Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1118 concessions

Kang Yu wants to talk to governor Ye alone.

When ye looked at him, he thought to himself, "now it's true. I don't know if it's my own understanding, or if it's my own teaching of running the boat and taking care of the boat. "

Dare to face governor Ye directly, at least this behavior is very responsible.

Governor ye did not reject him and agreed to talk to him.

"Go to my study and talk," said the secretary

He led the way and led ye dujun and Kang Yu to the study on the second floor.

Study sunrise, and did not draw the curtains, the sun to the room hot, there is a heat wave in the door, as cool as downstairs.

Ye found that Si Xingfu was intentional and gave him a look.

Si Xingfu felt as if he didn't realize: "you can have a servant to deliver tea when you are chatting?"

Ye dujun untied the two copper buttons of his uniform, went to Si Xingfu's desk, sat down, and picked up a document to fan.

Seeing Si Xingfu standing at the door, inspector ye said lightly, "go out and close the door."

Si Xingfu took the door with him.

Kang Yu stands in front of the book case, at a loss. She doesn't know whether to stand and answer or to sit down.

He was at a loss, let Ye Du military slightly frown, pointed to the chair beside: "sit down."

Kangyu is like Amnesty.

Ye dujun's eyes fell on Kang Yu's face, his voice was not high, but his Majesty was: "say, what do you want to talk to me?"

Kang Yu has already prepared the abdominal draft.

As soon as ye asked, he made his thoughts clear.

"Governor, I don't want to go to Ye's house." Kang Yu said, "but I want to marry ah Wu. My heart for her has never changed."

Ye dujun's eyes are deep, and he doesn't speak or move.

Seeing this reaction, Kang Yu was worried. The room is very quiet, Kang Yu is afraid of his own expression is not appropriate, cleared his throat and went on: "Inspector, if I can get to Ye's house, I'm lucky, but I'm not in the military service."

Ye dujun was still sitting steadily, with the wind in his hand. The wind was very weak, and his sideburns were motionless.

The eyes are deep, unable to see emotion.

The room is hot, and Kang Yu is nervous, sweating unconsciously.

The sweat slipped down his temples, and his vision was almost blurred.

Lifting his hand and wiping his sweat with his sleeve, Kang Yu continued to elaborate on his ideas when he saw that ye dujun had never opened his mouth.

What he meant was simple: he wanted to marry Ye Wu, but he didn't want to go overboard.

Ye dujun's family business, he doesn't want it.

"Inspector, I hope that ah Wu can have a normal marriage like other girls. After all, it's not a good marriage. My aunt is one. She's not happy. " Kang Yu became more and more afraid and spoke more and more freely.

He regretted that.

I'm finished. I'm scolding governor Ye. I'm afraid that he will drive me home if I say nothing today.

Can't imagine, Kang Yu waited for a long time and didn't wait for the thunder of governor Ye.

He secretly raised his eyes. His eyelashes were wet with sweat. His eyes were a little fuzzy. Governor Ye's face turned better.

Kangyu couldn't believe it. She wiped her eyes again.

When we look at governor ye again, his expression is loose.

Kangyu did not know why, which chord was touched in the heart of Ye dujun?

"Go out." Governor Ye waved his hand. "What you mean is clear."

Kang Yu said that he was very respectful and retired.

As soon as he left, governor ye called downstairs and asked Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu to go upstairs.

"It's so hot in this room." As soon as Gu Qingzhou entered the door, he asked the servant to bring up a basin of ice and tightened the curtains.

The light in the room was dim, and Gu Qingzhou turned on the light again.

Keep busy, the house is still hot.

Governor Ye is not bothered: "OK, sit down!"

Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu sat down, and Si Xingfu said, "how about the governor? Do you want me to get that kid out of here? "

"No, let him stay." Governor Ye didn't look at Shi Xingfu, because he always had a gloating smile on his face, which made him want to beat him.

He only spoke to Gu Qingzhou.

"Inspector, do you agree?" Gu Qingzhou asked with a smile, "how did Kang Yu persuade you?"

"She should have a normal marriage," he said Ye dujun said.

Gu Qingzhou knows it.

Ye Wu didn't have a normal childhood, which was the pain of Ye dujun's heart.

He wants to keep his children at home, and also wants to make up for ye Wu.

However, is this what ye Wu really wants?

After the quarrel between Ye Wu and Kang Yu, ye dujun was in a bad mood. He wanted to kill Kang Yu and express his anger for ye Wu.

On second thoughts, this is also because ye Wu loves Kang Yu very much.

It's just the wishful thinking of Ye dujun to recruit his son-in-law. It's also ye's family, not ye Wu.

"Aunt Liu is too pregnant. The baby is about to give birth." "In that case, I'll make a decision. Ah Wu won't recruit her son-in-law again," said Ye

The internal stability of Ye family needs ye dujun to maintain, rather than sacrifice Ye Wu's marriage.

Kang Yu dare to talk face to face, which means that they have considered.

