Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1117 love's heart

Leaf Charm has a girl's unique acuteness.

She and Kang Yu fall in love these days, already aware of Wang Yushu's unusual feelings for Kang Yu.

They are all the sons of the royal family in Taiyuan, and they often have contacts in private.

Yushu and Kangyu are classmates. They are very close.

Once, when ye Wu looked at Kang Yu's notes, she found that there were several pages of his notes with beautiful handwriting, which was not quite like what he wrote. She asked, "who transcribed this?"

"It's Yushu." Kang Yu said, "I'm still teaching in the orphanage? I had to go to the orphanage. I didn't expect Yushu to take notes for me. "

"You didn't ask her for help?" Ye asked.

Kang Yu said, "I'm not absent for the first time. Besides, it's one of the elective courses. It's not important at all. What do I bother others to do?"

Ye Wu felt keenly that it was not easy.

She turned over the pages of notes and read them carefully.

Then she saw it.

Wang Yushu buried a word in the seventh word of each line.

The combination of these words is: "there are trees in the mountain and branches in the wood, but you don't know if you are happy."

Ye Wu was stunned.

A little angry, a little sad.

Wang Yushu knew them. Kang Yu loved ye so much since she was a child. She must have known that.

In this case, how does she suffer?

Ye Wu lost her temper and tore the pages of notes. She didn't want Kang Yu to know.

Kang Yu is not interested in this matter, and even asks for neat notes. Wang Yushu writes several pages on his own initiative. He looks out of the way, and leaves Wu to tear it.

"Tear it neatly. Don't tear the note in front of me." This is the only requirement of Kangyu.

Since then, ye Wu has been very wary of Wang Yushu.

When there is any single activity, ye Wu will follow, and every time, she can see Wang Yushu.

Ye Wu proposes to break up with Kang Yu. After the great pain, Kang Yu will either die completely or wake up completely.

Sticky and sticky, leaf charm can not stand, like a long delay, she needs a happy.

That day, Kang Yu stood at the door of Ye's house for a long time. Many people knew that ye Wu also sent people to secretly pass the news to Wang Yushu.

Sure enough, Wang Yushu is about Kangyu.

Wang Yushu waited for a long time, but also looked forward to a long time, to the point of unbearable, he made an urgent take advantage of the situation and wanted Kang Yu to occupy the position of Ye Wu when he was angry.

In order to consolidate the victory, Wang Yushu also invited Ye Wu and ye Shan.

She kisses Kang Yu on the cheek when ye Wu enters the door.

Wang Yushu felt that he had succeeded, and all this was in Ye Wu's calculation.

She knew that Kang Yu would pursue her, so she knew that she could avoid her eyes and ears, and "kidnap" Kang Yu.

The kidnapping proposed by Cheng Yu is to scare people.

Scare Kang family, also scare Kang Yu, let them all understand Ye Wu's grievance.

Therefore, if we want to succeed in this kidnapping, we must avoid many eyes and ears. We can't ask the Kang family to find out.

For this reason, ye Wu made use of Wang Yushu.

As expected, Kangyu ran to the place where sixingfu set up an ambush. Sixingfu also caught him smoothly.

Unexpectedly, before Kang Yu was "kidnapped", he thought it out clearly and made Ye Wu feel guilty.

Therefore, ye Wu cried so much.

After she cried, she regretted a little, and the people who didn't want to be healthy were too sad.

Today, when Master Kang ER and his wife came to find Ye Wu again, ye Wu was not so angry. She even felt uneasy and preferred Kang Yu to go back earlier.

"... ah Wu, why do you want me to go home? We have clearly agreed that it is my own will. It has nothing to do with you. " Kang Yu Road.

Ye Wu said: "your parents know that although there is no evidence, they understand that I took you away. Today, they came again. They described it as miserable. I......

Kang Yu's heart also convulsed and hurt.

After the pain, he thought of his father's stubbornness, as well as his shallow knowledge, his mother's ignorance, he had to cross his heart.

At that time, his parents could ignore his sister's life and death, just want to marry her out and complete their own reputation. Kang Yu felt that he was the only son, and his father would make him suffer in the future for the sake of face.

"No, I have to hold on." Kang Yu holds Ye Wu's shoulder. "Ah Wu, I can't lose the result of this victory. My parents and I are going to have problems sooner or later.

This time, we have simply solved this problem, and we must not fall short of it. We Kang family, internal problems are endless. In two days, my parents will understand that I'm more important than anything. "

Ye Wu no longer talks.

Kang Yu pinched her face: "I once thought about going away. At that time, you were almost engaged, I can't accept... "

Ye Wu looked up at him.

Kang Yu continued: "so, I am not the most ruthless at this moment. Wait a little longer, ah Wu. The Kang family will make concessions soon. "

Leaf Charm relies on in his bosom, no longer spoke.

In this case, the role played by Ye Wu has been concealed from Kang Yu.

But Kang Yu knows.

The sudden appearance of Wang Yushu is not the hand of Gu Qingzhou or Si Xingqi, but the hand of Ye Wu.

He didn't want to make ye Wu feel guilty.

Guilt will not make ye Wu closer to him, but will want to escape him, because only in this way, guilt can subside.

Kang Yu is not going to pick out the bright.

He loves Ye Wu more than anything, even his dignity.

"Ah Wu, Kang Qi, you two come here to watch the cards for me. I lost a lot of money again. They calculated me together." Cheng Yu shouts in the living room.

When playing mahjong seriously, Cheng Yu can't win because she is faced with three sly foxes.

She needs help.

So she called Ye Wu and Kang Yu.

Kangyu is charming.

He moves a chair to let Ye Wu sit next to Cheng Yu, and he relies on the back of Ye Wu's chair to watch Cheng Yu's card and watch the situation on the table.

Soon Cheng Yu moved back to the first Bureau.

"Good boy, what a good boy!" Cheng Yu is very happy.

These three words are used to describe Kang Yu by Si Xingfu, which makes Kang Yu feel that he is calling dogs. Unexpectedly, Cheng Yu thought it was interesting and learned it.

Kang Yu wants to cry without tears.

"Ah Yu, you have a flexible mind. You often come to play cards with me in the future." Cheng Yu is very happy to win the money.

She also stuffed a handful for Kang Yu, "take it, and buy sugar for your little girlfriend."

"Hello, sister Cheng!" Ye Wu is dissatisfied, "do you want to win money?"

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingqi and Huo Yuequan laugh.

The room was full of laughter.

Then Gu heard a cold hum.

Before turning around, he heard the voice of the governor Ye behind him: "if you kidnap people and dare to play openly, do you have Taiyuan law in your eyes?"

Kangyu's hands and feet were stiff.

He stood up straight and wanted to explain, but he didn't want to take charge of him, but told him: "it's OK. Governor Ye didn't come to arrest people. He already knew the plan. "

Kang Yu was shocked.

Governor Ye glanced at him lightly.

Kang Yu thought that he had a lot to talk with governor Ye alone, but he didn't know where to start. Now, when the opportunity came, he had to show his business to governor Ye.

"Inspector, may I have a word with you in private?" Kang Yu asked.

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