Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1120 rain curtain

Kangyu went back to Kangyu's house and was beaten thirty sticks on the spot.

Kang's family is old-fashioned.

A long bench, a pear stick with heavy hands, can beat people to the skin and flesh.

At first, Kang Yu thought, "I can't cry, or I will lose face."

After three or five times, his body violated his hero's nature. He could not help howling and crying, which hurt deeply every time.

The whole Kang family came to watch.

"How dare you run away from home?" Old Kang stood beside him, his face changed in anger. If he was ten years younger and could hold the board, he would have to fight on his own.

The second master and the second wife love their son, but they dare not say a word. They are afraid that the old master, together with Kang Yu and Kang Nuan, will blow out the second room.

Other room head person, have dark Shuang, also have heartache, most people all feel Kang Yu should hit.

The Kang family broke their hearts for him these seven days.

The weather of midsummer, Kang Yu is hit sweat like rain, tears mix sweat, already let his line of sight blur.

After the fight, he passed out.

But the old man was also reasonable: "take him to the hospital. The family law belongs to the family law, but it won't kill him. "

Such a serious injury is easy to get inflamed in a hot day.

When he arrived at the hospital for examination, his buttocks were broken and his trousers were stained with blood.

"What's the time, playing with sticks?" The doctor was so angry that he scolded the people sent by Kang's family. "This is corporal punishment. All the good people are broken. Foolishness, feudalism! "

The officials of the Kang family all bowed their heads and looked very embarrassed.

Nowadays, the world is different. Everyone boasts that his family is "enlightened". Otherwise, why send his daughter out to study?

The old-fashioned family style has become a laughingstock.

Kang family was pointed at the nose and scolded "Feudalism", and servants and administrators were shameless.

Kang Yu was lying on the bed, with his parents beside him, and Kang Nuan was in great pain.

"Now, don't run away." The second wife cried to her son and said, "we'll do whatever you want. If you want to go to Ye's house, please don't scare us."

The second master didn't dare to mention the words "Xianghuo", but he said coldly, "we have raised you for nothing..."

then, the words stopped.

Kang Yu apologized seriously.

It's his fault to hide and worry his parents.

However, yesterday my aunt had told ah Wu that my grandfather had spoken. Since then, my father never dared to mention anything in front of him. He was completely free.

Whether he goes out to study or even to the Ye's house, it is his freedom. His parents dare not mind him unless they don't want to stay in the Kang's house.

Kang Yu carried the old feudal burden on his back. After such a encounter, he completely threw it away.

"Mom and Dad, I will be filial to you in the future. Governor Ye has promised me that he will never let me in. He will marry ah woo to our house. " Kang Yu said to her parents.

The second wife is very happy.

All previous worries were swept away.

She didn't care what to ask, just repeatedly determined: "really? Is this what ah woo told you? "

"No, this is what governor Ye told me personally." Kang Yu is determined.

Is it true that governor ye asked Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu to deliver messages?

The second wife was so happy that she could not hide the smile on her face. It was a very happy smile.

As long as governor Ye doesn't want her son, it's easy to say anything.

Compared with other families, Ye's family is the best in laws; compared with other girls, ah Wu is the best daughter-in-law.

"We are blessed by misfortune!" The second wife was so overjoyed.

Kang Nuan said with a smile, "mother, what's the trouble?"

The second wife laughed: "yes, I'm confused again. What's the trouble? What a wonderful thing! "

The second master didn't speak, but there was a smile on his face - a smile that can't be suppressed.

"Governor ye let go. Well, he knows the shame. The son was born, not robbed. " Second master thought.

I dare not say that.

The old man told me to drive him out of the house. Now the two old men are very careful.

When Kang Yu came out of the hospital, the first thing he did was to ask the old man to propose marriage.

The Kang family knew it all at once.

Now, everyone has to envy.

"Governor Ye is willing to change his mind and say that going to Kang's house is good for you. I will not spare anyone who interferes in this matter. " The old man said.

Therefore, the matter is not so smooth as it should be. Everyone is cautious and respectful.

Ye dujun and the old man got in touch and soon talked about the specific matters of marriage.

The date is set for March 20 next year.

"A good day for spring flowers." Ye dujun said.

Just when ye's family and Kang's family got married, Gu had moved to a new home.

Si Xingfu once again strongly invited Huo Yue: "the East Cross courtyard is still empty, so the courtyard is good. Next to it are rockeries and trees, forming a group of their own. "

Huo Yue was a little worried: "to be honest, what's the intention of letting me live here so generously?"

As expected, the Secretary answered honestly: "there is Cai Changting on the other side of the street. It's a fox. You're an old fox, too. It's nothing to do with a little fox. I came back to Pingcheng by chance, and you took care of the court for me. "

Huo Yue said, "I didn't have a good heart."

