Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1123 explosives buried

Gu Qingzhou sent someone to inquire about it, but he had no eyes.

Wang did not oppose traditional Chinese medicine.

Si Xingfu and Huo Yue went to several iron and steel plants in the afternoon to talk about some business and returned home at dusk.

Gu Qingzhou tells Si Xingfu and huoyue what Wang yunian and Qin Sha said.

Si Xingfu pulls out his cigar and slowly cuts it open.

"Who do you think is lying?" Huo Yue said

"It's all suspect." Gu Qingzhou said, "Wang yunian is a stranger. I haven't contacted with him, so he is naturally suspected. Qin Shaxian was in my hands and suffered a loss. Now she is out of Mrs. Hirano's clutches, but who knows her mind? I can't guarantee that she is sincere to me because of the unpredictable human nature. "

"Then check again." Huo Yue Road.

Si Xingfu's cigar was finally lit. He took a deep breath and spit it out. Then he asked Gu Qingzhou, "if there is any fraud, will you go to give a lecture?"

Gu Qingzhou thought for a moment.

Then she replied to Si Xingkai, "I'll go anyway, I'll do it."

"That's good. The soldiers will cover the water." "At that time, we will all go to the audience. It's best if there is a moth. I'll kill the troublemaker. "

Huo Yue shook his head and said, "bandits make a school."

Gu Qingzhou and huoyue stand on the same line this time: "don't act recklessly."

Si Xingfu smiled: "it's OK. I'm used to being domineering. Is it OK for ye dujun to control me?"

Huo Yue saw that he was speechless and didn't want to listen: "I'll go back to my room first."

After he left, he immediately called his entourage and sent their relations to help Gu Qingzhou find out about it.

The person of Si Xingfu also launched.

Governor Ye has returned to the junta.

After returning, governor ye called Gu Qingzhou and asked her what was the matter.

The adjutant has said that Gu Qingzhou is visiting.

"The medical school asked me to give a lecture to the Ministry of health, the leaders of the school and the leaders of the hospital, and to open the specialty of traditional Chinese medicine. Is there anything fishy about it?" Gu asked governor Ye directly.

Ye dujun said: "it's nothing to be tired of. I promised you that I would arrange you to teach at school? Later it was delayed.

When ah Wu said that she wanted to learn some nursing and pass the time, I thought of this. I greeted the Ministry of health and asked them to think about it. It's better to open a major, but it's really not. It's OK to open a course of traditional Chinese medicine. "

Gu Qingzhou immediately understood something in his heart.

"Since they asked you to give a lecture, you should be able to cope." Ye dujun said, "it's OK to go there. Let them have an eye."

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "governor, do you really trust me?"

"This is nature. The best doctor in the world. I can't believe your skill. Who else can I trust? " Ye dujun said.

Gu Qingzhou laughs happily on the phone.

In the morning of the next day, the spies of Si Xingfu, Huo Yue and Gu Qingzhou all heard the news.

The news is superficial, but after analyzing the inside, Gu has his own judgment.

Huo Yue and Si Xingfu also understand.

"... how do you think about canoeing?" Huo Yue asks Gu Qingzhou.

Knowing the intention of Wang yunian, you need to be careful in taking care of the light boat.

Before Gu Qingzhou could answer, Si Xingfu said, "don't go to the lecture. Canoe, you won't live in Taiyuan mansion forever. Why bother? "

"I don't want to teach, but I'm going to give a lecture to let them know and understand traditional Chinese medicine. Otherwise, they think I'm stage fright and treat traditional Chinese medicine as a liar completely, which is a fatal blow to the endangered industry." Gu Qingzhou road.

After understanding, Gu understood that Wang yunian had no kindness to her and that there was a plot waiting for her.

She didn't know exactly what the plot was.

Even if it's a dragon pond and a tiger's cave, Gu Qingzhou has to set foot in it. She can't give others an excuse to slander traditional Chinese medicine.

She is regarded as the "first doctor" in the industry, and she has her own social responsibility. Her behavior is about the industry. If you enjoy a good reputation, you should be responsible for the whole industry.

"Then go and have a good time." Si Xingfu said, "these people are also trying to play tricks! What can a group of scholars do? "

Gu chuckled.

She deliberately choked on the line: "really can play mind skills, are not all scholars?"

Si Xingfu pinched her face: "I've grown up and dare to make advances? You want to revolt, don't you? "

Two people frolic.

Every time I played with Si Xingfu, I was carried back to my bedroom by him.

After finishing, Gu Qingzhou lies in the arms of Si Xingfu. His waist and legs are very sour. Si Xingfu kneads for her.

"Qingzhou, which branch of traditional Chinese medicine is weak?" The Secretary asked.

Gu Qingzhou said: "surgery. There are also surgeries in traditional Chinese medicine. I used to help my master mend the wound with a sheep intestine suture. However, master said to me that surgery needs solid and good medical skills, so we need to learn other skills first, and stay the surgery until the end. I can't imagine... "

she stopped.

Master wants to teach her surgery slowly when she grows up.

But she didn't wait for that day.

She is a little stiff.

Si Xingfu's heart was thumping.

Every time I mention it, Gu's reaction is depressing.

