Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1126 bold admiration

After a brief silence, the whole lecture hall exploded.

Everyone is talking, everyone's voice is heavy, and they are bubbling like a boiling pot, causing a boiling situation.

Mrs. Hirano stood by, looking at the patient like a fool, holding the hand just picked up, crying and laughing, which was crying with joy.

"Wang yunian is ten years older than the canoe, and he has arranged for so long to seize the opportunity. At last, he set up a platform for the canoe and added a touch of color to the famous doctor of the canoe." Mrs. Hirano thought.

She was disappointed. She also wanted Gu to make a big splash.

Take some pains, take care of the boat may be a little tame, she also depends on some.

Can't imagine, Gu Qingzhou's reputation is higher and his spirit is more prosperous.

When someone pushed over, Mrs. Hirano took the opportunity to turn around and let her position out. She walked out of the lecture hall by herself.

Cai Changting saw it, but didn't follow it.

At this moment, Cai Changting is very happy, just like eating a piece of mung bean cake when he was a child.

"How long?" He asked himself, "how long have you not been so happy?"

For a long time, it seems to be more than ten years.

For the first time in more than a decade, he was so happy. The joy, like the morning sun, filled his heart, bright and warm.

He went back to his original heart: it was clean, simple, and a little happiness could make him fly.

"Boat, you didn't let me down!"

She will never let him down. From the beginning, he was sure that she would win, but she did.

She developed in accordance with CAI Changting's expectation of a beautiful appearance, never out of shape, never out of shape.

"You are the most powerful woman in the world!" Cai Changting thought.

Cai Changting smiled brilliantly, and his face was also gorgeous, so many people were distracted to see him.

She is so good that the water in her life can nourish Cai Changting's dried up world.

He wants her. She's a lifesaver.

He used to adore her wickedness, and thought that she was charming when she did it, and could bring down almost anyone.

Now he knows that her goodness is more charming, and this charm is greater.

Or, what Cai Changting likes is not the good or evil of taking care of the boat. He likes her invincible appearance!

Cai Changting loves to win. No matter for good or evil, Gu Qingzhou will win.

He fell in love, loved to the heart, and through the heart through his four limbs, tangled in his body.

"You will be mine in the end." He had a firm face.

At that time, it should be beautiful.

Cai Changting has many wonderful goals, and they are easy to get, which makes his eyes brighter.

Others are looking after the boat, but others are distracted to admire Cai Changting's beauty.

He is so beautiful that he can stand beside him and smile at will, and squeeze the most sensational things down for a few minutes, and monopolize Fanghua.

Si Xingfu was also happy, but he was just determined to stand there and let the full worry go a little bit.

He was completely relieved.

Looking at Gu Qingzhou is like seeing his own children.

Si Xingfu feels very lucky that she has gone through another ordeal.

Poor, I have not stopped all the way. I have experienced many tests before I have accumulated my current reputation.

Huo Yue touched the arm of the bottom Manager: "she didn't lose."

Even if she didn't lose, she was worried.

"She can't lose." His face was calm. Under the calm, is the quiet years, let him especially gentle.

Even if I knew that she would not lose, I would worry and hold my heart for fear that a slip might hurt her.

"That Cai Changting, he really took a fancy to the boat." Huo Yue suddenly lowered his voice.

He has a good eye for people.

Cai Changting looks at Gu Qingzhou, and the color of adoration is not covered.

The eyes are hot and sincere.

"So what?" He said coldly.

At this moment, no one or anything can enter his heart. His heart is only filled with carefree boats, full of them, leaving the whole world outside.

Huo Yue laughs and says nothing.

Gu Qingzhou's victory was no surprise to huoyue, as expected.

A man squeezed Huo Yue.

Huo Yue's body askew, just want to turn around, he saw Cheng Yu.

The tears on Cheng Yu's face.

Huo Yue looks at her in surprise.

She took Huo Yue's arm and stood up with him.

Her voice was choked, and her tears were still on her face: "I'm worried about that damn little thing in the light boat! You see, I'm crying. "

The crowing and laughing of Huo Yue are not the same.

"What are you crying for?" Huo Yue asked her.

Cheng Yu is at a loss: "where do I know? Seeing her victory, the tears came down on their own. Oh, I can't help it! Crying makes my eyes ache and my heart ache! Go back later. I'll beat Gu Qingzhou. Mr. Huo, please hold Si Xingfu for me! "

She cried like this. She didn't understand it, but Huo Yue knew it.

She was too worried about taking care of the boat.

She didn't see with her own eyes the power of Gu Qingzhou's medical skill, and was not sure about her. Too much worry, and so on things succeed, joy Zhuang rushed to worry, she and the patient as happy and sobbing.

At the end of the day, she has real feelings for taking care of the boat.

Huo Yue regards Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu as very important. He is willing to be kind to the women who are sincere about Gu Qingzhou, so he agrees: "OK, I will stop him when you beat people later."