"Don't talk nonsense. Agree or disagree. Say something. "

"That will do." Huo Yue said, "after staying in the hotel for a long time, it's disgusting. Now that I have a good courtyard, I'll just move in. Just... "

" just what? " He doesn't understand much. Huo Yue is not a sticky character. How can she be such a mother-in-law now?

"It always seems unlucky after moving in. Do I have to live in Taiyuan for a long time to find ah Jing? " Huo Yue sighs.

Si Xingfu was stunned: "a rogue leader, and this belief? Don't worry about it. It's no bad luck to live in. "

Huoyue doesn't want to settle down.

It's too easy. It's like long-term preparation.

For heaven's sake, since you've made such a long preparation, it's better to delay you for a long time. It's a long-term thing to find Huo Fujing.

It's always uneasy to think so.

"No such statement." Si Xingfu told him definitely.

Huo Yue nodded his head.

He smiled bitterly and said to Si Xingfu, "we have known each other for more than ten years, and you know my character. If it wasn't for ah Jing, how could I be so old-fashioned and thoughtful? "

In addition to taking care of the light boat, sixingfu was always very upset. Other people's tenderness is all affectation to him.

But Huo Yue's words made him a little sad.

He did not expect that he would also be sad for people outside the boat.

He patted Huo Yue on the shoulder: "it will be found."

Huo Yue nodded again.

So Huo Yue moved here too. Later, he went to Taiyuan mansion and settled in the house of Si Xingfu.

Cheng Yu occupied the courtyard in the west, huoyue occupied the courtyard in the East, and Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu lived in the courtyard.

As soon as the house is big, the servants are not enough.

Cheng Yu is very particular. Gu Qingzhou gives Siya and another maid to her.

On Huo Yue's side, only his entourage is responsible for daily cleaning. He doesn't need strangers around him, otherwise it's not safe.

And the main courtyard of Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu was entrusted to sister-in-law Xin.

"The yard is much bigger, and you are also tired for a few days. I will double your salary." Gu Qingzhou road.

The servants were delighted.

"It's better to use people who are used to it, so there won't be any new people in the family." Gu Qingzhou road.

The servants understood that it was for them to do the work of two on their own.

Of course, there are two people to take the money.

For the servants, physical strength is not worth money. A little more work may not be worth more. Since the host is so kind, there is no complaint.

Nothing changes except the house.

After finishing, Gu Qingzhou went to visit Mrs. Hirano in the early morning of the next day and invited her to the new house.

It happened to be cloudy when I got up early.

When Gu Qingzhou was going out, it began to rain.

The light rain turned heavy, and the branches and leaves of the courtyard were shaking, full of wind and rain.

Gu took an umbrella and went to Mrs. Hirano's side through the heavy overlapping rain curtain.

At the door, there were still several soldiers, but they were Japanese.

Seeing Gu Qingzhou, they first asked in Japanese, "who is it?"

"I am Gu Qingzhou. Madam and Cai Changting know who I am." Gu also replied in Japanese.

The gatekeeper didn't go in, but saluted Gu: "come in, miss."

Cai Changting or Mrs. pingye have already explained the identity of Gu Qingzhou.

Go in the light boat.

The rain became more and more thick, forming a crystal curtain. Gu Qingzhou stepped on the plagiarism corridor and collected his umbrella.

"It's autumn, isn't it?" Gu Qingzhou thinks.

She doesn't know when autumn will begin this year. However, a cold autumn rain, hot summer not many days.

She looked at the boundless rain and felt mixed feelings.

More than a year, when can we finish? She really wanted to go home and go back to Pingcheng with Si Xingfu. She wanted to live a simple life and develop Pingcheng well.

"Canoe?" A man stepped into the veranda from the end of the rain curtain.

Cai Changting didn't take an umbrella. His black clothes were drenched and wet.

Hair drips, but not half a mess.

His eyes are bright, his lips are thin, and his face is still gorgeous.

At this time, Gu Qingzhou saw himself ugly because of jealousy: it's really outrageous to become Cai Changting who looks so good as a drowned rat!

Why does God create such a perfect appearance?

"How did it rain?" Cai Changting asked, not caring about the rain.

Wet, he seems to be more robust than usual. Generally, people who are very strong look thin in their clothes, while Cai Changting looks even thinner in his black clothes.

It seems that he is tall and graceful, but now he looks a little big. Rao is so, and does not detract from his beauty.

Gu Qingzhou looked at him quietly and said, "I just moved the house. I want to invite you and your wife to have dinner."

Cai Changting oh.

"Is madam at home?" Gu asked

"Not in."

"Not in?" Gu Qingzhou was surprised. "Where's madam?"

In normal season, Mrs. pingye won't leave Taiyuan mansion. Why did she go out this time?

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