Si Xingfu often thought: "although she had a seizure, she almost killed me and drove me away, but she was not really relieved.

These sorrows are accumulated in my heart. If there is a big event that touches her, she must attack again. Will she leave me again at that time? "

He has always been confident in himself, but he is always uncertain when he looks after the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou's ingenious thinking makes him calmer than his master. And Si Xingfu lost in calmness. As soon as he is excited, he will be defeated in front of Gu Qingzhou.

After shuddering, Si immediately put aside these unlucky ideas and said to Gu, "if someone attacks you, he will find your weakness."

"I know." Gu Qingzhou road.

Surgical care of the canoe is not really completely impossible.

In the face of other diseases, she is mostly in a safe position, while in surgery she is only two or three percent sure.

Once the doctor shows his shyness, he is prone to accidents.

"When it comes to the end, think of another way." Gu Qingzhou said, "now it's too late to back down. Didn't I take the invitation?"

She stroked her hair and her back.

He suddenly exclaimed, "boat, you have a lot of hair."

"Yes, my hair grows fast." Gu chuckled.

Some things come to mind.

His hand slipped to her abdomen. Touched, like avoiding suspicion, he moved his hand away again.

Gu Qingzhou is aware of it.

She said to Si Xingfu, "shall we have other doctors see it? The doctor doesn't cure himself, I don't know my own problems, but I feel your pulse, you have no problem. I don't have any children now. Maybe it's me. "

Without waiting for the answer, she continued, "do you remember the day when I came here? At that time, I was 16 years old. Few girls came to sunflower so late. I'm afraid there is a problem. "

This words let Si Xingfu's heart rise to the waves.

He had thought that he might leave the boat, but now he added this thing.

He leaned over her.

Blocked her lips, he whispered with a smile: "we have agreed to wait for unity. Our children must have a lot of aura. They know the priorities, so they don't want to come. "

Gu Qingzhou beat him down.

She also wanted to persuade Si Xingfu: "I promise you that as long as we are unified, we will deal with this matter wholeheartedly. Now let it go, will you? "

"All right." Gu Qingzhou is helpless.

Si Xingfu always feels that today's situation is not so smooth. He can say anything and hit the muzzle of the gun. It's better not to talk.

He was really silent.

It's slowly getting to the fifth day of July.

In recent days, Gu Qingzhou has been preparing for the lecture, trying to make it lively and interesting.

Just after July, the temperature in Taiyuan mansion dropped a lot. It was cool in the morning, and the sky was very high. The clouds were soft and fell in the blue sky.

A ginkgo tree in the courtyard began to lose its leaves.

Autumn is coming.

Gu Qingzhou got up at 5:30, washed and changed clothes. She specially selected a solemn and restrained cheongsam.

Si Xingfu also woke up and supported himself on the pillow to look after the light boat.

Her hair can now be tied in a low bun and she can wear a pearl comb.

She, who has never been given any powder, is dusting it in the mirror.

"Can I help you with the thrush?" He sat up and asked his wife who was sitting in front of the dresser.

Gu Qingzhou sneers, "have you ever painted?"

"No." Si Xingfu said truthfully.

"Well, you'd better forget it. Thrushes are very skilled. Practice makes perfect. You are a master with a gun. You haven't painted it yet. Do you thrush for me? Can I go out? " Gu Qingzhou is full of joy.

Si Xingfu was not happy: "dare you secretly dislike me?"

"Who secretly dislikes it? I'm a fair hater, a hater from the inside out! " Gu Qingzhou road.

Si Xingfu jumped from the head of the bed to the end of the bed. Didn't wait for Gu Qingzhou to react, he took her face and licked it hard, which made her saliva.

"Ah!" Gu almost collapsed. "Are you a dog?"

Si Xingfu is proud and laughs.

Gu Qingzhou got up early in the morning, but went out of the late gate because of the quarrel of the Secretary Xingfu.

Si Xingfu, Huo Yue and Cheng Yu all went to see her lecture.

It's just zhuomozhi's day off. He also came to the audience.

Si Xingfu drives. Gu Qingzhou sits in the passenger seat and reads the manuscript she has prepared for several days. She is very serious.

Si Xingqi did not disturb her.

When their car arrived at the university gate, Gu Qingzhou saw that the gate was full of cars.

Many officials went in.

The school has not started yet. There are almost no students in the school. Only a few students are represented, but the gate is open.

At the school gate, Gu Qingzhou sees Cai Changting.

To her surprise, not only Cai Changting came, but also Mrs. Hirano.

Then, a car stopped behind them, and the people who got off shouted to Gu Qingzhou, "Qingzhou."

It's Qin Sha.

Qin Sha and Wang Youchuan also came to guqingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou was slightly surprised: "master, how did you come?"

In a word, master, Qin Sha was stunned and almost cried.

"My apprentice is giving a lecture. Of course I'll come and give it to you." Qin Sha laughs.

At this time, Wang yunian came here.

"Welcome, Mrs. secretary." Wang yunian's smile is very sincere. He walked with a limp and looked laborious but joyful.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

She followed Wang yunian to the university lecture hall.

The lecture hall is large and empty. When Gu Qingzhou came in, he saw the front row

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