Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1111 ask yourself

Gu Qingzhou is still immersed in the beautiful mood. Suddenly, he is angry and wants to kill people.

"You are not my father." Gu Qingzhou spat at him, "point your face!"

Si Xingfu said: "I have a girl like you, and that's the virtue of heaven. However, yuzao will certainly be no worse than you in the future. "

He closed his eyes again: "don't hit the wind. I'm not afraid of the heat. Go out and play by yourself."

Gu Qingzhou listens, still coax the tone of the child, laugh and laugh.

She didn't leave. She sat by and gave a fan to the manager.

Cheng Yu didn't know that Si Xingfu had arrived. He hurried upstairs after returning home.

Gu Qingzhou's door is not locked, and the servants dare not rush forward like this. Cheng Yu suddenly sees the scene in front of him.

"What kind of filial piety are you doing?" Cheng Yu said in surprise.

She wakes up Si Xingfu.

He sat up.

With the his upper body bare, Shi Xingfu suddenly wants to dig his eyes when he bumps into Cheng Yu's eyes.

She didn't want to see the naked arm of this stinking man at all.

"Oh, I'm going blind." Cheng Yu's eyes hurt so much that he turns to go downstairs.

After being confused, Si Xingfu asked Gu Qingzhou, "what did the lunatic do?"

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "it's OK. You'll sleep a little longer. "

Si Xingqi lies back again.

At lunch, Si Xingfu gets up.

When he went downstairs, Cheng Yu was already sitting in the living room, his hair high and pulled up.

"As soon as you come back, you will bully Gu Qingzhou. You are very promising." Cheng Yu secretly casts off gossip.

"I'd like to, do you mind?" said the secretary

Behind their backs, they can say a few good words to each other, but when they meet, they don't have a good face. They are a bit like brother and sister who hate each other.

Cheng Yu turned to take care of the boat: "you are more aggressive, but you make him a slave and servant. How can you make a profit?"

Gu chuckled, "what do you know?"

On the dining table, she had a lot more fun than usual. Gu felt that today's meal was very delicious. She had a delicious meal.

After eating, three people served tea.

Cheng Yu kneaded his stomach and said, "I've eaten too much since I've been patronizing the Crusade department."

"Just you." He despised her.

Gu Qingzhou laughs back and forth.

Chuckling and joking, Cheng Yu asks the right thing, which is that she asked Gu Qingzhou to help Ye Wu.

Si Xingfu listened to a word and said, "what's the matter?"

Gu told him in brief.

Secretary of the line frown: "no point serious idea?"

Cheng Yu said, "isn't that serious enough? Si Xingfu, you came back in time. I'll leave it to you. I asked Gu to do it. She was not happy. "

"Go to the dead side," said the secretary

In this way, it doesn't work for Cheng Yu. She groaned, "raise your hand, are you so mean?"

"You speak easily." He despised her.

This should be the words of self modesty of Si Xingfu, not Cheng Yu.

He was rather reluctant.

Cheng Yu said, "well, let Gu Qingzhou do the work. I don't care."

She left the table herself.

As soon as she left, Si Xingfu came to Gu Qingzhou and said, "let me help you."

Gu Qingzhou was surprised: "don't you agree?"

"I'm willing to work for my wife." Si Xingfu road.

"It's not for me, it's for AWU." Gu Qingzhou corrected him.

"The same. I'd love to run errands for you." Si Xingfu road.

Originally, I just don't want to make Cheng Yu cheaper.

Gu Qingzhou cannot cry or laugh.

Si Xingfu doesn't like playing among children, but he is willing to go through fire and water in order to take care of the boat. Since Gu Qingzhou wants to do this, Si Xingfu will play the game and become a major military affair.

There are no small things around my wife.

He is devout to his wife and almost worships her.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "well, I'll entrust it to you."

This matter is not to be done in these days, but to wait for a few days.

Si Xingfu came to Taiyuan mansion. He had to meet with governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou follows.

The two walked side by side to governor Ye's mansion.

At the gate, they met Kang Yu.

Kangyu seems to have stood for a long time, perspiring all over. A white shirt is sweaty and dusty, faintly yellowing, and her eyes are in a mess.

He stood still.

The attendant at the gate of governor Ye's mansion stopped him.

He heard the sound of the car, raised his eyes and saw Gu Qingzhou, with a moving expression.

He's smart now.

"Teacher!" He stood in front of Gu Qingzhou, "teacher, please let me see ah Wu, please!"

Si Xingfu stepped forward and pushed Kang Yu back two steps.

At the same time, Si Xingfu also pulled Gu Qingzhou over and asked her to take two steps back to avoid being smoked by Kang Yu.

Kangyu has been standing for so long, and it's almost rotten.

"Ah Wu is not hidden by her teacher. Please ask the wrong person, Master Kang." Si Xingfu said lightly.

After that, he pulled the light boat and was about to enter.

Gu Qingzhou wants to say something more. Si Xingfu holds her arm tightly and gives her a look at the same time.

"Teacher, I know it's wrong. Ah Wu won't see me, and the governor won't let me in. I'm really..." Kang Yu pleads for mercy.

He still had to go, but Gu stopped.

She turned back and said to Kang Yu, "you said you were wrong. Where is the mistake?"

Kang Yu is in a hurry to answer.

Gu Qingzhou stopped him again.

"Think again." "Don't answer me, nor do you answer ah Wu and the governor," Gu said, waving his hand. "Ask yourself: you are wrong, and where you are wrong.

Go back, Kang Shao. You stand at the door. Ah Wu will be hurt by the sunburn. Can't she understand your mind? "

Kangyu certificate is stunned.

In the space of his stupefied spirit, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have entered the governor Ye's mansion.

When Kang Yu thought about Gu Qingzhou, he was still confused.

Ask yourself, answer yourself?

What's wrong with him?

This question, he has thought out innumerable answers, but suddenly found that he could not perfunctorize his heart.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't feel that he was wrong. It's too childish for ah Wu to break up.

He also has some grievances.

Is it wrong that he wants a career? Is it wrong that he wants Arjun?

Gu Qingzhou's words, like a heavy hammer hit him, let him into a dilemma.

He was really obedient. He turned around and got into his car. He drove home first.

Si Xingfu then hugged Gu's waist: "powerful, a few words sent him away, my wife's heart attack is supreme, my generation is inferior."

Gu Qingzhou pushes his hand away.

This is still governor Ye's mansion. How many people are looking at them.

At the same time, her voice is soft, like wings sliding across the heart, making people soft: "don't always give me soup, I don't eat this set."

Despite this, I still eat this set, so I am very happy in my heart.

He laughed.

His laughter made the people outside the study look up.

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