Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1116 courage and greatness

Ye Wu is sitting alone in the room.

Hesitated, she went to take care of the yard of the boat.

Gu Qingzhou and others are playing mahjong.

There are four people in total: Gu Qingzhou, Si Xingfu, Huo Yue and Cheng Yu.

However, there is a person standing behind Si Xingfu, who is carefully watching his mahjong.

When ye Wu came in, he raised his face, which was Kang Yu.

Kang Yu's face was bruised. After applying the ointment specially made by Gu Qingzhou, the swelling has subsided, leaving only blue and purple scars.

Seeing ye Wu, he smiled: "ah Wu?"

He is in a good mood.

These days, he has been living in the yard of Gu Qingzhou. The people who sent him here are from the horse gang. They do business by themselves without leaving any trace.

Looking for Kangyu outside, Kangyu enjoys the leisure here.

Ye Wu can manage him. He is very happy.

However, ye Wu is unhappy. She came forward and pulled his sleeve.

The Kang Yu dragged to the partial hall, the leaf charm said to him: "you go home."

Kang Yuxin suddenly cools.

"Well, how can I go home again?" Kang Yu didn't move. He looked at Ye Wu's face carefully. "Didn't we say that?"

Kang Yu was imprisoned by Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

They didn't allow him to go, but they told him everything.

For kissing Wang Yushu, Gu Qingzhou reckons that Kang Yu is innocent. Of course, when Kang Yu runs out in the middle of the night to meet Wang Yushu in private, he is not so innocent.

"Ah Wu has paid her love for you, and you will be responsible for this love. This is what you asked for. But for you, ah Wu would not have been in such a situation! " That night, Gu Qingzhou was so kind to Kang Yu.

They have lost their tactful patience and have to be clear about everything so that Kang Yu can understand.

Gu Qingzhou still thinks that Kang Yu can only figure it out for a long time.

She also plans to close Kangyu for a few days.

Do not think, Kang Yu at that time the mind has been through. He said to Gu, "I understand. It is a silent agreement between the governor and me whether to enter or not. Since I want to break the contract, I should talk to the governor about it, not ah woo. "

Gu Qingzhou looks at the eye secretary.

Si Xingfu patted Kang Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile, "boy, you are a husband."

Then he said to Gu Qingzhou, "he is in his early twenties and has limited experience. Occasionally, the idea is incomprehensible and understandable. It's worth giving your students to him. "

Kangyu's heart is especially warm.

Si Xingfu gave him his affirmation. He thought that he would bear even the storm of governor Ye.

This is his challenge.

He needs to marry Ye Wu, and he also needs to maintain his dignity. All this is not waiting for others to give him, not to embarrass Ye Wu, but to rely on himself.

He wants to see governor Ye immediately.

"What would you do if governor ye had to let you in and your father didn't agree?" Gu asked him again.

Kang Yu said: "it's true that at that time, I will abide by the agreement with ah Wu."

Gu asked him, "well, you can go home now. Of course, if you want to stay a few more days, no one knows you're here. "

Kang Yu understood at once.

He thought that he would go a long way in his life. Father's blood is the blood of the family. His cousins will always have someone to inherit Xianghuo.

His father put all his hopes on him, even to humiliate her. In the future, his marriage will be hard to be peaceful.

His parents even helped him choose another wife.

In this case, Kang Yu and a Wu are married, and they are not blessed by their parents. The days after their marriage may be more stumbling.

Gu suggested that he could disappear for a while.

What's more, Gu Qingzhou sent someone to bring him here, which is probably the same meaning.

However, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu have their own measurement - Kang Yu has to go back, not be obsessed, they do not demand, but have a new evaluation of him in their hearts.

"I'm not going back." Kang Yu said, "chicks always leave their nests. Maybe my parents will reconsider the meaning of my son when they get back.

I'm their kid, not some shit. The value of my existence is not to add a son for them and let them have successors. I'm not their property, but they don't understand. "

Gu Qingzhou said: "this is your choice. In the future, don't regret it. I think we are forcing you to be cruel to your parents. "

Kangyu just sighed.


Parents for their incense and heirs, forcing ah - woo to leave him, forcing him to marry others, not cruel?

"Be tough. In the future, they will know that I am filial. If you just give in, no matter how much you give them, you can't be a dutiful son. It's a dilemma. " Kang Yu Road.

After a pause, Kang Yu continued, "it's better to have a long pain than a short one. I understand."

"Good boy, in the thought of the new school, you are called fighting for freedom and opposing feudal parents. Good, good. "

Cheng Yu will come later.

Seeing Kang Yu, Cheng Yu asked Si Xingkai, "have you executed him?"

"What did you do?"

"How could he be so easily enlightened without being tortured?" Cheng Yu asked.

Kang Yu blushed with shame and could not speak.

Cheng Yu said to Kang Yu, "that day, ah Wu was crying miserably. Didn't you count it?"

"I know."

"That's what people are like. If they don't make sense, they scare them." Cheng Yu continued, "your parents' thoughts should be changed. What kind of world is it now? Besides, it doesn't make sense for many men to help their families when they get married, or for other backward ideas such as encumbrances. It's time for you to change your mind. "

Cheng Yu is straightforward and quick-hearted, like a little pepper. He speaks with no mercy.

Kang Yu is really afraid of her.

Whether it's for her own sake or for the sake of her future relationship with her parents, or for the sake of Ye Wu, Kang Yu decides to hide here.

Yewu came yesterday.

As soon as they met, Kang Yu told ye Wu what he thought.

Ye Wu cried.

"Do you think I'm willing to part with you?" Ye Wu sobbed, "you always can't make up your mind, and I have no idea."

Kang Yu hugged her.

Deep inside, he blamed himself.

Ye Wu cried for a long time.

His eyes were swollen with tears, and he could hardly see the way.

When she left for home, she was sent by Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

On the way, ye Wu asked Gu Qingzhou, "teacher, I feel a little guilty."

Gu Qingzhou didn't say anything, but Si Xingfu chimed in: "what's to blame?"

"The kangs are in a hurry." "Leaf Charm low voice way," should not so toss parents and relatives

"Children's words." He said, "if you don't toss them, they will. A woman's home, can you live well without any intention? "

Ye Wu looks at the boat.

Gu Qingzhou smiles and kicks the back of his boss.

"This is the truth," said Si Xingfu. Innocent people will suffer a lot. If you believe that it's good to lose, then I'm not saying it. "

His words seemed to make ye Wu's heart go through a barrier.

Ye Wu's guilt, of course, is not that Kang's family is worried, but that she is careful about Kang Yu.

She is willing to do all these things, although she regrets it now.

"... teacher, Wang Yushu really likes brother seven." Ye Wu takes care of the boat road.

Wang Yushu suddenly appeared in front of Kang Yu, which seemed to be so coincidental, but in fact, it was led by Ye Wu.

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