou retorted, "it's just because it's meaningful that I won't tell you. Do you want me to tell your secret to others in the future? "

"Yes, I have nothing to say to others." Cheng Yu is a rogue type of magnanimity.

Gu Qingzhou gave her a white look.

While the two men were talking, the servant said that a visitor had come and said, "it's Mr. Takahashi."

Cheng Yu's back is a little tight.

hesitated, her face seemed to have the courage to give birth, but in a flash she became a bubble.

"I'm a little tired. I went back to my room to sleep. You sent him away. "

"Can't you see him?" Gu Qingzhou asked, "is it better to make it clear?"

"It's been said so clearly, there's no need to say it again." Cheng Yudao.

Indeed, what should be said has been said and what should be done has also been done. Cheng Yu is very impulsive, but after the impulsive, it is not naive.

She and Gao Qiao Xun became the past.

Good horses don't eat grass.

Don't look back, the past feelings are still memorable. Once I look back, that little miss becomes resentment.

She has a grudge against him, and so does he, or he would not have left before.

All of these seem transparent in Cheng Yu's heart and can be seen clearly.

Then she went back to her room and slammed the door.

It was getting late and the house was lit.

Gu Qingzhou asks the servant to invite Gao Qiao Xun in.

Gao qiaoxun did not see Cheng Yu, but was disappointed. He directly asked Gu Qingzhou in Japanese, "is she not at home?"

Gu Qingzhou didn't answer. He asked him to sit down with a smile.

"How come you are so late?" Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "Taiyuan government has no reason for visitors at night, except for mourning."

Gao qiaoxun's expression.

He seemed to be fidgeting. He moved his body and chose a new posture.

But for two seconds, he changed his posture.

After seven or eight postures, he was a little more comfortable. When he finally settled down, Gu Qingzhou asked, "come to find Cheng Yu?"

"Well." "When she left yesterday, she walked very fast. I don't know if she was hurt."

If he was really worried, he would have come in the morning, so he knew that Cheng Yu was safe to go home last night.

It's no more than just finding an excuse to stay up until evening.

Gu Qingzhou said: "there is no injury. The drivers have been soldiers. They drive steadily and have good skills. They will not let Cheng Yu go wrong. You can rest assured."

Hsun hum from Gaoqiao.

He turned his head and took a look in the direction of Cheng Yu's room. His legs moved and he wanted to stand up and knock on the door, but his hands pressed them.

The inner emotions are fighting with his reason.

He spoke in Japanese, and Gu could understand all of them. It's like adding a secret. It's more natural.

"Did she mention me?" Asked Gao Qiao and Xun.

Gu Qingzhou sat under the light, his eyebrows and eyes were covered by the light, his eyes were dark, dark and even penetrating.

Her voice, also rigid, after all, she is not proficient in Japanese, said stumbling.

After a few words, she simply changed to Chinese.

She speaks Chinese, and Gao qiaoxun can understand it; Gao qiaoxun speaks Japanese, and she can understand it.

In both languages, expression is not affected at all.

"Mentioned that she was very sad about your leaving." Gu told the truth.

"I didn't want to go, she always looked down on me..."

"there was a kind of person, called the mouth cheap and the heart soft. Cheng Yu was such a person." Gu Qingzhou road.

Gao qiaoxun's fingers on his knee curled up a little.

Gu Qingzhou continued: "she said that what she should tell you is all finished. Now, she is getting along with Zhuo Mozi... "

GAO qiaoxun kept his head down, and now he raised his eyes.

Looking at Gu Qingzhou, his slightly magnetic Japanese is very beautiful: "Qingzhou, help me, help me find her!"

"She's not a doll. I'll help you find it if you lose it." "I can't help Gao Qiao," Gu Qingzhou said

Gao Qiao and Xun sniffed.

After biting his teeth, Gao qiaoxun's mood reached the extreme. He said: "she still has me in her heart. Last night... She ran away last night. I know that. Boat, help me. "

Gu Qingzhou is silent.

Last night, where was Cheng Yu just running away? She's a real emotional wound.

Make yourself so embarrassed.

Although Gu Qingzhou is young, he is also familiar with the world. She can cure disease, but not heart.

This emotional injury was caused by Gao Qiao, Xun and Cheng Yu. They are medicine for each other. Anyone who stirs them up may cause more chaos.

Once there is chaos, Gu Qingzhou is not a man inside or outside.

Gu Qingzhou's ears are always soft. When she should refuse, they are sharp and straightforward. So she said, "I'm sorry, I can't help you."

As Cheng Yu said, it's all over, and there's no point in dragging it down. Gu Qingzhou stands up.

She is going upstairs.

Standing at the winding place of the stairs, Gu Qingzhou saw Xunzi, a high bridge, sitting in the sofa and said, "high bridge."

