Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1122 intention

When Si Xingfu was at home, he was mostly an old man. He didn't care about anything but his eyes were shining.

Gu Qingzhou treats his guests, but he doesn't talk much. He just meets Huo Yue by chance. Even Cai Changting is lazy to be picky.

He seldom reflects on himself.

If he had learned to reflect, he would have found that a few years ago he even ate the vinegar of his brother Gu Qingzhou.

These years, it's not about clearing your mind, but about being practical.

As for Gu Qingzhou, he is very steadfast. Gu Qingzhou is smart and wise. He is loyal to him. He has nothing to worry about.

His canoe is the best. The best woman, he trained, and only he can match, other men are not up to it.

It's like building a tall building.

Above the tall buildings, so safe and leisurely.

For example, when the eldest young master of the Wang family comes to visit, he doesn't think twice: a person who admires canoe medicine has nothing to pay attention to.

"I have something to do with Mr. Huo, so I'll go out first." Si Xingfu put down his tea cup, said to Gu Qingzhou, and then to the guests, "poor food and poor food, neglect."

Mrs. pingye and Qin Sha both said it was very polite.

After they left, Cheng Yu gave Cai Changting and Wang Yushu a look.

Wang Yushu followed Cheng Yu to the side hall.

When the eldest young master of the Wang family came in, the living room only had to take care of the light boat, Mrs. Hirano and Qin Sha.

Gu Qingzhou first heard the sound of gold and stone, accompanied by the sound of leather shoes.

When people came in, Gu Qingzhou saw a man with a straight suit.

"Very respectable." Gu Qingzhou's judgment.

The eldest young master of the Wang family is tall and emaciated. A suit cut to fit, set off his elegant demeanor. He is white and gentle, with a pair of glasses.

He is about thirty years old, mature, stable and handsome, the most popular age.

Just, he had a cane in his hand.

His crutch is delicate and small, like a civilized stick, but it is really used for supporting the body, not for decoration.

The eldest young master of the king's family, his left foot is disabled. Of course, it's not that disabled. It's just that walking with a limp requires crutches.

He walked slowly, revealing his deep and introverted, adding more charm.

"I met Mrs. Si for the first time in the year of Wang yunian. I venture to step on the door and disturb her. Don't be surprised." Wang yunian greets Gu Qingzhou first.

"You're welcome. It's a guest." Gu chuckled.

Wang yunian said hello and respectfully called "four aunts" to Qin Sha.

In the end, he also said hello to Mrs. Hirano, who obviously knew each other.

The courtesy was good. He just sat down.

"Is the division teacher not at home?" Wang asked.

"Unfortunately, he just went out after dinner." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "you can tell me anything you want to do with him."

"No, Mrs. secretary, I'm here to see you." Wang yunian said.

He made a meal.

After finishing his thinking, he began to say what he wanted.

Gu Qingzhou listens carefully.

"... want me to give a lecture on traditional Chinese medicine?" Gu Qingzhou understood Wang yunian's intention and was a little surprised.

Wang yunian said with a smile: "exactly. Our medical college is going to open a major in traditional Chinese medicine. Next year, the first grade students will be divided.

However, as you know, in recent years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been under rated, and almost no TCM has entered the University. Let alone the students, even other teachers in the school, have no bottom in mind.

This lecture is specially aimed at the leaders of the University and the medical college, so that they can agree to the opening of the specialty of traditional Chinese medicine. Not only the leaders of the school, but also the leaders of the Ministry of health. "

This Gu Qingzhou knows.

Up to now, it has been several years since the newspaper pulled out TCM from time to time.

Traditional Chinese medicine has already reached the extreme.

The Nanjing government openly issued documents, denied the academic qualifications of the school of traditional Chinese medicine, did not fund the National Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, fundamentally denied traditional Chinese medicine, cut off the transmission of traditional Chinese medicine, and then destroyed the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine.

It's a little better in the north. The government of Peiping is in constant civil strife and hasn't taken the time to deal with medical treatment.

Shanxi is under the jurisdiction of yedujun, whose policies are formulated.

From Gu Qingzhou, ye saw the hope of traditional Chinese medicine. He said before that he would arrange Gu Qingzhou to teach in University.

Something will happen later, and it will be delayed.

"It's good to start a major in traditional Chinese medicine." Gu Qingzhou road.

"If Mrs. Si is free and her major is coming out in the future, we would like to invite you to be a professor." Wang said with a smile and a sincere attitude.

Gu Qingzhou thinks that's all later.

"... however, this premise is that the Ministry of health, school leaders and hospital leaders all agree to establish the specialty of traditional Chinese medicine. Although I am the president, I am not a dictatorship. I invite Mrs. Si to prove the value of traditional Chinese medicine with your excellent medical skills. " Wang yunian said.

"It's a good thing," Gu chuckled. "I'm willing to go."

Wang yunian was so happy that he took an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Gu Qingzhou.

There is an invitation in the envelope.

