Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1124 the dagger

Gu Qingzhou looks under the stage.

She was stunned by the sight.

In such a large lecture hall, 60% of the seats were actually filled. In a more prominent position, she saw the Kang family, including the Kang Yu brothers and sisters.

At the same time, she also saw Wang's family, not only Wang Youchuan's family, but also other strange faces, not including Wang yunian.

In addition to the Kang family and the Wang family, there was a whole line of officers in uniform, and governor Ye was also in the line.

Gu Qingzhou was very surprised.

She didn't expect so many people to come.

The heat in her heart made her eyes wet. Everyone heard that she was going to give a lecture on the stage. I don't know if it's for the purpose of cheering or cheering. All of them came.

These people, who have received her favor, stand behind her and support her when she needs encouragement most and when she is not sure.

"Thank you to all of you." Gu Qingzhou says.

Before she said the second sentence, governor Ye applauded.

As soon as he clapped, all the officers and adjutants he brought in clapped.

The applause was intense.

Gu Qingzhou's uneasy mood was all appeased. At the moment, she was extraordinarily calm and recovered the unhurried "doctor Gu".

She began to talk about the origin of traditional Chinese medicine.

When her lecture began, most of the people at the bottom were listening carefully, but some of them were whispering.

All of them are student representatives.

"Why did governor ye come?" This is the question of student representatives.

They were informed that the leaders of the Ministry of health, the school and the medical school came to attend the lecture. How come so many irrelevant people?

"Not only governor ye, but also the relatives and friends of the first miracle doctor."

"It's not her relatives and friends. It's Kangzhi, the aunt of kangs. I know her." Student representative said.

"And the four masters of the king's family."

The people who came to the show were the people who had a head and a face.

In this way, they are revered for the doctor.

Those officials are more satisfied with their questions than the students' representatives, but governor Ye is here, and they dare not discuss it rashly for their own future.

The officials all bear it.

The students' representatives talked a few words and were startled by the headmaster's looking back. They all shut up.

They are silent, but Wang yunian's heart is like cat scratch.

His legs and feet were inconvenient, so he got up from his seat and slowly walked around the back chair to sit next to the relatives of the Wang family.

In addition to Wang Youchuan and Wang Jing, there were a dozen other people in the front of the house.

Next to Wang yunian is his cousin.

This cousin is younger than Wang yunian.

"What are you doing?" Wang yunian asked in his ear.

"The fourth brother asked us to come," said the uncle

His fourth brother is Wang Youchuan.

"Why did he want you to come?" Wang yunian was not feeling well.

"Miss Gu is sister-in-law's Apprentice. Do you know that? The fourth brother came to cheer him up. Now it's summer vacation. The students didn't come. The fourth brother is afraid to be ignored by the doctor. " Uncle Tang said.

Wang yunian no longer talks.

He thought of his mind in silence and did not listen to Gu Qingzhou.

There are so many people with great momentum, and there are also ye dujun present. There are advantages and disadvantages.

"Nothing is too difficult," Wang thought. Since everyone is here, sing a good play. "

To achieve the desired effect, you have to take risks.

Wang yunian listened patiently to Gu Qingzhou's speech.

Gu Qingzhou talked about the complacency and talked freely, almost making traditional Chinese medicine a sacred profession.

She talked about the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and gave several examples to prove it. Most of the people present, no matter what purpose they had at the beginning, listened with interest at the moment.

Gu Qingzhou's speech is not long. It's worth 50 minutes.

Because she said it brilliantly, the fifty minutes passed quickly.

When her speech was over, there was thunderous applause.

Wang yunian is the host of this lecture. He walked back to the platform in applause.

"The doctor's lecture opened my eyes. Traditional Chinese medicine is not only a tradition, but also a technology, which should not be discarded. And the medical skill of the expert doctor is well-known all over the world. No one dares to question it. " Wang said with a smile.

Suddenly there was humanity: "the nurse is the goddess!"

Everyone laughed.

Gu Qingzhou was a little embarrassed, and found that he was talking to a student. He was probably bewitched by Gu Qingzhou's speech, and his blood was boiling.

After being reminded by the student representative, they also remembered the identity and hearsay of Gu Qingzhou's goddess.

The woman was shrouded in mystery.

"The doctor is powerful. Today, please take care of the doctor, and also want to determine a project: whether to set up a TCM Major in the Medical College of the University.

This is a big deal. You need to be careful. Do you think it's right to take care of the doctor? " When Wang yunian said this, he suddenly turned slightly and asked Gu Qingzhou.

"Yes," Gu said. Teaching is a big thing. Big things are not to be trifled with. "

Wang yunian nodded his head and repeated the words of taking care of the light boat: "it's not fun to have a big event!"

When they heard this, they didn't think there was anything wrong, but they felt that Wang yunian was a bit noisy. What did he want to say?

The student representatives who were taken care of the boat were ready to ask questions.

They waited anxiously, but Wang's problem was endless.

