Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1135 contempt

When sixingfu returned home, he did not see Gu Qingzhou. The servant said that his wife had not come back.

He knew that the matter of governor Ye's mansion was not over. He went to find Huo Yue. He wanted Huo Yue to help him. He went to find Ye Shan.

"If you want to marry Miss ye, it's not bad. You can join the army." The secretary gives advice to Huo Yue.

Huo Yue smiled: "if I could find Miss Ye Er, I would be happy."

What seems to have slipped through the top of his heart? Huoyue thought of He Wei in this moment.

He Wei never sent him a telegram again.

She sent a telegram to her parents every two months. Huo Yue knew that he could get it from the post office without asking where he was going.

The content is very vague: she is very good, in good health and good at school.

Others, not a word.

"I'm over thirty. I should have a home." Huo Yue said with a smile, "however, governor Ye's daughter is not willing to use her as a bargaining chip for marriage."

Ye's daughters are all precious. Ye's eyes are more important than his eyes.

"Not necessarily." The Secretary smiled cunningly.

Huo Yue immediately knew what he wanted to say.

He can't help shaking his head at Si Xingfu: "you are vicious and mean. I really don't know why I want to deal with you."

What does it mean? Huo Yue is clear.

"It's a group of people." Si Xingfu road.

Huo Yue sighed and reluctantly admitted that he was the same as Si Xingfu.

Gu Qingzhou is still at Ye's house.

The Ye family has no master, so it's easy to use if you take care of the boat.

However, for two hours, the inner court urgently needed to deal with the matter. Gu Qingzhou worked for ye Wuxiao.

Most of these are purchased, because other people have to live and clothe.

In particular, the purchase of kitchens has not been approved for a long time. People in the family can hardly eat. Even the kitchens of yedujun are short of supply.

I'm eager. I've got all the boats.

The rest is not very urgent. Gu Qingzhou leaves Ye Wu.

"Don't worry. Those who can delay for two days will go back first. After Miss three goes home, they will do it for you." Take care of the humanity of the boat.

The crowd had to disperse.

After that, Gu went to the hospital.

Aunt Liu lives in a special ward. Two Western doctors take care of her. She has already been given birth protection injections.

After Gu Qingzhou came, he first gave Aunt Liu a pulse.

Qi and blood are still unstable.

"Relax." Gu Qingzhou said to Aunt Liu, "it's not a big thing to fall. You can relax yourself and soon you'll be OK."

Aunt Liu nodded too much.

On this day, ye Wu was still in the hospital.

After Aunt Liu fell asleep, Gu took Ye Wu for a walk in the corridor downstairs of the hospital.

They talked about ye Shan.

Ye Wu was very worried about her, and cried as she spoke. Gu Qingzhou comforted her for a long time.

At half past five in the afternoon, Gu left.

The next day, she went to see Aunt Liu as usual. After a night, the Qi and blood of Aunt Liu gradually stabilized, and the red color also decreased.

This is a good sign.

"Inspector... He didn't say anything?" Aunt Liu asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou said with a smile: "the governor didn't say anything, just let you have a good baby. He is very busy now. He will come to see you when he is free. "

Aunt Liu knows too well that she won't.

If governor ye would come, he would have come yesterday.

It's really bad luck for her. She happened to have an accident at this moment.

After being pregnant, she got in touch with governor ye more and seemed to know him better. The governor, seemingly solemn, looked down upon his concubine very much.

What's the reason? Aunt Liu doesn't understand.

The outsider despises the woman who is the aunt's wife. Aunt Liu can understand it very well, but why does governor ye despise her?

Seriously speaking, is it the little girl who is a concubine or the old man who asks for the little wife?

They are not good things. Why can't governor ye see them?

Aunt Liu didn't understand, but governor Ye couldn't see it. The longer they get along with each other, the more they dislike them, the more they feel that they are willing to degenerate.

After a long time of contact, he became more and more suspicious of governor Ye. Six aunt is too pregnant, avoid to meet him many times, often his hatred and eyes are cold.

A hateful person is wrong in everything he does. If you make another mistake, it's a mistake plus a mistake.

Aunt pianliu always has an accident in such a moment.

She didn't want to. She was careful not to make any noise in those days.

God is always unhappy. The more careful you are, the worse the end.

Aunt Liu has been unlucky these years. If her luck had not been so bad, she would not have fallen at this time.

"The governor must have thought it was my trick." Aunt Liu thought too much, "it's strange that he can come to see me."

She didn't feel aggrieved or even grateful.

If he doesn't come, she will be more at ease, without seeing his serious expression.

"In the future, Miss Fang will come in. Our life will be better." Aunt Liu thinks too much.

In this way, she has a question in her mind, which is to ask Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Qingzhou is the best doctor in the world. She must know.

The question hovered in my mind a little. Aunt Liu asked, "Mrs. Si, is this my son or daughter?"

Ye was slightly surprised.

Gu Qingzhou looks at Aunt Liu. For a while, he doesn't know how to answer.

She did not expect that Aunt Liu asked her openly.

"Mrs. Si, you must know. Please tell me?" "Six aunt too implores a way," I want to know very much, in the heart has a preparation

Gu Qingzhou looks at her eyes and leaves.

Of course she knows, but she may not be able to say it.

Aunt Liu's question made her unable to answer.

"You can wait for your child's health. Nothing else matters." Gu Qingzhou road.

Leaf Charm also way: "six aunt too, no matter be a son or daughter, father dotes on equally, you raise a baby is the most important."

After that, ye Wu asked Aunt Liu to sleep for a while.

Aunt Liu didn't insist.

Ye Wu and Gu Qingzhou leave the ward and chat at the end of the corridor.

"My father doesn't come to see her. Is she worried?" Ye Wu asked Gu in a whisper.

Women are always sensitive in pregnancy.

When Aunt Liu was bleeding too much, she was scared to death. It was a big accident. However, governor Ye ignored it completely. How could Aunt Liu take it easy?

Gu Qingzhou pondered and didn't answer.

She doesn't have much contact with Aunt Liu. Just a few times together, Gu Qingzhou's impression of Aunt Liu is not shallow. The questions she asks are not quite like her style.

"... well, I also hope Aunt Liu can have a son too, so that the whole family will be at ease, the father will be happy, and she will be happy herself." Ye Wu continued.

Gu Qingzhou shook his head: "I see what Aunt Liu means, not necessarily to have a son."

"Yes, is it?" Ye Wu didn't respond.

If you don't want a son, what's the sex of the child?

In the Ye family, only having a son can you stand firm? Governor Ye has no pity on his aunts.

"I'll just talk about it." Gu chuckled and patted Ye Wu on the shoulder. "If you are in a hurry to have a son, you will surely hide the secret in your heart and not let others see it. This is called ulterior motives.

Aunt Liu asked too much, not so attentive. She is probably the only one who knows her mind. Let's not guess. "

In front of Gu Qingzhou, ye Wu is totally true. If she doesn't understand, she asks, "what does she mean?"

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