Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1109 bullying

Cheng Yu talks about his last marriage.

"... after my ex husband cheated, I was not so determined. I looked back once, but the end result was that I was so regretful. " Cheng Yudao.

Her story tells her that if you have made a decision, don't repeat it.

"Erratic, erratic." Cheng Yu said, "so I can be sad or sad if I take care of the boat.

And high bridge Xunzi that section, in the end in my heart left traces, I am not vegetation, how can not feel? But I decided to take it on my own.

You're right when you say I can't let it go. But what I want to do is not to toss over Gaoqiao Xun if I can't let it go. All I have to do is put it down, not turn back. "

Gu Qingzhou himself, once looked back on love.

She and Si xingxu were so stiff at the beginning, and finally she came back to him.

As for Gu Qingzhou, her ideas run counter to Cheng Yu's, so there is no need for suggestions.

She said, "OK, I won't say it later. I understand your mind. Next time xunzun Gaoqiao comes to me, I will let him know my position. I'm on your side. "

Cheng Yu is satisfied and nods happily.

The next day, ye Wu came to Gu Qingzhou.

She wore a water pink cheongsam and a thin summer shirt to outline her exquisite curve. She was already a slim and beautiful girl, and faded the young girl's astringency.

She sweated all over her head, so she pulled her hair up high.

Looking at her hot face, Gu Qingzhou asked the servant to take the towel for her.

Ye Wu takes over and asks Gu Qingzhou, "what about sister Cheng?"

Gu Qingzhou looks at her: "you won't really follow Cheng Yu's advice, will you?"

Leaf Charm hesitated next, still nod a head.

Seeing that Gu Qingzhou was speechless, she asked, "teacher, is this inappropriate?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Cheng Yu's practice is more enjoyable than my idea. " Gu Qingzhou said, "now that you have done it, go ahead."

Leaf Charm nods, the mind is heavy.

Cheng Yu sleeps in, gets up, takes a bath and wipes his wet hair.

Seeing ye Wu, she asked, "have you dumped Kang's kid?"

Leaf Charm listens to her tone so relaxed, in the heart of apprehension, way: "I last night 11 o'clock and he communicated the telephone, told him to break up."

Cheng Yu said with a smile, "good girl, brave."

Ye Wu sighed.

Cheng Yu said with a smile, "what's the sigh? It's all about me. I promise there won't be any trouble. "

Ye Wu doesn't trust Cheng Yu, so she turns to Gu Qingzhou for help.

Now that she has opened her mouth, Gu Qingzhou will help her to do it, although Gu Qingzhou thinks it's not reliable.

But the road of life, why do we have to be cautious and reliable?

Young love is romantic and absurd. Having figured it out, Gu Qingzhou has nothing against it.

"Don't worry. I'll arrange it. It'll be safe." Gu Qingzhou says to the leaves.

Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

She sat in the sofa, carrying the ice water from the servant, sighing again.

"I didn't expect..." said Ye Wu.

Ye Wu looked for Gu Qingzhou the day before yesterday. At that time, she cried because of Kang Yu.

The cause is not Kang Yu, but Kang's second wife, Kang Yu's mother.

Mrs. Kang Er calls Ye Wu and invites her to play at her home.

Ye Wu has a good relationship with Kang Nuan, and Kang Nuan has decided to study abroad in the spring of next year. Therefore, the two people walk frequently. They get along with each other while they are at home. It's difficult to meet later.

Kang er's wife called, but ye Wu didn't think much about it. She went when Kang Nuan or Kang Yu asked her out.

I can't imagine that when I got to the second room of the Kang family, I didn't see Kang warm and Kang Yu, only the second wife and the second master of the Kang family.

Two old people, dressed neatly, in midsummer, Mrs. Kang ER was still wearing tight cheongsam, as if to talk about something important.

Ye Wu thought, "I'm afraid I'm going to talk about my marriage with Qige."

She has graduated from high school this year.

After graduation, Ye is not going to go to university. There are no women outside to do business. There are no female students in the University. What do you want to do?

Ye family does not rely on learning to eat.

Since she has nothing to do, her marriage is on the agenda. Governor ye should make a decision at the end of the year.

Ye Shan is hopeless, and ye dujun is sure to finalize Ye Wu's marriage.

This matter, leaf charm just and Kang Yu good time, said to him.

Kang Yu knew that ye dujun wanted his son-in-law to be a burden.

Leaf Charm asked Kang Yu: "will this be too aggrieved you?"

Kang Yu said at that time, "I'm not afraid of grievances, I'm only afraid of losing you."

At that time, the mood was very sweet.

Ye Wu doesn't really know how to recruit her son-in-law, but it's up to ye dujun to talk about it. After all, she has an alternative fiance partner, Gu Nan Xiang.

Knowing that, facing Kang's second eldest son, ye Wu has no foundation.

As expected, Kang er's wife opened her mouth and said to Ye Wu, "ah Wu, how do you plan for these days after you and ah Yu have finished?"