Cheng Yu's tears broke into laughter.

A smile and a cry.

"What's the matter?" Huo Yue doesn't understand. Is women's feelings so complicated?

"Who knows? I don't know what's wrong with me today, just like I'm crazy - I'm scared crazy by taking care of the light boat, Ma Cheng Yu became angry.

Huo Yue couldn't help laughing.

Zhuo Mo stopped behind Cheng Yu and watched for a long time. Now he could not help laughing.

Cheng Yuzhen is lovely.

She's afraid of her friends, and she's cute.

The sight of Si Xingfu is still on the light boat, not the noise of people around him.

It's still a mess.

The patient's wrist has changed from a sharp pain to a little pain, and the bag disappeared somehow.

He was really boned.

"The bone is not broken?" A student representative asked.

"I'm sure it's not broken if it can be picked up. It's strange! It's so strange that it's not broken! " Another student representative exclaimed.

"That's not the point, it's the parietal bone, is it?" The first student representative who asked questions stressed this sentence.

The parietal bone, how embarrassing the bone injury, the bone injury that makes western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine all headache, even the bone injury that can smash the doctor's own signboard, is cured so easily by Gu Qingzhou.

"She didn't take any pictures of the instrument, so she relied on her own feeling!" One of the students was admiring, "awesome, awesome!"

"She used to be the first doctor, can't she be powerful?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine has been looked down on. Look at the miracle doctor, who is worse than western medicine? Besides, she's almost catching up with the instrument, much better than our people and machines combined! " The student sighed again and again that he had opened his eyes completely.

"That is to say, she is alone. Other traditional Chinese medicine may not be..."

"she may not have such a good medical skill, but not all of them are liars. When there was no Western medicine before, how did we see a doctor? Did all of them die at home?" Another student spoke up.

Gu's speech aroused young people's interest in traditional Chinese medicine. And her skill in this field makes her speech solid and convincing for young people.

Young people admire it, and so do the leaders of the Ministry of health.

Most of these leaders have studied traditional Chinese medicine, because they are all old men in their fifties and sixties. When they were young, western medicine was not very popular.

Since he studied medicine, most of them started from traditional Chinese medicine, and later went abroad to learn western medicine.

No matter how hard it is to treat the fracture of the parietal bone, whether it's traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine, it's a big problem, but Gu Qingzhou has cured it.

The problem was solved in her hand.

Therefore, the general director of the Ministry of Health said in front of Ye dujun: "dujun, Gu Shenyi is worthy of the name, you can be a director of the Ministry of health."

Governor Ye smiles and waves.

At the moment, governor Ye is very dignified. He is very happy in his heart, though he doesn't think there's anything worth so much fun.

Gu Qingzhou is the person he wants to recommend. The Ministry of health and military doctors question that ye dujun can oppress people with his power. He is not very comfortable and feels oppressed.

But Gu proved himself, and let everyone be convinced, so governor Ye raised his eyebrows and was very comfortable in his heart.

"I want to open a Chinese medicine major and hire a doctor." Governor Ye told the truth.

Military doctors also know the difficulties, and at this moment, their hearts are speechless with admiration.

"It's a good thing for the country and the people," said the health ministry official at the moment

Gu Qingzhou conquered the parietal bone at once, which made the orthopaedic department have a little progress. Who dares to say something about the opening of TCM specialty?

The officials of the Ministry of health, all human beings, accepted that it was impossible to stop them.

While praising the benevolence and righteousness of Ye dujun, they thought of the sufferings of the common people and were willing to develop medical services for them. At the same time, they agreed with the medical skills of Gu Qingzhou.

Governor Ye listened to their praise, just like praising himself. He was very happy and had a soft expression.

The leaders of the university are not willing to show weakness and sincerely appreciate governor ye: "it's our honor to be able to add new majors to our university."

There was a lot of talk.

Qin Sha and Wang Youchuan crowded in front of them, not far behind ye dujun and officials, and heard what they said.

"What a great boat." Qin yarn wants.

She thought of fighting Gu Qingzhou last time. She really wanted to die.

However, it's good that it won't happen in the future. After Mrs. Hirano got Qin Sha's property, she also netted Qin Sha. Qin Sha has nothing to do with the royalists since then, and is no longer used as a pawn.

Gu Qingzhou saves Qin Sha.

The whole platform was in disorder. Si Xingfu came to Gu Qingzhou, protected her in front of her chest and spoke to her in a low voice.

The patients were also surrounded by students and military doctors, who were massaging their wrists again.

The wrist is really good. After a month's rest, you can work. The hand is completely preserved.

Everyone is so excited that they forget one person.

Only Gu Qingzhou saw it.

"Wang yunian slipped out." Gu Qingzhou leads the way to the secretary.

Si Xingfu gently brushed her sideburns: "it doesn't matter. If you can run a monk, you can't run a temple. He can fly to the sky and hide

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