Young General's Escaping Wife

Does chapter 1125 hurt?

Please come up to the patient, wrist bulging a big bag, looks like a tumor.

Everyone under the stage frowned.

Si Xingfu and Huo Yue look at each other, but they are not very stable.

"Is there a problem?" Huo Yue asked the Secretary of Xingfu.

"Wang yunian changed the patient temporarily. He didn't arrange this one before," said Si Xingfu

Since Gu Qingzhou has to come, it's impossible for Si Xingfu not to make arrangements.

He knew the patients arranged before Wang yunian, and also knew Wang yunian's plan.

Wang yunian wants to make a fool of himself!

As long as Gu Qingzhou makes a fool of himself today, it is impossible for TCM to enter Taiyuan University in a short time.

Wang yunian's so-called pure land can probably be maintained, which is what he needs!

"It's hard to treat a sudden change of patient?" Huo Yue asked again.

"It must be," said the secretary

After all, he and Huo Yue stared at Gu's expression and tried to spy her thoughts.

Gu Qingzhou is outside. She can calm down even if she encounters a big event. At the moment, she is touching the big bag on the patient's hand, and her face is not half dark.

Whether she can be cured or not can't be seen by outsiders.

Si Xingfu said to Huo Yue, "do you have a gun?"

"Yes." Huo Yue replied quietly.

The Secretary nodded: "act as you see fit."

And he himself, also secretly loaded his gun, wanted to make a temporary change, so as to get rid of the difficulties for Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu and Huo Yue are ready.

Mrs. pingye is also talking to Cai Changting in a whisper.

"... it's just that I don't want to let TCM enter the University. Does this little thing need such a toss?" Mrs. Hirano frowned.

The intention of Wang yunian is a layer of window paper.

We don't want to pierce it, but we can't see it clearly.

Mrs. Hirano doesn't know the patient's condition, but she knows the danger. I'm afraid that Gu Qingzhou has encountered difficulties today.

"Be honest." Cai Changting said, "the Wang family is just a merchant. No matter how rich they are or how good their relationship with the governor's office is, he can't deny the governor's order."

Mrs. Hirano thought so.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to deal with such a difficult problem.

"Will she suffer today?" Mrs. pingye asked Cai Changting in a low voice.

She hoped that Gu Qingzhou would suffer a loss.

After a loss, Gu Qingzhou will probably converge. Now she is too proud and conceited to let Mrs. Hirano start.

"No." Cai Changting said.

"You can see what's wrong?" Mrs. Hirano said

"No, I don't understand illness." Cai Changting smiled, "but the boat will never lose."

Mrs. pingye turns to Yi and looks at Cai Changting.

Cai Changting looks at Gu Qingzhou, his eyes are full of light and color.

He is not like Si Xingfu and Huo Yue. He cares about the boat in disorder and worries about it. He is not like Mrs. Hirano, who hopes to see it fail.

He is looking forward to the boat, although he is not sure.

Deep in his heart, he can do anything about canoeing.

At this moment, Cai Changting even hopes that Gu Qingzhou will not disappoint him, and can perform well.

"Changting, do you have a deep love for canoes?" Asked Mrs. Hirano suddenly.

Her tone changed a little when she asked.

Cai Changting doesn't seem to understand. He sincerely and low way, "madam, I fell in love with her, the use of love is very deep."

Mrs. Hirano didn't expect him to say that.

But will Cai Changting really fall in love with Gu Qingzhou? Mrs. Hirano is not sure about this.

She also understood a truth: the three of them against each other, there is no clear camp, who may be eliminated out.

At the moment, Mrs. Hirano does not trust Cai Changting, and even more does not trust Gu Qingzhou.

They are all younger than her. They may be her rivals. Gu Qingzhou said that Cai Changting is a man and may replace Mrs. Hirano. But Gu Qingzhou is young and beautiful. She is more likely to replace Mrs. Hirano.

"Let her lose once. It's best to lose!" Mrs. Hirano thought secretly.

Cai Changting also thought to himself, "to win, to take care of the light boat, don't let me down, you can afford my affection!"

While the two men were talking, governor Ye was also talking.

Governor ye took several officers, including military doctors.

The military doctor has a little eyesight.

"Is it a tumor?" Asked governor Ye.

Military medical way: "either tumor, fracture."

"Ye dujun did not understand:" fracture

"Yes, the swelling caused by the fracture is that the bone at the wrist is broken and the skin is propped up." Military medicine.

Governor Ye is even more confused.

In Ye's cognition, fracture is a minor injury.

Small fracture, why is it so inspiring? What's more, the Ministry of health and the students inhale. Why?

"Bastard, haven't they seen the fracture?" Ye dujun was slightly angry, and his voice was a little high unconsciously.

"There must be something strange, but I don't know much about orthopaedics, so I don't know where it is." Military medicine.

Unable to bear it, governor Ye stood up and walked on.

He stepped onto the platform.

When he moved, other people either stepped forward or stood up for fear of missing.

The voice of the student representatives is also louder.

"It's just against the main artery, isn't it?" A student asked.