And Kang Yu, who can face the power of Ye family and want to fight for his own career, is open-minded and ambitious.

If the unruly are powerful enough, what is reputation?

"Kangyu has its merits, and the Kang family dare not make waves on ah Wu's head. Since ah Wu is willing to marry, it's settled.

When will Kangyu go home, I will send someone to invite the old man to fix the wedding date. " Ye dujun said, "you two, tell this to Kang Yu and Ah Wei."

Gu Qingzhou is very happy.

Such a situation is the best result.

At the beginning, Gu Qingzhou was worried about being self defeating. He didn't want governor ye to be so enlightened.

"Good." Gu agreed with a smile.

I don't know if I'm in a good mood, or if the ice melts away the heat, the summer air in my study fades a little, and Gu Qingzhou also takes a fan to play the wind.

Si Xingfu has been listening to this, and now he says: "you can think of it. It's a good thing. To be honest, it's a bad idea to recruit a son-in-law, especially if you want to find a capable son-in-law.

There are ready-made examples in front of us: Park Hang is not the son-in-law of the Kang family, he just lives in the Kang family. Kang family is good to him. How does he repay him? Besides, your Ye family also needs a nominal son-in-law.

The best result is that your son-in-law replaces you and imprisons you. The worst is that he destroyed the Ye's family, and your daughter fell into a miserable situation. "

Governor Ye frowned.

"You know it very well in your heart. Otherwise, why do you refuse to make a decision?"

Hearing this, governor Ye seemed unable to hide his emotions and sighed.

"Why didn't you say that?" Ye dujun scolded Si Xingfu.

"I never interfere with other people's decisions. Besides, you are not my subordinates. Will you believe it when I say it?" said Si Xingfu

Ye dujun said: "insidious!"

Although he made a few remarks, governor Ye's mood did not get worse.

He stayed here for lunch.

After dinner, he went back first.

Ye Wu and Kang Yu endure a meal. As soon as ye dujun leaves, they immediately surround Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

"What did my father say?"

"What did the governor think?"

The two of them, chattering on and on, almost drowned Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu.

Cheng Yu is also waiting for the results.

Gu Qingzhou didn't sell, and truthfully said the consideration of Ye dujun: "ah Yu, you go home and ask your grandfather to propose marriage. Even if this is done, ye dujun is willing to marry ah Wu."

Kangyu is very happy.

Ye Wu is a little sad.

Kang Yu is sensitive to detect: "what's wrong with ah Wu?"

"I'm a little sorry for my father. I promised him." Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou touched her head: "silly child, where is there anything I'm sorry for? If you live well, you can afford your father. "

Ye Wu nodded.

Sadness is a small part, joy is a large part.

Kangyu is the happiest.

In addition to the two of them, Cheng Yu was also happy: "I'll tell you, my idea is easy to use! How about you two, thank you or not? "

"Thank you, sister Cheng!" Ye Wudao.

Kang Yu also said, "yes, thank you sister Cheng."

Cheng Yu smiles.

Si Xingfu is gossiping: "thank her for what? Without her idea, governor ye would agree. He was very good to her. "

Cheng Yu's face turns a little black, and he tries to fight.

Si Xingfu continued: "even if her idea works, I'll get in touch with the people of the horse gang. I kidnapped Kang Yu, too. Where did she help?"

"Si Xingfu!" Cheng Yu gnawed his teeth and scolded Si Xingfu, but he aimed at Gu Qingzhou. "Help me teach him!"

"On your own, it's OK. I don't protect you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Cheng Yu was so angry that he was about to spit blood.

Who is short? I am. What is "no guard" if you don't protect the secretary?

Huo Yue, who had been silent for a long time, was originally an idle man and didn't cut in or help others. When he saw that Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou were running against Cheng Yu on a line, he couldn't help laughing.

He laughed, and Cheng Yu heard him. He turned his spear and said, "Huo Longtou, help me to fight for a meal!"

Huo Yue laughs: "I'm a friend with Si Xingqi and light boat. They only have the right to help their relatives. They don't have the heart to help them."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Cheng Yu is completely defeated.

Kang Yu is in a good mood, waiting for his parents to compromise. He can not only marry his beloved girl, but also run his own business. The roadblocks of his parents will also disappear, and the future will be bright.

"I'm so happy." Kang Yu said to Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu, "you have helped me a lot."

"After all, it's governor ye who recognizes you. Ah Wu loves you." Gu Qingzhou said, "otherwise, we will not have the strength."

Kang Yu was surprised and delighted. He seemed to ask Gu Qingzhou: "really? The governor recognized me? "

He also thought that governor Ye was not in trouble.

Gu chuckled, "if he doesn't approve, how can he marry ah Wu to you? Ah Woo is the governor's treasure. "

In Kangyu's heart, it is especially warm and practical.

It turns out that he has been recognized by governor ye, and also favored by ah Wu.

In this way, Kangyu is more patient.

Governor Ye has given in. His parents should give in. He needs to wait.

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