"... where is the magic of traditional Chinese medicine? It's all dictated by the doctor Gu. The so-called "hearing is empty, seeing is real". Since it's so magical, why don't you show it on the spot by the doctor Gu? " Wang asked with a smile.

Although he was desperate, Wang's attitude was polite, polite and not half aggressive.

Wang yunian studied western medicine, but his legs and feet were not convenient and he could not stand for a long time, so he was doomed to be unable to go to the operating table and help the wounded and the dead. He could only be a teacher.

Although he has become the president, he knows that the president has no weight, and most of it comes from the position of the Wang family.

His inner ambition gradually turned into a complaint.

He began to reflect on himself, why the leg has not been good? When he was a child, his legs were not like this. Later, he became ill, which seemed to be the result of paralysis.

"At that time, it was traditional Chinese medicine. If it was Western medicine, it might be cured." He thought.

He doesn't like traditional Chinese medicine.

Everyone is scolding traditional Chinese medicine, which has become a street mouse. Although Wang yunian has no good feeling, he has no bad feeling. After all, traditional Chinese medicine is so down-to-earth that there is no chance to be envied and hated.

In Wang yunian's mind, traditional Chinese medicine is the dross of backwardness.

I can't imagine that such dross would enter his holy medical palace.

It's ridiculous!

This was told by a small official of the Ministry of health to Wang yunian.

Hearing the news, Wang yunian immediately wanted to seize the opportunity. He could not let traditional Chinese medicine enter the room.

He reacted so quickly that he sent an invitation to Gu Qingzhou.

Because it hasn't been said yet, and the school doesn't know yet, Gu Qingzhou will definitely take over the invitation from Wang yunian.

Sure enough, Gu agreed.

As long as she agrees to come to the lecture, Wang yunian will have a way to deal with her whether she comes or not.

"Just need TCM to lose face in front of the Ministry of health and the school, then naturally someone will oppose TCM for me. I don't offend governor ye, the Ministry of health and the president. It's the best of both worlds. " This is Wang yunian's plan.

He is opposed to the admission of traditional Chinese medicine to higher education institutions, but will not take the initiative to say it clearly.

He just needs to pave the road, so someone will help him.

His shrewdness lies in his calculation.

However, to his surprise, Gu Qingzhou has been respected by Wang Youchuan and Kang's family, and favored by Ye dujun.

There are almost all influential families in Taiyuan government that have the relationship of taking care of light boats, and they are very strong. They can let the person in charge of the family come out in person. This ability is not small.

"This accident will not affect today's results." Wang yunian thought.

Knowing oneself and knowing the other, Wang yunian has studied Gu Qingzhou for a long time. He knows where the short board of Gu Qingzhou is.

Surgery is one of the short boards of Gu Qingzhou.

Wang yunian had arranged for a surgical patient. If he wanted to take care of the boat, he could not imagine that this morning a new case happened in the West hospital.

The illness was very complicated, and the West hospital was in a dilemma. When the students called Wang yunian for advice, Wang took the opportunity to invite people over.

The patient is a porter. He has no money or social value. Even if he is really disabled, the Wang family can afford to pay compensation. Wang yunian doesn't cherish his health.

Wang yunian took the man from the hospital.

The patient was greedy for money. I heard that Wang yunian wanted to give him money and asked the doctor to treat him. He was discharged immediately.

It was two hours ago.

"Miss Gu, my friend encountered a very difficult case and asked to come to me. I brought the patient here. Why don't you show it to the patient now? " Wang asked.

The students in the seat are almost boiling with blood: they can finally see the skill of the doctor.

Most of the officials and others understood Wang's intention and were worried.

Governor Ye is still there. Will you offend governor ye if you are so embarrassed to see the doctor?

Wang yunian looked at Gu Qingzhou and asked, "doctor, if it's not appropriate, how about we deal with it in private?"

For this reason, flinching will only lead to ridicule and doubt.

Gu Qingzhou looks at the audience.

She saw the smiling face of Si Xingfu.

She also saw Huo Yue nodding slightly and encouraging, Cheng Yu's rare solemnity and uneasiness, and Cai Changting's serious smile.

She never intended to flinch.

"The patient is in agony and is living like a year. If I get here, I'll have a look. There's no need to wait. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Wang yunian set up a horse and said, "a good doctor is a good doctor."

This is a killing.

Gu Qingzhou didn't care much, just smiled.

There was a bit of confusion in the seats. Everyone began to talk to each other thoroughly. They were all whispering something.

Wang gave a look to the people next to him.

Soon, someone brought a patient to the podium.

The patient's face was painful and patient with severe pain. His hand was hung on his chest, and a big bag was made on his wrist, which was very conspicuous.

Seeing the patient, the leaders of the Ministry of health and the medical college and the student representatives, all took a breath of cool air.

Other people who don't know medical skills are a little ignorant.

Cheng Yu watched for a long time and heard the breathing voice of the health officials in front of him. He asked Zhuo Mozi, "is it because something has been born on his hand? Isn't it easy to treat? "

Zhumo zhino

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