Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1119 family law

The Kang family searched for Kang Yu for six days.

Six days later, the others were desperate.

"Ah Yu either ran on his own and designed everything so that we could not find any clues; or he was killed." My aunt Kangzhi analyzed it to the old man.

It's a pity for the old man.

Many grandchildren, in addition to the lobby, like Kang Yu the most.

The grandson in the lobby was not obedient and would not take part in the family affairs. He had to go to France to teach, but the old man didn't stop him. Now, the old seven didn't know where he was, which made him worried.

"These days, I take a few nephews to go into business, only a Yu is the fastest." Kangzhi's heart was astringent. "I thought I could help..."

she sighed.

The old man's heart is also mentioned.

It has been more than six days and the situation is very bad. Kang Yu is in a bad situation.

"He broke up with Ye Wu and stood in front of Ye's gate for several hours. He was nearly heatstroke. The Ye family refused to let him in. He was sad and wanted to hide. " Kangzhi said again.

Kangzhi felt that Kangyu was hurt by emotion.

There was a flash of inspiration in the old man's mind.

There was an idea floating in his mind.

He didn't say it immediately, he just thought.

Their father and daughter are talking. There is a servant's voice outside: "the old man has just rested. The second master and the second wife, you two should go back first and come back in the afternoon."

The second master's voice, mixed with the noise, could not hear clearly, only knew it was urgent.

The old man winked at Kangzhi.

When Kangzhi went out, he saw that the second master and the second wife were sweating all over and their hair was dripping.

They both entered the door, fainting from the heat and thirsty.

"Dad, it's been six days. You need more money. Send more people to find ah Yu!" The second wife knelt down to the old man.

She could not care to drink water, her cheeks were red, her eyes were red, and her eyelids were swollen badly.

"Extra pie in the morning." The old man said.

Kangzhi also said: "sister-in-law, you get up first, and indeed sent another group of people in the morning."

Then she asked the servant to bring in the iced plum soup.

This coolness made the second master and the second wife forget to talk for a while. They took sour plum soup and drank it up.

The servant brought up two more bowls.

After drinking three bowls in a row, they stopped.

Sitting down with each other, each of them took a BA Ye Fan to fight against the wind. The old man asked them, "if ah Yu ran by himself, why would he run?"

The second master was surprised.

These days, he also has such a guess actually, Kang Yu is run by their gas.

The second wife was timid and bowed her head.

The old man immediately understood the appearance of the two of them.

Kang Yu and ye Wu break up. We all know that the second master and the second wife must also know that. If they didn't get involved, they would have scolded Ye Wu with indignation.

They don't scold Ye Wu, but they guess that their son may have escaped from lovelorn love, which shows that the lovelorn is caused by their two partners. They know that they can't scold Ye Wu, and they are silent when asked.

"Bastard!" The old man put the tea cup on the tea table heavily. The tea cover jumped up and fell to pieces.

After a few loud noises, the second wife first broke down.

These days, the second wife blames herself most.

She cried and knelt down for the old man: "Dad, I really don't object to the kindness of a Yu and a Wu. Ah Wu is a young lady in the governor's office. If I could marry her, how good would it be? Could I be so stupid? But governor Ye has already said that the whole world knows that his family wants his son-in-law to enter... "

the second master wants to stop him, but it's too late, so he has to help his wife.

"Dad, that's not the case!" The second master was so anxious that he was sweating again.

"How dare you argue?" The old man shouted again.

My aunt Kangzhi stood beside me. Now she understood. She stared at her second brother and second sister-in-law.

Are you crazy, these two?

What is the current world?

In such a turbulent time, the Kang family is only a fat sheep to be slaughtered. The more money, the more dangerous it is.

With just a few reasons, ye dujun can make the Kang family die and get a lot of money.

It is the dream of the Kang family to get married with the Ye family. If you are related to Ye's family by marriage, you will find a talisman.

No matter what will happen in the future, governor ye can ensure the safety of the Kang family.

I can't imagine that these two idiots, for some ridiculous reason, have separated Ye Wu and Kang Yusheng.

"Second brother and second sister-in-law, are you two crazy?" Kangzhi can't hold the fire in his stomach any longer. "How many people flatter Ye's family, and how dare you beat Yuanyang with a stick?"

"He Ye Xiaoyuan wants a Yu to be a burden!" The second master became angry. "I only have a son, ah Yu. If he goes to the Ye's house, our Kang's house is not broken?"

Kangzhi snorted coldly.

Fragrant fire?

"My father has three sons, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Where did he break the fire of the Kang family?" Kang Zhi Dao.

The second master's face is red.

"Second brother, are you afraid of breaking your own incense?" Kangzhi said, "do you think that's the idea of separating families?"