"Yes, it's over." Another student said, "I'm afraid of this."

This kind of fracture, which is difficult to cure, may lead to amputation.

But outsiders don't understand, think of a small fracture will be amputated, quack! Therefore, when encountering this kind of disease, it will smash the signboard and hold back.

Doctors have a headache in this case.

People I know, so I take a breath.

As soon as they spoke, Cheng Yu immediately turned around and asked one of them, "what's the matter, can you tell me?"

She didn't push forward.

There are too many people, and Cheng Yu can't squeeze in. Besides, Si Xingfu and Huo Yue go up with guns. Cheng Yu doesn't want the fire in the city gate to hurt the fish.

When someone knows the numbers, Cheng Yu immediately asks.

She is young and beautiful, and looks like a college student, so the student representative is willing to elaborate with her.

"This kind of fracture is called the parietal bone. When the bone on the hand breaks, it just touches the artery. Once the bone is cut, the nerve may be injured, leading to the disability of the whole arm; if the bone is not cut, it is allowed to press on the big artery blood vessel, and the blood vessel will be crushed for a long time, so it will also be disabled. " Student way.

Hearing this, Cheng Yu was stunned: "is there such a hard fracture?"

"Yes, it's the hardest."

"Then... How to treat it?" Cheng Yu asked.

"Find an experienced doctor to operate, or cut off the wrist," said the student

"If you have a fracture, you have to cut off your hand..." Cheng Yu was so shocked that he opened his mouth subconsciously. However, as soon as the words came out, she thought of the students' words of "smashing the signboard" before, and her heart immediately came up with them.

"Gu Qingzhou has to show off. It's a tragedy." Cheng Yu almost collapsed.

This problem was pushed to Gu Qingzhou.

Whether or not Gu Qingzhou is operated, it is very dangerous. Besides, she can't operate at all. It seems that Gu Qingzhou is not very good at bone connecting skills.

The most conservative treatment is amputation. However, people like Cheng Yu, who are sensible, will scold "quack" when they hear about this treatment plan, let alone others?

With conservative amputation treatment, the name of the quack who takes care of the canoe is solid and his reputation is totally destroyed; if he is operated or not, his reputation will be totally destroyed.

She's going to be ruined by this little injury today.

"It's terrible. Wang yunian's plan is to take care of the light boat. His heart is too vicious!" Cheng Yudao.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu stood up and squeezed into the crowd. Even if she was hurt, she wanted to cheer Gu on.

When Cheng Yu pushed in, Gu Qingzhou was touching the man's bones.

The people next to me are talking.

"It's the parietal bone." Gu Qingzhou touched for a long time and opened his mouth.

There is no other possibility. It's the parietal bone.

Almost all of the people who talked about it found out the problem from the nearby population. At this moment, they were silent when they heard Gu Qingzhou's conclusion.

Only Wang yunian, who was very proud, said to Gu Qingzhou, "you are the best doctor in the world. This" parietal bone "seems to be a minor disease, but it is actually dangerous. Doctor, help him. "

The patient also said, "doctor, please help me. I'm a worker. Once I lose my hands, my family will starve to death. "

This is very sad.

"Don't worry, this lady looks young, but she is the best doctor in the world. There is no disease that she can't cure." Wang yunian said.

The patient looked at the boat with hope and nodded: "I believe, I believe in the doctor!"

The Ministry of health and the student representatives are all skilled in medicine. They know that Wang yunian is building a platform for the doctor. At that time, the doctor Gu fell down, but he was totally different.

The patient said again that Gu could not get out of the boat.

Everyone is lamenting that the reputation of "the best doctor in the world" is about to collapse today.

It's sad to fall on this little thing.

But when they heard the voice of Gu Qingzhou, they smiled steadily: "since you trust me, then I will cure you."

The patient was overjoyed.

Ministry of health and student representatives floating in the mind of an idea: bragging! The doctor has been sitting on the high platform for a long time, and he can't get down.

"The doctor is really powerful." Wang yunian continues to boast.

"You put your hand on the platform." Gu Qingzhou did not look at Wang yunian.

The patient let it go.

Gu Qingzhou, let the patient put his hands and forearms all on the platform, to lay flat, and gently pressed his big bag: "does it hurt?"

The patient nodded.

Gu Qingzhou pressed again: "does it hurt?"

The patient still nodded.

Can't think of it, Gu Qingzhou is endless. He keeps pressing and asking: "does it hurt?"

After so many repetitions, the patient was a little annoyed: "doctor, will you cure it?"

"You answered me truthfully." Gu Qingzhou road.

At this time, the patient did not trust the doctor very much. He was so upset that he even wanted to leave.

"Does it hurt?" Gu Qingzhou presses the patient's hand again and touches it gently.

The patient rolled his eyes.

He turned his head and wanted to see Wang yunian. When he asked what was going on, he immediately took care of the boat and hit the patient's bag with a heavy fist.

A sharp pain nearly fainted the patient.


Shrieking, almost breaking through the roof.

"It hurts, it hurts..." the patient cried out and hugged himself

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