Wang invited Gu Qingzhou to give a lecture at 9 a.m. on the fifth day of July at the University of Taiyuan.

Before school started, there were not many students in this lecture, only a few student representatives, and the rest were all leaders.

When Gu Qingzhou got the invitation, he couldn't tell what it was like.

The expression on her face was joyful. She promised to go and not let president Wang down.

After Wang yunian's story, he asked Qin Sha, "four aunts, where is Yushu?"

"In the side hall." Qin yarn road.

Wang yunian nodded: "well, you talk first. I have a meeting in the afternoon, so I'll leave first."

Before leaving, he repeatedly told, "Mrs. secretary, we must keep the appointment."

Gu Qingzhou said, "you can rest assured that since I have promised, I will not lose my words."

Wang yunian left with a smile.

After Wang yunian was sent away, Mrs. pingye and Cai Changting also left.

When Gu Qingzhou sent them to the gate, Cai Changting suddenly asked, "can I also listen to your lecture?"

"Of course, I welcome it." Gu chuckled, "since it's a public lecture, anyone can be an audience."

Cai Changting's eyes are shining, and he looks very happy.

Mrs. Hirano smiled.

When they left, Gu Qingzhou went back to the inner courtyard and found that Cheng Yu was gone with Wang Yushu, and only Qin Sha was sitting alone in the living room.

She has a lot on her mind.

"What's the matter?" Gu Qingzhou asks Qin Sha.

After the event of Er Bao, Gu Qingzhou and Qin Sha haven't met. This time, she came here uninvited and someone was present all the time. Gu Qingzhou had a good attitude towards her.

Now they are the only two of them. Gu Qingzhou is a little indifferent and drinks tea.

Qin Sha is too silent. Gu Qingzhou asks.

She doesn't care much about what happened to Qin Sha. Gu Qingzhou hasn't let go of Er Bao.

She was not angry with Mrs. Hirano and Cai Changting, because they were her enemies, and they would be destroyed by the light boat sooner or later. When the enemy strikes, Gu Qingzhou will return it. There is no need to be angry.

But she won't hurt Qin Sha.

She still regards Qin Sha as a relative.

It's because she can't kill Qin Sha in the future, and she pays her feelings. When Qin Sha betrays her, she is very angry.

"Canoe, let's find a place to talk." Qin Sha lowers her voice.

There seems to be something important about the mystery of God.

Gu Qingzhou put down his tea cup and said to her, "come with me."

She led Qin Sha to her yard.

Sit down in the top, Gu Qingzhou asks sister-in-law Xin, the servant, to look after the doors and windows. Don't make people overhear. Then she asks Qin Sha in a slight voice, "what do you want to say?"

"I don't feel right."

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand.

"Young master." Qin Sha said, "don't look at the gentleness and gentleness of the eldest young master. In fact, he is vicious. He hates Youchuan very much and naturally doesn't like me.

You are my relative. How could he invite you to give a lecture? Besides, I hate traditional Chinese medicine very much. Others praised you for Wang Jing's illness.

I mentioned it by chance, only the eldest young master was not very happy, even disdained in his words. Boat, I think people are most transparent.

Those who are full of praise for traditional Chinese medicine may not really like it, but those who despise it must hate it. "

Gu Qingzhou ponders a little.

This point, because she did not know Wang yunian, and he was only the first time to deal with, really did not expect.

"I agree with you." Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha is a little relieved.

"The master has a strong desire for control. His wife, concubines and children are all under his control. In the medical school of the University, he almost covered the sky.

He has such a character that he can't bear sand in his eyes. How could he add TCM specialty to his Western medical college? This is a very strange thing. " Qin Sha continued.

Gu Qingzhou listens quietly.

Because I don't know, Gu Qingzhou didn't give any opinions. She has never been a listener. Since Qin Sha said so, Gu Qingzhou will send someone to investigate.

"... in a word, I don't think he's very kind." Qin Sha said again, "light boat, you won't doubt that I'm instigating discord and deliberately blocking your career?"

Last time's contradiction, Gu Qingzhou still hasn't subsided.

It is just like this that Qin Sha hesitates so much when she speaks for fear of misunderstanding by Gu Qingzhou.

Wang's invitation means respect for women and an excellent opportunity.

Qin Sha didn't want to say it, but she couldn't bear the inner tangle. Finally, she said it.

"No. If you do, I'll check. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha says.

What did she want to say, Gu said, "thank you."

"These are my conjectures, not necessarily true. You need not rush to thank me for sending someone to inquire. " Qin Sha quickly waved her hand.

Gu Qingzhou nods.

Qin Sha took a deep breath, as if to put down a worry.

She stood up to say goodbye.

"Do you want to go back after supper? We'll play cards later. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Qin Sha shakes her head: "no, you are still busy. Do your own thing first."

Then she turned and went out.

Found Wang Yushu, she took Wang Yushu left the yard of Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou finds his own spy and asks them to inquire about the situation. At the same time, he goes to governor Ye's mansion.

In the absence of governor ye and the staff, Gu had to go home first.

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