Governor ye saw them both.

Dare to laugh so loudly in ye dujun's mansion, that is, Si Xingfu.

Governor Ye waved and pointed to the small study next to him. He asked the two of them to sit first. His meeting was not over yet.

It's very cool in the small study. It's cool when you enter the door.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "governor ye will enjoy it. These pillars are hollow copper heart and open at the top. It's cool and comfortable to make ice with saltpeter in midsummer. "

"You know a lot," said the secretary! In that case, our family should have one. "

"Yes, I'll have one when I get back to Pingcheng." Gu chuckled.

The manager was stunned.

He didn't answer for a while.

Warm in his heart, regardless of the presence of the adjutant, he hugged Gu's shoulder and carried her into his arms: "OK, let's go home and enjoy life."

Gu Qingzhou nods.

The adjutant brought in the tea, and the secretary sat down with Gu Qingzhou.

They talked and drank tea at the same time. In such a cool room, people were very comfortable and time passed quickly.

An hour and a half later, at the end of the meeting, he went into the study with sweat and heat.

He took off his military uniform first, then unbuttoned the two buttons of his white shirt, and picked up the banana leaf fan to fight against the wind.

"... we met Kang Yu at the door. Why didn't we let him in?" Si Xingqi asked governor Ye intentionally. This is a joke.

Ye dujun has learned about the villain of Si Xingfu, and he said, "is that right? I didn't hear that he was coming, and the adjutants forgot to report to him. "

"Governor, you treat your son-in-law like this, not afraid that he will retaliate against you in the future?" "It's not delicious to shut the door," the Secretary said with a smile

Governor Ye was upset. He hit the fan twice and abruptly changed the topic: "what are you doing here?"

"It's OK, I just came back today," said the secretary

"Well, stay here for dinner at night." "Ye dujun said," have you eaten the water surface? It's cool to relieve the summer heat, and you have a big appetite. "

"No, I'd like to have a taste." "What's the difference between the water surface in Shanxi and that in Northwest?" said Si Xingfu

"Our Shanxi is the northwest." Governor ye turned his eyes.

Gu Qingzhou laughs beside him.

It's too long to quarrel with the secretary. Even the governor Ye lost his majesty and decency.

They stayed in yedujun's mansion for dinner.

Although governor Ye left them to eat noodles, there were not only noodles at the banquet, but also many other dishes.

After dinner, ye dujun asked Gu Qingzhou, "what's the matter with ah Wu and Kang Yu?"

"You don't know anything, just block Kang Yu out of the door?" Gu chuckled.

Ye dujun said: "ah Wu said she broke up with him. My own girl, I still know, where can she easily change her mind? When I look at her talking, sadness is the second thing, but the eyes are twinkling, I don't know what lies are being told. "

With this sharp judgment, governor ye still has it.

Gu Qingzhou tells governor Ye of Cheng Yu's bad idea.

She has repeated the idea twice.

Every time I retell it, Gu still thinks it is a bad idea.

Ye dujun's hero saw the same thing and frowned at the same time: "what are you struggling with? Give me a break as soon as possible. I don't have a son, but I don't want him to have a healthy family. I simply cut off the relationship and let them feel at ease. "

This is an air, but in fact it's a gas.

Kangjia is the first financial group of Taiyuan government, a financial giant.

Ye dujun was not subject to the financial group, but he would never make friends with the Kang family.

Gu Qingzhou said: "governor, don't be angry. A child's life is full of vitality, just like a pool full of water, which always makes waves.

After several tosses and turns, the water overflowed, and the Qi gradually began to go downhill. When people are mature, they will feel ridiculous when they are young.

We are all downhill people, watching them fall in love, blaming them for being busy. But when they are young, we can't stop them. "

Governor Ye looked at her.

After reading it, he turned to ask sixingqi, "how old is your daughter-in-law? She looks about the same size as ah Wu. How can she be so old-fashioned? "

"Like me." He laughed.

Ye dujun is led by Gu Qingzhou's words, and decides not to mix with ah Wu's love.

She loves to toss, so she has to toss for years. When she is going to get married, governor ye will take care of her.

To understand this, governor Ye is in a good mood.

Gu Qingzhou told him about his plan, which made governor Ye feel stupid. He was a little ashamed and asked, "is this the way ah Wu came up with?"

"No, no, my students are not so stupid. This is Miss Cheng's masterpiece." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye was very pleased.

However, the plan does not affect the beloved daughter of governor ye, who will not say anything more.

They are talking, and ye Wu comes.

Ye Wu is a little uneasy: "teacher, do you go to my side to sit?"

This is to know what her father means.

Gu Qingzhou stood up and said, "OK, let's go for a walk."

In the summer night, the garden of the governor's mansion is singing with cicadas. I don't know how to stop.

Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu that she doesn't need to worry. Governor Ye knows the plan, but says nothing.

"That's good." Ye Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

She wanted to tell Gu Qingzhou to say something, but when it came to her mouth, she swallowed it again.

She took Gu's arm and whispered to her, "teacher, I'm a little worried. Can I change my mind now?"

"Yes." Gu chuckled, "you can repent anytime, anywhere."

Ye Wu is silent.

Is it really so easy to repent anytime and anywhere...

repentance? She took this step and how much she suffered, but only she knew.

"I don't want to go back. No matter what, after one experience, we can see our hearts clearly and make better choices. " Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

That night, he left yedujun's mansion, and Si Xingfu drove with Gu Qingzhou to huoyue's hotel.

Huo Yue is not in Taiyuan recently.

Yan Yiyuan turns around and goes back to Shanxi, which makes Huo Yue confused. He went back to Yuecheng not long ago, but only yesterday.

"Go out with me and meet some of the gang." "I need their help to do something," said Si

"Isn't it provocative that we, a warlord and a leader of the Green Gang, openly go to find the people of the horse Gang?" Huo Yue said with a smile, "you want to make trouble again?"

"The interests of the world are great and bustling, all of which are for profit. I'm good for them. Why do they think I'm provocative? " Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue said: "this is a way. Are you looking for a horse Gang to do business? "

"No, it's a little bit of love." Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue's glasses almost fell to the ground.

"You?" Huo Yue looks at him disgustingly. "You are not a teenager... What happened to you two? What happened to him, Canoe? "

"It's not us, it's the daughter of governor ye and the children of Kang's family," Gu explained

Huo Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's nice to be young," he sighed

I don't know who he thought of. His eyes are a little dim.

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