Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1127 after the victory

Wang went back to his office.

The weather in early July is cool in the morning, but after the sun comes out, it is still hot.

The heat hasn't really subsided.

Wang yunian's legs and feet were inconvenient. When he walked back to his office, he was already sweating and his temples were all wet.

"See the ghost!" He said to himself in horror.

At that time, he stood by the boat and saw with his own eyes what Gu had done.

First, she felt her bones and examined the patient's wounds carefully.

At the time of the examination, she had no expression.

Wang yunian thought that she was completely baffled. I can't believe she said later that she could cure it.

Wang yunian almost laughed when he heard that. He was sure that he would make jokes and even amputate the patient.

Wang didn't care about the patient's life and death. He was not a doctor.

Gu Qingzhou finished, gave the patient hope, she began to poke the patient's big bag, even asked the patient if it hurt.

She asked for a long time.

Not to mention the patient, even Wang yunian is impatient. I don't know what medicine to sell in the gourd of Gu Qingzhou.

Now, he knows.

"She's diverting the patient's attention." Wang yunian later woke up.

The patient seems to have a parietal bone. In fact, his wrist is not broken, but it is badly misplaced. Gu Qingzhou made sure this point by repeatedly touching his bones.

But such a severe dislocation requires a strong hand to reset.

Just, in that case, the patient will die of pain. Patients will struggle instinctively when they are in pain. A little carelessness will still lead to dislocation disconnection.

"There is no second chance to succeed in that dislocation."

Gu Qingzhou is not strong enough. In the public, even if she asks others to help her, she can't completely make the patient still. The patient is already in great pain. If she touches it again, it will hurt even more.

The patient is not a brave general. He can bear the pain. He is just an ordinary person.

Therefore, Gu Xiaozhou's patience was gradually dissipated and the patient's attention to pain was all transferred to his impatience.

When the patient was completely bored, he almost forgot his pain.

Gu Qingzhou took the chance and hit the dislocated bone with a fist.

This punch is hard, powerful and precise.

In this way, the patient does not only feel the situation, there is no struggle, dislocation on the reset.

"Good medical skills, with a mind, too much mind!" Wang yunian's eyes were ablaze.

A doctor with good medical skills, without such a plan as taking care of the boat, may not be able to cure the bone injury.

"No wonder she is the first doctor! No matter what her character is, who can reach her with this single intention? " Wang yunian sighed again.

In the eyes of the world, people who have a mind seem to have no character and are good at calculation.

Wang yunian did not look at her as a man, but also praised her.

"I've heard of her before. I know she's superior. Why didn't I pay attention to her?" Wang asked himself.

He can think of other ways to stop the school from offering TCM Major.

He thought it could be done once and for all, and that he could keep himself from half stink.

But Gu succeeded.

After her success, others will understand what's going on. They will not criticize Gu Qingzhou, but Wang yunian.

He's stealing chicken this time. He can't eat rice!

"What to do?" Wang yunian is worried.

He felt that Gu Qingzhou would not spare him. Even if she doesn't talk about taking care of the boat, her husband will write a lot.

Looking at Si Xingfu, I know it's not a fuel-efficient lamp. I heard it's a notorious villain.

Wang yunian forced himself to calm down.

As soon as he calmed down, the idea in his mind was quickly finalized: once Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu dared to come, he would let them suffer another big loss.

Wang yunian thought out the countermeasures and relaxed them completely.

As soon as he relaxed, he was shocked that he was sweating all over his body, which had already soaked his clothes.

He had clothes to change in his office. He got up, poured water to wipe his sweat, changed into a clean suit of trousers and white shirt, and waited for Gu Qingzhou to go to the door and ask for guilt.

I don't think so. He waited for more than 4 p.m. and no one came.

No one thought of him.

Even if I think of it, I feel deeply disdained and don't want to mention him more.

"Gu Shenyi, the school will hire you as a professor, I wonder if you can give me credit?" The headmaster asked Gu Qingzhou in person.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "I'm afraid I don't have time or much thought. In this way, it will delay the students' future and be unfair to them.

However, I can recommend some old Chinese doctors. Most of them are near North China and ask if they would like to come. "

"This is the best way to look after the doctor." Thank you, the headmaster.

"Light boat, I have an idea. Do you think it's ok?"

Everyone was silent and did not dare to disturb governor Ye.

Gu Qingzhou nodded, "commander, you say."

"You should not refuse. The school invites you to be the deputy dean of medical school. You teach students two classes a week.

As a elective course, you may or may not come. If you are delayed in the future, this course will not affect the students' performance. " Ye dujun said.

Gu Qingzhou's heart moved.

She really has no time to teach her students.

