Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1136 foresight

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu said something for a moment, and she left.

Ye Wu returns to the ward.

Aunt Liu is too fascinated by the ceiling.

The whole brain is full of things, running like a train, running in her nervous vein.

Her head is buzzing with thought. If the head is a machine wheel, she can hear her brain squeak.

Leaf Charm accosted: "six aunt too, do you want to eat some fruit?"

Aunt Liu didn't move, even her eyelashes didn't shake, her lips were still, but her voice came out: "no, I don't want to eat."

Low, some empty.

Ye Wu sits beside her.

She has been guarding Aunt Liu for fear that something might happen to her. The second sister is gone. If the baby in Aunt Liu's belly has any more accidents, she will really break her father.

The father needs the child.

The existence of this child foretells that the father's blood can continue to pass on. It is the future of the Ye family.

Like the seed of experiment, the quality of this seed is related to the harvest.

"Water?" Ye Wu asked again.

"No." Aunt Liu kept still.

She is still looking at the ceiling.

Ye Wu followed her eyes and looked up.

When the sun came in, the embroideries on the curtains were mottled like angels in the church. The curtain moved with the wind, the shadow moved, and the angel flapped his wings.

Aunt Liu was too entranced and expressionless.

Ye Wu is not good at interrupting her thinking. She sits next to her and reads. She looks at her from time to time.

Aunt Liu suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Wu. "Miss three."

Although her voice is not high, gentle and pleasant, it still scares Ye Wu.

"What's the matter?" Leaves the novel to stand up, walked to her side.

Aunt Liu took hold of her hand and looked at her with fixed eyes: "miss three, did Mrs. Si tell you? Am I pregnant with a man or a woman? "

She still doesn't give up.

Leaf Charm thought of Gu Qingzhou's comment on Aunt Liu, and she couldn't bear it.

"Tell me, miss three?" Aunt Liu is too tight on her. Her voice is not sad, but her eyes are very sad.

She looked at Ye Wu and at the straw.

Ye Wu would like to know if those guesses of Gu Qingzhou are correct.

So she pulled back her hand.

Ye Wu closes the door of the ward first, inserts the bolt on the door, and then moves the chair to her bedside.

Keeping a little distance, ye Wu asked her, "do you want a son or a daughter?"

Six aunt too slightly lips, do not answer.

"It's good to have a son, isn't it?" Ye Wu said again, "my father has no son, if you..."

"it's not good." Aunt Liu interrupted her too much.

She was acutely aware of Ye Wu's kindness.

But she didn't understand where ye Wu's good feeling came from. She didn't pay much attention to her.

Since miss three is kind to her, she will catch her. If you want to get the support of others, you need to change your heart. Honesty is inevitable.

Aunt Liu's voice is very calm. For example, she has nothing to do with her own story.

"A delicate child goes out, dressed in rags, is safer than being covered in gold and jade." Aunt Liu said, "will the governor really look up at me because of my children?

My mother's family is not reliable. My brother can't become a useful man in his life. It's useless for the governor to be promoted. If I have a son, he will be pitiful.

His mother has no status and dignity, and his grandparents have no dependence. Isn't he walking alone with a huge treasure?

His identity as a man can't let him win his father's love, only let others fear him. In the future, he will have other brothers. In this way, there will be no peace. "

Ye Wu looks at her in surprise.

Her eyes were full of consternation.

She was too surprised, and also surprised Aunt Liu: "third lady, why are you so surprised?"

Then she thought that she was an aunt who came to her door voluntarily. In Ye Wu's heart, she was a hardworking man. How could she think of these problems thoroughly?

Her questions were abrupt and conceited.

Six aunt too in the heart a collect, the expression on the face is quiet, quiet like no expression.

She didn't wait for ye Wu to answer, but continued: "it's good to have a daughter. According to the governor's character, he had much pity on his daughter and would not be on guard.

Apart from the governor, no one else will die in case of our mother and daughter. If the governor loves her, she will live a little extravagantly; if the governor doesn't, she will live a little simply. There is both a future and a way out. "

When ye Wu hears this, her mood is gradually converging.

She didn't think about Aunt Liu's words, but about her teacher.

The teacher is really fierce. Aunt Liu's mind is too much. She was guessed by the teacher.

However, ye Wu did not experience too many setbacks and did not understand the worries of Aunt Liu. In her opinion, Aunt Liu is very negative at the moment.

When people are suffering, they are very passive and even lose the power to fight.

However, no matter what the dispute is, Aunt Liu can't have a clean life in her life. The beauty she envisions won't come true, and the pressure she fears will happen. Because Gu Qingzhou tells Ye Wu that Aunt Liu is pregnant with her son.

Ye wants to marry Fang leiran.

There is another aunt at home.

Miss Fang is young and beautiful. She is sure to give birth again. Aunt Liu is too low in her position, and governor Ye hates her, but her child is the eldest son.

The eldest son must be feared, especially by the successor of governor Ye.

It's hard to do.

"Don't get too close to her. Once she takes you as a backup, there may be other hopes, and then you will be shot. Aunt Liu is very smart. " This is what Gu Qingzhou told ye Wu.

There is no hope. If you are desperate, you will be honest.

With hope, people will be restless.

Leaf Charm hair a while to stay.

Six aunt too see her don't talk, his heart a burst of gray.

She knew what she said was inappropriate and sounded so pretentious.

And she stopped talking.

Leaf Charm always does not open mouth also not good, so she empty hole comforts her: "you do not want to think much."

Six aunts too did not find step down, face embarrassed and embarrassed, chuckle lips nodded.

The air in the room was so stuffy that neither of them wanted to breathe very much. They were all holding their breath in silence.

At this time, however, there was a knock on the door.

The voice is loud and powerful, which shows that the knocker has many hands.

Not doctors and nurses, gynecological care are very gentle; not adjutants, adjutants are afraid to knock on the door, they should report loudly.

Leaf Charm inexplicably nervous, voice uncontrollable like: "who?"

This is a very high voice, which shows the majesty of the first lady of the military valve. It is quite intimidating.

Aunt Liu looked at her unexpectedly.

She did not expect that the quiet and gentle third lady also has a strong side.

The man outside the door was obviously stunned, and was photographed by her momentum. After three seconds of silence, he replied, "it's me."

The voice is familiar.

Ye Wu stands up and opens the door.

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