"No, we didn't think so. Don't plant people." Cried the second wife.

Kangzhi said: "since we don't have separate families, how can the second elder brother say that the incense is broken?"

The second wife was speechless.

The second master immediately poked Kangzhi's pain: "what do you know? You are a hen who does not lay eggs! My son, why give ye Xiaoyuan? "

Kangzhi is almost indifferent to such words.

She hates children very much. She doesn't care whether they are born or not.

The second master's words made Kangzhi's taunt more intense: "you know, then go find your son! How can I lose my precious son? "

The second master was so angry that he could hardly breathe.

After you and I criticized each other, the old man said something.

The old lady was not angry this time.

He said calmly to the second master and the second wife, "I'm not dead yet. I'm in charge of this family. When Chang Sun left home, he came to tell me that I agreed.

Our family is an old-fashioned family, but we also pay attention to democracy and freedom. A large number of ancestral halls do not separate families. As long as there is a man, there will be incense.

Now, the next generation of men born two, and five grandchildren have not yet married, and the fragrance of the future continues.

You two have your own ideas. Since you don't agree with the big ancestral hall and think that the big ancestral hall is not yours, you won't suffer from the incense of the big ancestral hall in the future. Well, I won't embarrass you. "

He was very calm and very serious.

The second master and the second wife didn't understand. I don't know what he wants to express.

Kangzhi understood.

She wanted to persuade her, but saw the old man wave his hand to her, and said to her: "you go to tell the steward, let him inform the heads of each room, and tonight, she issued a family order to expel the second room.

A Yu is still my grandson and a Nuan is also my granddaughter. They are still staying at Kang's home. "

That is to say, we should drive out the second master and the second wife alone.

The second master knows that the old master has always been cruel to this kind of thing, and there are rumors outside that their brother is not the real son of the old master.

Once the old man has made up his mind, he may not want them.

The second master has no ability to earn a living. When the second wife is married, the second master has already wasted his time.

They are destitute and have no children to give them. They have to starve to death to drive out.

Therefore, the second master and the second wife understood and knelt down to kowtow desperately.

"Dad, we're wrong. We dare not lose our heads."

"We'll never dare again."

The two cried bitterly.

The old man is merciless. It's no use asking for help now when everyone is here.

They have all seen the majesty of the old man.

Kangzhi looks at the old man.

The old man winked at her.

Kangzhi understood and said to the second master and the second wife, "second brother and second sister-in-law, don't blame your father and father for being cruel. What do you two say all day long has broken the incense? Isn't this a curse to Kang's family?

At present, in this world, when a cannon comes, it's possible that the whole family will be destroyed. How do you feel when you ask others to listen? Besides, you always say that if you really curse a Yu, you will never find him... "Br >

the second master and the second wife are shocked.

They didn't think of this floor.

These days, they are suffering a lot, and then they are scared by the old man. With Kangzhi's words, they wake up completely.

Yes, they are afraid of breaking the incense every day, but they are often afraid of what comes, which is not the curse of Kangyu?

"No, no, we don't dare any more." Cried the second wife.

The husband and wife sincerely kowtow to the old man and say that they will not be selfish again.

The second room is a member of the Kang family. The great ancestral hall of the Kang family is Xianghuo. There is no reason for inheriting Xianghuo in private.

After Kangyu, whether he will go abroad or go to other places will follow his wishes.

"As long as he's alive, we won't dare to hide our selfishness any more. As long as my son is alive." The second master said.

The second wife also cried, "as long as a Yu is still alive, I would like to eat vegetarian for ten years."

"Vegetarianism will save you. It's only right to give your children less trouble later." The old man said.

They cried for a while, and now they were all sweaty and smelling sweat all over the room.

The old man waved them out.

As soon as they left, the old man thought that Kang Yu might have something to do with Ye Wu.

"Go to Ye's house and find Miss Ye San." The old man said to Kangzhi.

Kangzhi is surprised: "do you want to disturb Miss Ye San?"

"I doubt that she knows the whereabouts of a Yu." The old man said, "they young people can do anything absurd.

You go to tell your second brother and second sister-in-law to miss Ye San to see if ah Yu can come back tomorrow. If he doesn't come back, then......

that's more bad than good.

At this stage, the old man also began to put his hopes on some dim things, such as ye Wu.

Try it.

"Well, I'll say." Kang Zhi Dao.

As expected, Kangzhi went to Ye's house and told ye Wu about it little by little.

Ye Wu didn't respond at that time.

But in the evening, Kang Yu came back.

When the old man heard the report from the servant, he almost died of anger: bastard, the family was in such a hurry that he really hid!

"Family law first!" The old man was shaking. He wanted to stand up, but his legs were weak.

At this moment, I was angry again,

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