Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1134 analysis

Ye dujun's sixth aunt is too unimpeded. She is just having a baby.

The fetal Qi is very strong, and the slow rhythm of traditional Chinese medicine may be delayed.

Gu Qingzhou said: "I've seen it. I'll send people to the West Hospital in the city. It's not easy to say whether it's a big problem. We have to wait a few days to see what's going on. "

Ye's eyebrows are locked.

Gu Qingzhou said again, "ah Wu accompanied her. I'll come and tell you."

Governor Ye waved.

He was absent-minded.

The Ye family is in a mess.

After ye Shan left, governor Ye was full of looking for his daughter. Aunt Liu was so angry that all the people in the inner courtyard were panic stricken, but governor Ye didn't care at all.

Gu Qingzhou can't walk.

She stayed at Ye's house for a long time. The servants knew her and admired her. They even called her "goddess" secretly. Ye Shan and ye Wu were not there. Only she could stabilize the situation temporarily.

"Inspector, please go to see Aunt Liu. I'll deal with the matter in the backyard for her. Don't worry about it." Gu Qingzhou road.

Governor Ye looked at her.

He raised his feet and went out. Instead of going to see Aunt Liu, he continued to send people to find his daughter.

He also took Shi Xingfu away.

Si Xingqi is sharp and cunning. Maybe he can analyze other details from the known information to find Ye Shan.

When they both went out, the Secretary asked, "don't go to see your little wife?"

Governor Ye hummed.

"They are pregnant with children." He added, "now I'm afraid and need the comfort of the great governor."

"Don't disgust me! I treat you as a little brother. You stay at my house all day long? " Ye Shoujun drinks.

He's really angry.

He did not make fun of him, but wished he could see his wife.

A woman's tenderness and tenderness can relieve her anxiety. Governor Ye is not in the right temper. When looking for someone, he is in a hurry to get angry, which will only lead to confusion, like a headless fly.

Aunt Liu is a gentle woman, and she is pregnant with children. Maybe she can make governor Ye calm down for a while, and her anxiety will subside.

I don't think so. Governor Ye doesn't understand the hardships of Si Xingfu at all.

His feelings for his daughters are incomprehensible.

In particular, his wife had abused his daughters, which led to the fact that governor Ye always owed them. In his heart, he offered two unmarried daughters as Bodhisattvas.

Suddenly, there is no Bodhisattva, and the sky will collapse. Where does governor ye have the heart to care for others?

When Aunt Liu had an accident at this time, governor ye only had the idea of "adding chaos" in his mind and hated her more and more.

At the beginning, Aunt Liu was only seventeen or eighteen years old. Why did she want to be a concubine for a man over forty? She was willing to come to her own door.

Think of here, as if six aunts too have original sin, her belly is pregnant with a dragon can not make ye governor moved.

He didn't like his aunts - at the end of the day, a group of young, beautiful girls were scrambling for his power. Every time he saw those beautiful faces, he was disgusted and wanted to vomit.

And six aunt too, often give him to eat, and first pregnant, means bone. At this moment, she had a good fall, which showed her ulterior motives.

It's nothing more than "taking advantage of the emptiness".

Ye Shan lost the child's position in the mind of Ye dujun, which happened to be the child in Aunt Liu's belly, and appeared in the sight of Ye dujun in this way.

Ye dujun should worry about it, at the same time, his heart is empty, just the child can fill it.

Before the baby was born, it was in the heart of governor Ye. In the future, if she is a boy, Aunt Liu will spend her whole life with her son.

Governor ye can't think about it.

He thought deeply and decided to kill Aunt Liu first after the birth of the child, so as not to leave a trouble maker at home.

"Marry your aunt less." Ye dujun said to Si Xingfu, "otherwise, home will be meaningless."

Si Xingfu could not help laughing: "I marry my aunt? My family, but even God can calculate, I dare to marry aunt? Then all our family will be killed by her. "

Governor ye despised him very much: "don't you speak out your fear so bluntly, don't you lose your face or not?"

"I'm afraid of shame." Si Xingfu road.

Governor Ye finally smiled.

This smile, the inner tension string, seems to relax a lot.

After arriving at the intelligence station of the barracks, they analyzed a lot, and Si Xingfu helped governor ye to work out several ideas.

"Either they were kidnapped or they hid themselves." Si Xingfu analyzes Ye Shan's disappearance case, "if she is kidnapped, who is more likely to kidnap her?"

"Bandits." Ye dujun said.

The Secretary nodded.

Although the northwest is in chaos, who dare to move the second miss of Ye family? Governor Ye has been casting nets all over the sky for so many days. Which warlords are not well-informed?

As soon as they heard the news, they would surely let Yeshan go, because governor ye said when he was looking for someone, no matter how Yeshan was, he was innocent and would never settle accounts after autumn.

Who is willing to fight against governor ye?

Warlords all look like walls thick. Even if they really take ye Shan, they will return it after consideration.

The only one who dares to kidnap Yeshan is the bandits.

There is neither radio nor newspaper in the cave. What's more, in this era of warlords' scuffle, those who have a little insight have become warlords. Only those who have no knowledge and don't know any words can continue to nest in the mountains and become bandits.

The bandits are not well informed. They don't go down the mountain for ten and a half days and don't know words.

Even if I knew them, I didn't understand the established rules between warlords. I didn't dare to contact with governor Ye rashly, so I simply continued to detain people.

After the analysis of Si Xingfu, ye Shan is determined to be in the hands of bandits.

"Bandits are hard to find. The news will not reach the bandit's nest. " Si Xingfu road.

This is the current problem.

"The northwest is vast and aimless. You may not find your daughter in ten or eight years." Si Xingfu said again.

Governor Ye listened, upset and angry.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Ye dujun drinks angrily.

"I want to tell you if you can get Ye Shan back. It's far better to rely on strength than luck. Therefore, you may not be able to find it quickly even if you work hard.

In this case, the army is in normal operation and has sent a group of people to look for ye Shan for a long time. And all you, governor ye, have to do is to keep hope. "

Governor Ye was so angry that his teeth itched. He wished he could break his neck. "You are all bullshit. Maybe I can find Ashan in the inn of the small county town in the next few days."

"I hope," said the secretary

Governor Ye is not calm enough.

After saying that, he left the barracks and drove himself back to the city.

Gu Qingzhou is not at home.

"The wife hasn't come back yet?" The Secretary asked the servant.

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