Leaf charming slightly Leng.

She's a girl's family. What's her plan?

Normal people should talk to their parents? If Mrs. Kang is interested in this, she should ask governor Ye.

Such an opening makes Ye Wu feel uneasy.

"I will... Follow my father's orders." Ye Wu said truthfully.

"Do ye dujun mean that his son-in-law should be admitted?" Asked Mrs. Kang er.

Ye Wu said truthfully, "yes."

Mrs. Kang ER and the second master were silent at that time.

Later, it was the second master who opened his mouth first and said: "ah Wu, we only have a son, ah Yu, and we expect him to support the old and send off the dead in the future.

If a Yu goes to Ye's house, it's better to let ye dujun kill both of us first. Ah Wu, there are so many men in the world. Ah Yu is not worthy of you. "

Leaf Charm a face, see green in paleness.

Although she was extremely embarrassed, she agreed with the words of Kang's elder brother very much.

The only son, how can I give it to Ye's family?

Ye Wu is considerate. She plans to talk with ye dujun about it.

Aunt Liu is too pregnant. Governor ye will have his own son in the future. It's not hard for her to get married.

Next, she heard the old way of kangjiaer: "ah Wu, we have selected a person for ah Yu. We don't dislike you, but we can't climb the Ye family.

If you don't leave Anyu, we will go to the governor's office. At that time, you had no face, and we had no face. "

Ye Wu looks at them.

She was able to understand them, but for a moment there was hatred.

Since I don't like her and I have chosen other women as my daughter-in-law, why don't I talk to my son?

Ye Wu is an outsider. Shouldn't their own son be the object of such threats?

It can be seen that they picked up the soft persimmon and kneaded it when ye charming bullied.

At that time, ye Wu bears the fault of breaking up. Their family is still in harmony. There is no contradiction and separation between their parents and their sons.

What's the reason for ye Wu's injury and scolding?

No matter how considerate, ye Wu is also angry.

She didn't feel sincerity, she just felt humiliated.

"I won't break up." "If you don't want to, then you have to mention it yourself," said Ye

After that, she left the Kang family.

This matter, let leaf charm very sad, but far from the point of collapse.

The master and wife of the three heads of Kang's family are famous if they don't adjust. Otherwise, the master won't take care of the family business for his daughter and son-in-law.

She is only Kang Yu's parents.

She found Kang Yu.

Ye Wu did not complain, but asked him, "what do you think of our marriage? When are you going to propose to my father? "

Kang Yu hesitated.

"After my uncle died, my grandfather wanted me and my cousins to learn how to run the family business together," he said to her.

I told my parents about it. It's very helpful for my career. All men need a career. What do you think I should do? Your father wants me in. "

This speech, just crushed leaf charm.

Ye Wu cried at that time.

It turned out that they ganged up to bully her.

When Kang Yu pursues her, she has already known her father's requirements; when they get along well, she also takes the initiative to mention this matter, when Kang Yu fully agrees.

Now, instead, she has become a roadblock and a sinner against her son.

Leaf charming fire.

As she cried, she growled at Kangyu, saying that he didn't trust her.

Kang Yu was holding her.

After a long time, he didn't let go.

He asked Ye Wu in a low voice, "do you want me to go to Ye's house and be an idiot for nothing? Don't you want me to succeed in my career? "

Leaf Charm feels, oneself fell into a whirlpool.

She found Gu Qingzhou and asked for help.

She knew that she should be considerate of Kang Yu's parents. After all, they raised him, and could not easily let his son out, and only this son.

She also knows that she should be considerate of Kang Yu. A man without a career has no dignity. She didn't want her husband to be a lounger without dignity.

Everyone has a position, everyone deserves to be considerate, but why does Ye Wu hold back so much?

How does she account to her father?

When we are in love, it's not true. If Kang Yu had told her this, she would have thought about it seriously at that time.

Kang Yu also has his words: "at that time, my uncle had no accident, and I didn't know that I had a chance to inherit my family business."

He makes a lot of sense.

Leaf charm is afflictive, she holds back to bend badly, seem to be hit hard by the person one meal, just don't call exit.

Pain is in my heart.

Gu Qingzhou told her that he would help her find a way.

Of course, the way to take care of light boats is compromise and rational.

The so-called reason is the best of both worlds. Ye Wu can only bear this grievance.

When I grow up, I know that not everything can be happy, and most of them can compromise.

However, Gu Qingzhou's method hasn't been figured out yet. Cheng Yu helps to figure out Ye Wu.

Leaf Charm listened to Cheng Yu's suggestion, in the heart was very happy, immediately went to break up with Kang Yu.

Breaking up is not an end, but a means. The purpose is that ye Wu and Kang Yu can still be together.

"Don't worry, give it to me. I want to teach both Kangyu and Kangjia a lesson." Cheng Yu is in charge of everything.

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