Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1128. We'sre great

Gu remembers that governor Ye wanted her to become an honorary "vice president" of the Medical College of the University.

I don't want to, but I am a "Dean" after the letter of appointment is sent.

At the same time, Wang yunian, the original Dean of the medical college, was demoted to vice president.

"How can I be a dean?" When Gu Qingzhou got the letter of appointment, he was surprised for a long time. He asked Si Xingfu, "do I want to call ye dujun and ask if I have made a mistake?"

"No mistake. The letter of appointment was not filled out casually when governor Ye was drunk. It was decided by the University. " Si Xingfu road.

He picked it up, looked at it again and again, his face full of joy.

In terms of culture, Si Xingfu has never been able to do so. I can't imagine that his wife can actually be the Dean, which is a real cultural position.

Moreover, this is not in his territory, but in the territory of governor Ye.

This honorary Dean has a real weight!

He is proud of his company.

He called Huo Yue, who lived in dongchuanyuan, and asked him to pay a visit.

Huo Yue saw it and laughed: "after the light boat, it's the people in the cultural circle."

"A little timid," Gu said

"What are you afraid of?"

"Those professors are all hardworking, who are not all knowledge and ability? I... "Gu Qingzhou is slow in speech.

"You have been studying medicine since you were a child for more than ten years. Aren't you from a hard education background? Don't be afraid, you deserve it. "

Gu chuckled.

She closed the offer and accepted it.

However, her Dean is still honorary. She will not take part in the specific affairs of the medical college, just hang up a name.

There is no Dean in medical school, and the post of dean is assigned to the vice dean.

"Before medical school, there were two vice presidents, and Wang yunian was three." After going out for a walk, Si Xingfu made it clear.

Wang yunian's vice president, regardless of his power, status and reputation, was demoted one level.

"The result of this treatment is quite sincere." Si Xingfu said again.

"There must be resentment in the year of Wang Yu." Gu chuckled.

She said it, not afraid or worried.

Gu Qingzhou has lived a calm life recently, probably because of the influence of Si Xingfu. Her heart and lungs are all focused on her close people. Strangers from outside, she can't spare her mind to care.

"If you have grievances, you will have grievances. If you dare to pick something, you will smoke him until he stops." Si Xingfu road.

Gu chuckled.

Cheng Yu also came to join the party.

When she saw the letter of appointment, she was really happy as if she had made some great achievements.

"We are so good!" Cheng Yu exclaimed.

She has made her own decision to take care of the light boat and make it her own. Her achievements are her achievements.

She thought with a little uneasiness and excitement, "we are so powerful, can't we be emperor in the future?"

Si Xingfu pulled the letter of appointment: "what is it for us? It's none of your business. It's a light boat. "

"Cheapskate!" Cheng Yu is immersed in fantasy, unable to extricate himself. Suddenly, he is interrupted by Si Xingfu. He is so angry that he jumps three feet high and is eager to beat him.

Seeing the strong arm of Si Xingfu, I thought that this man was flesh and skin tight, and would not hurt him, and would break his hand first.

"I don't know the same thing as you, bandit!" Cheng Yu is angry, but he has calmed down. His mind is too fast for Gu Qingzhou.

Taking advantage of the unprepared situation of Si Xingfu, she snatched the letter of appointment again and said to Gu Qingzhou, "lend me a few days to play?"

"What's the fun of it?" Gu Qingzhou was also amused by her.

"This is the result of victory. You don't know. At that time, I was so scared that I cried and hawed. " Cheng Yu said, "you have to compensate me!"

Gu Qingzhou is completely speechless.

"All right, take it to play." Gu Qingzhou road.

Watching Cheng Yu go out happily, Gu Qingzhou smiles again.

Si Xingfu asked her what she was laughing at.

"Cheng Yu, she is more like a child now." Gu Qingzhou said with a smile, "I still remember that I just met her at Taiyuan mansion. Although she didn't speak much, she was full of gloom and dusk, which was totally different from now."

"She's heartless." Si Xingfu sniffed, "don't talk about her. Such a big event, let's go out to celebrate? "

"Where to?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

After that, she added, "don't you bring Cheng Yu and Huo ye?"

He frowned: "they are not our children, they have to take them?"

Gu Qingzhou burst into laughter.

She has been laughing for a long time recently, learning some of Cheng Yu's madness.

"I still want to see governor ye and even the principal." Gu Qingzhou said, "people say it's a famous Dean, I have to show my attitude."

"Let's go to the headmaster's house first, and then go back to ye dujun's house to have dinner," said Si Xingfu

"Good idea."

Si Xingfu got the phone number of the headmaster's house and called first.

The principal was at home and answered the phone in person, saying that he was very welcome.

When Gu arrived, he found that the principal's wife and children had all changed into new clothes and met him at the door.

"I'm disturbing you." Gu Qingzhou saw it in the car. He whispered a sentence to Si Xingfu. He was a little embarrassed.

Her arrival made people take it seriously.

Si Xingfu holds her hand: "I will have a chance to repay it later."

After meeting with all the headmaster's family and chatting with each other, the headmaster's wife took the children upstairs, leaving only the couple of Gu Qingzhou to talk with the headmaster in the living room.

"Dean, look at you. Do you have any questions for me?" The principal smiled.

In both eastern and Western cultures, women will take their husband's surname after they get married. For example, after decades of retrogression, Gu Qingzhou will be called the "Siku family" and so will the West.

The surname "Si" should also be Gu Qingzhou's.

The headmaster is a cultural person and a fashionable school. Therefore, he calls Gu Qingzhou "director of the Department" and respects Gu Qingzhou's marriage. At the same time, he satisfies the classical and fashionable argument and has a good level.

Gu Qingzhou understood and laughed. The smile was pure happiness.

"I have some questions." Gu Xiaozhou smiled and said to the principal.


"Didn't you say honorary vice president? How did you become president?" Gu Qingzhou went straight and didn't bend around any more. "Is that what the governor means?"

"No, that's what I mean." The principal said with a smile, "as for the Dean, you are still the nominal Dean. Now there is no Dean, not that I refuse, but that there is no suitable person. "

Take care of the boat.

She told her own question: "I can only be a nominal teacher, and I can only give lectures once a week. I can't even guarantee that I will still be in Taiyuan six months later..."

that is to say, she can only put on a nominal teacher's name, even if she gives lectures once a week.

"It doesn't matter. I know it." The principal said.

After that, the headmaster looked at the light boat and said, "Dean, do you want to explain anything about this?"

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