Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1113 confusion

Kangyu went back home and got into her own yard.

Since he was twelve years old, he had an independent courtyard, a delicate small building, and two familiar servants were responsible for daily cleaning and washing.

After coming back, the servant skillfully brought water to wash his face.

Kang Yu dismissed all the servants.

He went to take a bath and let the warm water pour on him. His heart was filled with mixed feelings.

"What to do?" He asked himself.

He has been in love with Ye Wu for such a long time, as long as he doesn't lose his temper, it's very sweet.

Ye Wu is very kind to him. She has a good character. She has no bad habits of a young lady.

Even Kang Nuan is not as good as ye Wu's good character.

Ye Wu has a good family background, good upbringing and no inferiority. She is graceful and generous everywhere. She acts like her teacher cares about the boat and has rules and regulations.

Is such a good leaf charm, suddenly because of a little thing said to break up, she will not be serious, right?

"Will she change her mind?" Kang Yu asked herself.

There should be many boys pursuing her. Ye is beautiful and noble.

Kang Yu felt great pressure.

"But do I really want to go to Ye's house?" Kang Yu also asked himself.

He used to make up his mind.

He was only nineteen when he made such a decision. 19-year-old boy, love is life, he can give anything.

Now he is only twenty, but after some things, he seems to know a lot.

When his uncle died, his grandfather didn't believe Kang Yu's father and uncle, so he chose his successor from his grandchildren.

Kangyu is one of them.

He went to his own bank and bank several times. Under the guidance of his aunt, he met many shopkeepers and dealt with other aristocratic families.

Different identity, their attitude towards Kang Yu is also different.

That kind of respect and flattery made Kang Yu feel a sense of achievement.

"Power" is a good thing, it can arouse people's Competitive Mind.

If Kang Yu has not been involved in these, he may never know the beauty of this taste.

Now he has tasted it. He doesn't want to give up. Even if he manages a bank or a bank, he can succeed in his career.

Comparatively speaking, if you go to Ye's house, you will lose all dignity.

Ye Wu loves him, but Kangyu's world needs not only love, but also respect and recognition from others.

Do you want to give up so much for ye Wu's love?

This is his greatest distress.

Gu Qingzhou asked Kang Yu to ask himself if he was wrong, but Kang Yu couldn't answer.

He wanted a little certainty: he was not wrong.

"The sixth aunt of Ye dujun is too pregnant. He can also make other women pregnant again. There will always be a son." Kang Yu thought.

In this case, why do you want to leave ah Wu at her mother's home?

It's selfish.

Kang Yu is in urgent need of a little affirmation and a little persistence that keeps him in a stable mood.

He took a bath and sat alone in the sultry room. In all his troubles, he also suffered some grievances.

"Ah Wu, have you never thought about me? If I go to your house, what else do I have? Even if I get your father's fortune in the future, I have nothing Kang Yu holds her head in pain.

Kang Yu is the son of a financial tycoon. He is different from the poor people. Money does not give him much temptation.

He was born with a golden spoon. What he needed was recognition, fame and power.

When you go to Ye's house, you may or may not get power, but you can be sure that you have no reputation and recognition in your life. When you mention him, you will scoff at his status as a husband in law.

"Son in law, son in law!" Kang Yu thought, "if you have been back fifty years, you are not even a concubine!"

His full of pain, like boiling oil, began to bubble and burn him.

What kind of deadlock is he in?

He can't explain to Ye Wu because she broke up and refused to see him.

He told the truth, only to make ye Wu more angry.

However, without Ye Wu's explanation, does it really make him give up his present career? Give up a good future?

Kang Yu falls into the sea of fire and burns himself with evil fire, which makes him fidgety.

The room phone rings.

He was startled, then rushed over and grabbed the phone.

His heart was raised, and he wanted the voice of a woman on the phone.

"Kang Yu." Sure enough, he almost cried with joy when he heard the female voice.

At the moment, he was ecstatic, and felt that he could accept the burden at Ye's house, as long as ah Nu was willing to deal with him.

He loved her from an early age.

Then the voice on the phone continued: "several students said that if you want to go to Chengde for summer vacation, do you want to go?

Kang Yu can hear that, not ye Wu.

His mood fell to a low. The ups and downs made him look decadent.

He finally heard that his classmate Wang Yushu was on the phone.

Yushu is the miss of Wang's long room, ninth in the family, and also Wang Youchuan's niece.

Wang Yushu's father died in an early age. She grew up in a large family and had two brothers.

Her eldest brother is a professor of medicine. She was a teacher of the medical college at the university where Kang Yu was studying. By chance, Kang Yu also attended classes.

It's a pity that western medicine is very complicated. Kang Yu didn't understand anything.

Wang Yushu and Kang Yu are classmates, but they are two years older than Kang Yu. Girls study later.

They should be familiar with each other. Unfortunately, Kang Yu has been thinking about ye Wu since she was a child, leaving all the yingyingyan and Yanyan around her behind.

Yushu is very gentle, like a big sister to take care of them - of course, Kangyu is particularly attentive.

At this moment, Kang Yu needs a target to talk to. Nothing is more suitable than jade book.

"I don't want to go." Kang Yu tells Yu Shu.

He has a weak voice.

Wang Yushu asked, "what's the matter? You don't feel well."

"Nothing." Kang Yu Road.

Kang Yu has his own sensitivity. He feels that Yushu falls in love with him.

Although he can talk to Yushu, his thoughts on Ye Wu will not be transferred to Yushu, which is unfair to Yushu.

If arwin knew it, he could not explain it clearly.

"... come out for tea?" Wang Yushu said, "I invite you."

"It's so late, forget it." Kang Yu refuses.

But the pain in his heart forced him to want to go out, to find someone to affirm him, and to want a little support.

Therefore, his voice of rejection is not so firm, even with hesitation.

Once he hesitated, Wang Yushu took the initiative.

"... I'll wait for you in the coffee shop." Wang Yushu said an address and hung up.

Kang Yu put down the receiver and began to shake his heart.

"What's wrong with meeting friends?" He said to himself, "don't I have friends of the opposite sex in the future? We've known each other since childhood, and we're classmates. What's the taboo to meet? "

At the same time, he thought, "she is a girl in the end. Now she has gone. Can she wait for me in the dark?"

He doesn't usually stay like this. Now he wants to talk to someone.

And in his heart, knowing that Wang Yushu is interesting to him, he knows that the other side will please him and comfort him according to his meaning.

This is what Kang Yu wants.

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