However, at present, people's understanding of traditional Chinese medicine is very one-sided. Gu Qingzhou can teach some theoretical knowledge in class. By the way, she and her master have seen interesting medical cases of difficult and miscellaneous diseases for students.

What she can do is to arouse the students' interest.

In addition, her prescriptions and medical records are ready-made, and she can transcribe them.

She had done such a thing in Yuecheng before, but it was a pity that she died of nothing with the explosion.

"Well, I will." Gu chuckled.

Si Xingqi looks at her, and her expression is still very calm, but Gu Qingzhou looks at him before he agrees. Until he nodded, Gu agreed.

This little tacit understanding, Cai Changting also saw. His heart tightened, a bit of bad haze climbed up to his heart.

At the end of the lecture, everyone broke up.

Ye told Gu Qingzhou what he said. If he didn't ask the Ministry of health for advice this time, he would have given a direct notice.

People in the Ministry of health are convinced, so they have no objection.

Everyone left.

Wang Youchuan, a family of three, also got on the bus.

Wang Jing drives himself, with his parents and a cousin.

"Big brother is disgraceful this time." Wang Jing said with a smile as she drove.

He doesn't like big brother.

Wang yunian, the elder brother of the hall, is a domineering character. Everyone should listen to him, including his younger brother and sister, as well as his wife, concubines and children.

If someone doesn't obey, he will even hit people.

Wang Jing is a naughty character. His father is more intimate than strict with him, and his father is in charge of his family. So every time my eldest brother controls him or even slaps him in the face, he has a hatred for him in his heart.

He hated Wang yunian very much. He called him "lame" behind his back!

"Don't say that." Wang Youchuan sighed.

Wang Youchuan is only nine years older than his nephew, who is a little helpless.

"Fourth brother, the jade year lost people this time. If he succeeds, you may ignore him, but if he fails, he will certainly become a negotiator, and his reputation in the school and the Ministry of health will be destroyed. " Uncle Tang.

This cousin is Wang Dongchuan. He is a child of Fangfang. He is only twenty-five years old this year. He grew up beside Wang Youchuan. He is the right arm of Wang Youchuan's business.

Although he is also surnamed Wang, Wang yunian has never respected this uncle. He is treated as a servant and even scolded. Wang Dongchuan doesn't like big nephew either.

"That's right, uncle Dongchuan. I can see his intention. " Wang Jing said, "isn't it just hard cases to embarrass sister Qingzhou? Does the school and the Ministry of health refuse to reopen the major of traditional Chinese medicine if they want to humiliate her? His intention is selfish and his means are inferior.

I can see that the officials are all human spirits. Can't they see that? They are like a mirror in their heart. Elder brother is hard to be respected later. Moreover, as the Dean, he was not very popular. "

Wang Youchuan coughed heavily: "don't talk at home."

Wang Jing was spoiled by Wang Youchuan and didn't pay attention to his father's majesty: "Dad, you asked so many people to come to the audience, I don't say, they don't say either?"

Wang Youchuan frowns a little.

Qin Sha knew his regret and gently held her husband's hand: "you just want to support the boat. Who knows that Yu Nian did such a thing? It's not your fault that he has no face at home. "

So many people saw that Wang yunian not only lost face in his career, but also at home.

Wang Youchuan is more regretful. He knew it would be like this. He only brought his wife and children here and didn't call anyone else.

"That's right, fourth brother. It's Yu Nian's own death. It's none of your business." Wang Dongchuan also said.

Wang Youchuan said nothing more.

Meanwhile, governor Ye invited several officials to the governor's office for deliberation.

There is no Department of education in Taiyuan, so school affairs are handled by the school.

Because it involves medical school, it has something to do with the Ministry of health.

"Wang yunian's affairs need to be dealt with more seriously." Ye dujun said to the principal.

There is a reason why Wang yunian was appointed president.

First, the opportunity is good. The dean of the last medical college resigned for no reason and left. No one can keep him. There is a vacancy.

Second, the Wang family is rich and powerful. Wang yunian said that Wang Youchuan has funded a large number of teaching equipment, which is very helpful to the school.

Third, the Wang family and ye dujun's house are in marriage. Ye dujun's eldest daughter is the cousin who married Wang yunian.

Seriously speaking, Wang yunian took office not because of his reputation, nor because of his qualifications, which is really like an elevated tower.

In a word, governor ye can knock down the building.

"Yes, inspector." The principal agreed.

Ye dujun only said heavy, but didn't say how to deal with it.

However, the headmaster is very proficient in these aspects, so he made a decision immediately.

Soon, the decision was made.

The decision to deal with Wang yunian was made together with Gu's decision to take office.

When Gu heard about it, she was surprised.

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