Gao Qiao and Xun turn to see her.

"You say Cheng Yu despises you, so what are you worth her watching?" Gu Qingzhou said slowly, "you are not a child. Don't rely on others when something goes wrong."

After all, she was light footed and disappeared at the stairs.

The inner agitation of Gaoqiao and Xunzi was like waves rolling.

He stood up and went to Cheng Yu's door.

He knocked on the door and there was no response, so he kept on knocking for five minutes.

Cheng Yu didn't open the door.

But the servant was too noisy for him to bear. He said to him, "Sir, Miss Cheng had a high fever last night. I'm afraid she's sleeping now. Don't disturb her."

"High fever?" Gao Qiao and Xun are stunned.

"Miss Cheng didn't feel very well when she came back last night," the servant said

When Gao Qiao Xun heard this, he seemed to understand it all.

He was both happy and worried. Two emotions collided in his chest, so his face was full of tears.

He couldn't help it any more, so he kicked Cheng Yu's door open.

She fell ill for him.

At this moment, Gao qiaoxun would rather kneel in front of her and beg for her forgiveness than turn away.

He never insisted on anything in his life.

But when the door is opened, the room is empty and the bedding on the bed is neatly folded.

Gao qiaoxun's heart was suddenly overcast.

Unwilling, he looked everywhere in the wardrobe and under the bed, thus ignoring the open windows.

Cheng Yu has already left the window.

Gao Qiao, like Xun Tuoli, sits on her bed and smells the familiar fragrance. The haze in his heart has accumulated to a certain extent, so he is full of hatred.

He hates her!

She was so cruel.

Xunzi, Gaoqiao, stood up and strode out. He walked very fast, like a gust of wind.

He got into the car and left quickly.

Gu Qingzhou stands on the railing on the third floor, quietly watching the street car lights disappear.

"Are you going to have a midnight snack, madam?" The maid came in and asked.

"No," Gu said

The maid said again, "madam, the gentleman left, but he kicked Miss Cheng's door. Will it be fixed tonight or tomorrow? "

"Fix it tonight. Don't wait for Miss Cheng to come back." Gu said.

The servant said yes.

Downstairs, it's the servant who is mending the lock and mending the door. Gu Qingzhou listens to the cicadas in the distance and the nearby percussion. He is very upset.

Cheng Yu returned home at nine o'clock.

She came back from the back door and asked the maid carefully, "is that man gone?"

"Long gone, Miss Cheng."

Cheng Yu is relieved.

Gu Qingzhou's room also lights up. Cheng Yu puts down his leather bag and looks at the fresh traces of the door. He is clear in his heart.

She went upstairs to look for Gu Qingzhou.

She told Gu Qingzhou, "I went to governor Ye's mansion."

Gu Qingzhou is surprised.

She thought Cheng Yu was just hiding out.

"Do you think I know nothing unless you tell me?" Cheng Yu hum, "I asked Ye Wu directly, and she told me."

Gu Qingzhou is looking through the account book, and now he has put it down.

"You didn't give her any advice, did you?" Gu Qingzhou worries.

Cheng Yu's own feelings are also a mess.

But Gu Qingzhou is not good at emotion.

She is really afraid that Cheng Yu will come in disorder, which makes it difficult for ye Wu to do.

"What is a random idea?" Cheng Yu said, "I gave her all serious ideas, OK? Let me tell you, you can see the results in a few days. "

"What advice did you give her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Cheng yulenghum: "you won't tell me, will I tell you? If you want to know, just call ye Wu. "

Gu Qingzhou gave her a white look.

Cheng Yu sat still and refused to leave. He called the servant to prepare for the night and said he wanted coffee.

Looking at her posture, I don't plan to go back to bed.

"Are you well? So late at night, you're tossing and turning. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu's body is strong. After a fever, she had a good meal and recovered as before.

"All right," she said proudly

The servant did bring coffee and a midnight snack.

Cheng Yu also advised Gu to eat some crystal shrimp dumplings.

If Gu Qingzhou ate too much before going to bed, he would not sleep, so he refused.

"Gao Qiao Xun, he kicked my door out of order?" Cheng Yu is busy, asking Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said, "you have seen it."

"That bastard, you didn't beat him out?" Chengyu airway.

Gu Qingzhou has no words.

Cheng Yu also ate in silence.

When she finished eating, Gu Qingzhou asked her, "did you really make it clear to him?"

"Make it clear." Cheng Yu said firmly, "I told him last time that he can't come back here. Maybe if he doesn't give up, he will give up if he touches a few nails. "

Gu Qingzhou bit his lower lip slightly.

She said: "Cheng Yu, do you have any feelings for Gao Qiao and Xun? I don't think you can let it go last night. "

"I'll tell you a story." Cheng Yudao.

Gu Qingzhou sits upright, etc

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